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This repository is Pytorch implementation of "Zero-shot User Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks".

Details of this model is available in the original paper, "Zero-shot user intent detection via capsule neural networks"[1].

And this Pytorch implementation is revised and upgraded version of the original repository, "Zero-shot User Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks (PyTorch Implementation)"[2].

The details of the model structure are as follows.

The description of the IntentCapsNet structure.


  1. Unlike the existing version, you can use BERT[3] as the encoder.

    Also besides word2vec, nn.Embedding layer can be added to be trained in the beginning as an option.

    Tokenizers and embedding methods can be different by the model type you choose.

    bert_capsnet basic_capsnet w2v_capsnet
    Encoder BERT(bert-base-uncased) BiLSTM BiLSTM
    Tokenizer BERT Tokenizer BERT Tokenizer WhiteSpace
    Embedding BERT Embedding Pytorch nn.Embedding GoogleNews Word2Vec

  2. In addition to zero shot intent detection task, you can train & test the model in original seen intent classification task.

    All you need to do is just to specify the mode option.


This repository contains the sample dataset in data/raw directory.

The sample is SNIPS NLU benchmark dataset[4] parsed only for intent tags and texts.

You can use different dataset but you should set the raw data file same as the sample's format.

Each txt file represents one intent and each line in a file consists of intent and text, separated by \t.


argument type description default
seed int The random seed. 0
batch_size int The batch size. 16
learning_rate float The learning rate. 1e-4
num_epochs int The total number of epochs. 10
max_len int The maximum input length. 128
dropout float The dropout rate. 0.0
d_a int The dimension size of an internal vector during self-attention. 80
num_props int The number of properties in each capsule. 10
r int The number of semantic features 3
num_iters int The number of iterations for the dynamic routing algorithm. 1
alpha float The coefficient value for encouraging the discrepancies among different attention heads in the loss function. 1e-4
sim_scale int The scaling factor for intent similarity. 1
num_layers int The number of layers for an LSTM encoder. 1
ckpt_dir str The directory for trained ckpts. "saved_models"
data_dir str The directory for data. "data"
raw_dir str The directory for raw data. "raw"
train_frac float The ratio of the conversations to be included in the train set. 0.8
train_prefix str The train data file name's prefix. "train"
valid_prefix str The validation data file name's prefix. "valid"
model_type str The model type. ("bert_capsnet", "basic_capsnet", "w2v_capsnet") "bert_capsnet"
mode str Seen class or zero shot? ("seen_class", "zero_shot") "seen_class"
bert_embedding_frozen str Do you want to freeze BERT's embedding layer or not? ("True", "False") "False"
gpu str The index of gpu to use. "0"

How to run

  1. Install all required packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Run below codes to train & test a model. (You might have to adjust each argument as you desire...)


    You will have the processed data files as follows. (If you follow the default directory names...)



[1] Xia, C., Zhang, C., Yan, X., Chang, Y., & Yu, P. S. (2018). Zero-shot user intent detection via capsule neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00385. (

[2] Zero-shot User Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks (PyTorch Implementation). (

[3] Devlin, J., Chang, M. W., Lee, K., & Toutanova, K. (2018). Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04805.

[4] Natural Language Understanding benchmark. (