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This represents an example Gradle Plugin that uses the Shadow Plugin to relocate the JAR within an AAR to an arbitrary package namepsace to avoid collisions with library consumers

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The Gradle Shadow Plugin is a very useful plugin for allowing Java library authors to relocate packages from their original namespace to a new package namespace to avoid collisions between a library’s dependencies and a host application’s dependencies. Android library authors face the same concerns as Java library authors. However, the Gradle Shadow Plugin does not work out of the box for Android Artifacts (AARs) - the artifact format of Android Libraries - as the Gradle Shadow Plugin is only designed to work with Java Artifacts (JARs) out of the box. This repo defines an example Gradle Plugin called the ShadowAarDependenciesPlugin that provides Android library authors with an easy way for declaring Android Artifact dependencies in need of namespace relocations.

Getting started

Step 1

In your app/build.gradle.kts, make sure to import the ShadowAarDependenciesPlugin plugin and the ShadowAarDependenciesPluginExtension extension.

import com.example.ShadowAarDependenciesPlugin
import com.example.ShadowAarDependenciesPluginExtension

Step 2

You’ll then need apply the ShadowAarDependenciesPlugin plugin


Step 3

Next, declare all of the package namespace relocations you are looking to perform in the extension

extensions.getByType( {
        listOf("com.original.namespaceA", ""),
        listOf("com.original.namespaceB", ""),

Step 4

Finally, declare all of the Android Artifact dependencies that require namespace relocation in the aarImplementation configuration. The aarImplementation configuration will put the relocated packages on both the compile time classpath and the runtime classpath.

dependencies {
    add("aarImplementation", "com.datadoghq:dd-sdk-android-logs:2.2.0")

How does it work?

As we’ve already established, The Gradle Shadow Plugin operates out of the box on Java Artifacts (JARs) and is not capable of operating on Android Artifacts (AARs). However, Android Artifacts are typically just zip files that contain a classes.jar, which is the library’s compiled JVM code. This plugin bridges the gap by creating a special Gradle configuration for declaring AAR dependencies (there’s no need to do this for JAR libraries as you can just use the Gradle Shadow Plugin’s ShadowJar task directly), fetches the AAR artifacts from the remote repository, unzips the AARs, extracts the classes.jar, passes these extracted JARs to a ShadowJar task to perform namespace relocation, and finally puts these relocated JARs back into the standard implementation configuration.

graph TB
    A[Start: Declare AAR Dependencies in Special Configuration] --> B[Fetch AAR Artifacts]
    B --> C[Unzip AARs]
    C --> D[Extract classes.jar]
    D --> E[Pass JARs to ShadowJar Task]
    E --> F[Perform Namespace Relocation]
    F --> G[Put Relocated JARs into implementation Configuration]
    J[Declare JAR Dependencies] -.-> E

    style A fill:#f9d6d2
    style B fill:#f9e5d2
    style C fill:#f9f3d2
    style D fill:#eaf9d2
    style E fill:#d2f9d7


This represents an example Gradle Plugin that uses the Shadow Plugin to relocate the JAR within an AAR to an arbitrary package namepsace to avoid collisions with library consumers






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