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Gox-Base project provide utilities which is used commonly in all applications.

  1. Serialization utils
  2. Json file to object
  3. Yaml file to object
  4. XML file to object
  5. ...

Set up an RestApp

This section provides a setup code to launch a rest app.

// Mux router
import ""
import ""
import ""
import opentracing ""
import goxServer ""

// Create router and add handlers (Add your handler)
router := mux.NewRouter()

// (Optional) Add tracing to all routes (Open tracing)
_ = router.Walk(func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error {
    route.Handler(gorilla.Middleware(opentracing.GlobalTracer(), route.GetHandler()))
    return nil

// Setup
appConfig := config.App{
    AppName:     "my_app",
    HttpPort:    8080,
    Environment: "dev",

cf := // Read "Setup cross function which is usd in almost all apis to be used in gox" serction

// Run server
serverInstance, err := goxServer.NewServer(cf)
if err := serverInstance.Start(router, &appConfig); err != nil {
    state.Cf.Logger().Error("failed to run http server", zap.Error(err))


You can use this for common application configuration

type configToTest struct {
    App    App    `json:"app" yaml:"app"`
    Logger Logger `json:"logger" yaml:"logger"`

// Read struct with YAML
conf := &configToTest{}
err := serialization.ReadYamlFromString(yamlConfig, conf)
assert.NoError(t, err)

// Read struct with Json
conf := &configToTest{}
err := serialization.JsonToObject(jsonString, conf)
assert.NoError(t, err)

You can also extend an existing type to include more. For example, we will add one more property called some in App type

// Extended "App" object with one more type "Some"
// NOTE - in case you have YAM as source you must put `yaml:",inline"`
type extendedAppObject struct {
    App         `yaml:",inline"`
    Some string `json:"some"`

type configToTestWithExtendedAppObject struct {
    App    extendedAppObject `json:"app" yaml:"app"`
    Logger Logger            `json:"logger" yaml:"logger"`


Setup cross function which is usd in almost all apis to be used in gox
import (

zapConfig := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
zapConfig.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel)
crossFunction := gox.NewCrossFunction(zapConfig.Build())

For test cases:
============== =
import ""
cf, gomockController := test.MockCf(t, zap.InfoLevel)

Convert anything to string

This utility will convert int, bool, interface{} to string. Object will output a json string.

out, _ := Stringify(10)
// Output = "10"

boolOut, _ := Stringify(true)
// Output = "true"

type utilTestStruct struct {
    IntValue    int    `json:"int"`
    BoolValue   bool   `json:"bool"`
    StringValue string `json:"string"`

objectOut, _ := Stringify(utilTestStruct{
    IntValue:    10,
    BoolValue:   false,
    StringValue: "some value",
// Output = {"int":10,"bool":false,"string":"some value"}
Stringify with error suppressed

If you don't want to handle error and have default value on error then you can use "suppress error" version of this method

intOut1 := StringifySuppressError(10, "0")
// Output = "10"

If there is a error when input is bad then you will get the default
value "0"


You can build the logger with CrossFunction.

func TestLoggerUsingCrossFunction(t *testing.T) {

	// Cross function gives you the logger 
	zapConfig := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
	zapConfig.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel)
	cf := NewCrossFunction(zapConfig.Build())

	cf.Logger().Info("log info", zap.String("key", "value"))
	cf.Logger().Debug("log debug", zap.String("key", "value"))

Or you can use logger from Uber

var cfg zap.Config
cfg.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel)
// cfg.Encoding = "console"
cfg.Encoding = "json"
cfg.OutputPaths = []string{"stdout", "/tmp/logs1"}
cfg.ErrorOutputPaths = []string{"stdout", "/tmp/logs2"}
cfg.EncoderConfig = zapcore.EncoderConfig{
    MessageKey:     "message",
    LevelKey:       "level",
    EncodeLevel:    zapcore.LowercaseLevelEncoder,
    EncodeDuration: zapcore.SecondsDurationEncoder,
    EncodeCaller:   zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder,
    StacktraceKey:  "stacktrace",
    TimeKey:        "timestamp",
    EncodeTime:     zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder,

// Production encoder
// encoderCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
// encoderCfg.TimeKey = "timestamp"
// encoderCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
// cfg.EncoderConfig = encoderCfg

logger, _ := cfg.Build()
defer logger.Sync()

logger.Debug("Logger from parent level - it has not key-value")

// A module level logger (you can log user Id or any param here)
subModuleLogger := logger.With(zap.String("userId", "1234"))
subModuleLogger.Debug("this is a logger for sub-module")

logger.Debug("Logger from parent level - it has not key-value")

Some more example

Read Parameterized Yaml File

Sometime we need to read a Yaml file which contains our configuration. We need to create different files for different env. You can use to read a Yaml file in a object

  1. First all the environment variables are replaced in the configuration file
  2. Then base on the env you have passed, it will create the correct yaml file and will build object
yaml2Go := Yaml2Go{}
err := ReadParameterizedYamlFile("../testdata/app_with_env_var_and_params.yml", &yaml2Go, "prod")
assert.NoError(t, err)
Your input Yaml file - which provides values for different environments
      host: "env:string: prod=$PRDO_testServer; stage=$STAGE_testServer; default=localhost"
      port: "env:int: prod=80; stage=80; dev=8080; default=8090"
      method: POST
      path: /get
      timeout: "env:int: prod=10; stage=20; dev=30; default=1000"

  id: "env:string: prod=prod_client; stage=stage_client; dev=dev_client; default=random_client"
  enabled: "env:bool: prod=true; stage=false; dev=false; default=false"
  price: "env:float: prod=10.001; stage=10.002; dev=10.003; default=10.004"
Converted Yaml which is loaded into the object
  enabled: true
  id: prod_client
  price: 10.001
      method: POST
      path: /get
      timeout: 10
      port: 80
Complete working example

Note - if you copy/paste this example to try then ensure that the yaml string does not have tab char.

var testStringTestReadParameterizedConfigYamlWithListAndListMap = `
  id: "env:string: prod=$PROD_ID_acbdefgh; stage=$STAGE_ID_acbdefgh; dev=$DEV_ID_acbdefgh; default=$RANDOM_CLIENT_acbdefgh"
  enabled: "env:bool: prod=true; stage=false; dev=false; default=false"
  price: "env:float: prod=10.001; stage=10.002; dev=10.003; default=10.004"
    - "env:string: prod=call_prod; stage=call_stage; dev=call_dev; default=call_prod_default"
    - "env:string: prod=sms_prod; stage=sms_stage; dev=sms_dev; default=sms_prod_default"
    - email
    - sub_options:
        key: "env:string: prod=key_prod; default=key_default"
    - true
    - false
    - 10
    - 10.011
    - call:
        name: "env:string: prod=call_prod; default=call_default"
    - sms:
        name: "env:string: prod=sms_prod; default=sms_default"
    - push:
        name: "env:string: prod=push_prod; default=push_default"  

func TestReadParameterizedConfigYamlWithListAndListMap(t *testing.T) {
    // You will get a env variable from outside but setting it for test here
	_ = os.Setenv("PROD_ID_acbdefgh", "prod_client")
	// ---------------------------------- Wrapper Json Struct ----------------------------------------------------------
	// Internal nodes
	type internalNode struct
	} {
		Name string `yaml:"name"`

	type listMap map[string]internalNode

	// List of options
	type internalList struct {
		Enabled   bool          `yaml:"enabled"`
		Id        string        `yaml:"id"`
		Price     float64       `yaml:"price"`
		Option    []interface{} `yaml:"option"`
		OptionMap []listMap     `yaml:"option_map"`

	type wrapper struct {
		Client internalList `yaml:"client"`

	// Read data in struct for env=prod
	yaml2Go := wrapper{}
	err := ReadParameterizedYaml(testStringTestReadParameterizedConfigYamlWithListAndListMap, &yaml2Go, "prod")
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	// Verify all data
	assert.Equal(t, "prod_client", yaml2Go.Client.Id)
	assert.Equal(t, 10.001, yaml2Go.Client.Price)
	assert.Equal(t, true, yaml2Go.Client.Enabled)

	// Verify all data - option list
	assert.Equal(t, 8, len(yaml2Go.Client.Option))
	assert.Equal(t, "call_prod", yaml2Go.Client.Option[0])
	assert.Equal(t, "sms_prod", yaml2Go.Client.Option[1])
	assert.Equal(t, "email", yaml2Go.Client.Option[2])
	assert.Equal(t, true, yaml2Go.Client.Option[4])
	assert.Equal(t, false, yaml2Go.Client.Option[5])
	assert.Equal(t, 10, yaml2Go.Client.Option[6])
	assert.Equal(t, 10.011, yaml2Go.Client.Option[7])
	if m, ok := yaml2Go.Client.Option[3].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
		assert.Equal(t, "key_prod", m["sub_options"].(map[string]interface{})["key"])
	} else {
		assert.Fail(t, "expected map")

	// Verify all data - option map
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(yaml2Go.Client.OptionMap))
	assert.Equal(t, "call_prod", yaml2Go.Client.OptionMap[0]["call"].Name)
	assert.Equal(t, "sms_prod", yaml2Go.Client.OptionMap[1]["sms"].Name)
	assert.Equal(t, "push_prod", yaml2Go.Client.OptionMap[2]["push"].Name)


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