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Utility for packing a folder of images to an atlas texture

version node code style: prettier


  • Install Node.js
  • Navigate to your project root and run:
$ npm install texturepack
  • Or install globally from anywhere:
$ npm install texturepack -g

This package uses sharp to manipulate images, which downloads its own binaries on install, so it does not need any external binary like ImageMagick.


texturepack images-folder

Takes all images in specified folder images-folder and outputs two files:

  • atlas.png
  • atlas.json

Which is a standard texture atlas format. The specification was tested to work with Phaser.

It can also be used programmatically:

const { texturepack } = require("texturepack");

	folder: "images",
	prettify: true,
	packOptions: {
		maxWidth: 2048,
		maxHeight: 2048
	.then(() => console.log("Pack successful"))

It returns a promise which resolves when packing is completed, or rejects if an error occurred.

When all textures cannot fit in a single image, it will throw an error.


It's also able to create animations from single images. It works using a naming convention: a filename like explosion-sprite5x4.png would by cut in 5 columns and 4 rows and output an animation of 5x4=20 frames. The frames are placed riw by row in left-to-right order.

It works on any image file in the target folder which respects this regex ^([^\.]+[^\.\d])(\d+)x(\d+)(\.[^\.]+)$.

Raw Packer

The raw packer that accepts a list of file paths and resolves to an object with the atlas json and the image buffer is also exposed:

const { rawPacker } = require("texturepack");

).then(({ image, atlas }) => {
	console.log("packed: ", image, atlas);

This accepts the same options, except for folder and outputFolder.


  • folder: [required] folder with images to pack (relative to process.cwd())
  • fileName: specify output file name (without extension, default 'atlas')
  • prettify: whether to prettify the json output file (default false)
  • outFolder: name of the folder where the output files would be written
  • log: whether to log the process (default true in cli usage, false in programmatic usage)
  • packOptions: options for the binpacking of the textures. Details below (defaults to the default values of the pack options).

Pack options:

See also the documentation of maxrect-packer

  • maxWidth: max width of result image (default 1024),
  • maxHeight: max height of result image (default 1024),
  • smart: whether to generate the smallest possible size within limits (default true),
  • pot: whether to generate only power of 2 sized output image (default true),
  • square: whether to force a square output image (default true)
  • padding: padding in pixels around images, useful to avoid artifacts (default 1)