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WeightTracker 0.1
The application depends on SDK 3.0 features (UITableCellView detailView and MFMailComposeViewController) 


According to the PRD (Nextive Solution - Standardized App Test), the functionality included in this release:
A.c.i, A.c.ii, A.c.ii

B.a.i, B.a.ii, B.a.iii

*A.a and A.b retrieve default values through SystemSetingsAccess class methods. At the moment, the returned values are HARDCODED. I decided
to keep this task as the last one, but I didn't find the best way to gather this info through iPhone SDK APIs. I left a TODO note where it's 
necessary to place the code, and return system dependent data.
*Manage to run the application in a *3.0 OS device*. Since I'm not enrolled in the dev program, and I did not manage to avoid code signing easily
to let the application run on a jailbroken device, the app IS NOT TESTED in a real device, only in the 3.0 simulator.
*Rename WeightTrackerViewController.h to UIViewController-WeightTrackerViewController.h
*Rename WeightTrackerSettingsSupportCommons.h to NSObject-WeightTrackerSettingsStorage.h

*Doxygen was the chosen tool to generate code documentation. The generated documentation of this release is sent in this package.
**To generate de documentation, /Applications/ Doxyfile
**A build phase could be added to run the above script.
*Settings and WeightTracker class diagrams.
*This README file.

I first focused on functionlity, chosen an ORM to let things flow quickly (SqlitePersitenceObject). After I finished the core of the app,
Then, I implemented DataAccess related protocols with Sqlite. At the moment, the implementation to use in the app must be changed with
the preprocessor, by defining or not a macro SPO. (see WeightTrackerFactory.m for details).
NOTE: both implementation uses different database files.

=3rd party libraries=

=APP DESIGN IN A BRIEF(Please, read code documentation for details)=
*WeightTrackerApplicationDeleate*, has two NavigationController: navSettings (for settings related view flow) and navController (the main app view flow handle).
Also provides IBActions tagged methods, to take the actions when the navSettings must be shown or hidden.
*UIViewController (WeightTrackerViewController)* (Defined in WeightTrackerViewController.h) provides an easy way of access to application shared information (NavigationControllers and settings mainly).

*WeightTrackerSettingsSupport* Protocol defines the needed (requiered) properties a class must provide to give access to application settings.
In addition, it defines optional methods useful (mainly) for data access classes. 
===Class currently compilant with WeightTrackerSettingsSupport===
*DATA access
**WeightTrackerSettings: SQLite implementation
**WeightTrackerSettingsSPO: SqlitePersitenceObject implementation (see 3rd parties libraries)
**NSObject (WeightTrackerSettingsStorage) (defined in WeightTrackerSettingsSupportCommons.h): provides the implementation of the optional methods, the behavior it's free of the implementation choice
(relays only in properties access).

Number of decimal places, can be changed when compiling the in WeightUtils.h (see this file for details)
#define kAppDecimalPlaces OneDecimalPlace
If you change this line, the app will handle n number of decimal places.

*UserMailPickerController* and *DefaultRecipientMailOptionsController* completes the Settings classes, and are self-descriptives.

==WeightTracker main app==
*WeightLogSupport* seemless to the WeightTrackerSettingsSupport Approach.
===Class currently compliant with WeightLogSupport===
*DATA access
**WeightHistory encapsulates the weight log lists, and related methods.

*WeighTrackerController* The main menu for the application.
*WeightLogDatePickerController* Input view for the weight log date.

==Weighing Scale==
*ScaleSupport* this protocol describes the properties and methods a scale must provide, as a way of input for the weight log.
*PickerScaleController* compilant with ScaleSupport protocol, allows the user choose a weight with a Picker view, according 
the application number of decimal units and weight units of measure.
NOTE: I was working in a fancier, analog scale using OpenGL, but I did not manage to finish at the moment. This code is not
included in this release, to keep things clearer.




iPhone developer app test code for Nextive






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