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09 test

devlinjunker edited this page May 18, 2020 · 1 revision


You can run a single run of all unit tests in the application with npm run test. Or the tests will be run after the compilation has finished when running npm run start-watch. The testing is managed by Karma and configured using the karma.conf.js file(github)

This config file defines:

  • the testing framework we use (mocha)
  • the test bootstrap entry point(github)
  • The browser launchers that we use to run the Unit Tests (chrome)
  • The log level to display
  • Imports webpack config so we can also run the test and dev server if we use npm run start-watch

Bootstrap File

The testing bootstrap file(github) finds all of the test files and imports global objects that can be used in all tests to simplify each test file. It also creates a sinon Sandbox that is reset before each test for mocking/stubbing services and non-tested functions in the test context.

Global Variables (available in all .spec files):

  • sinonSandbox from Sinon
  • expect from Chai
  • TODO: describe/it/beforeEach from Mocha

Test Notes/Ideas

  • Cypress UI
  • Mock API requests?
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