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UI‐Automator: What is UI‐Automator

Devrath edited this page Mar 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

About UI-Automator

  • We use the tool to find the UI elements even if the view is not visible in the foreground.

Key features of UI Automator include

  1. User Interaction Simulation: UI Automator allows you to simulate various user interactions, such as tapping, swiping, dragging, and entering text, to interact with the app's UI elements.

  2. Cross-App Testing: It can be used to test interactions between different apps, making it suitable for scenarios where multiple apps need to work together or share data.

  3. Accessibility Support: UI Automator can interact with UI elements using their accessibility properties, making it possible to test apps that rely on accessibility features.

  4. Device Compatibility: UI Automator supports a wide range of Android devices and versions, providing a consistent testing framework across different devices.

  5. Test Case Development: Test cases for UI Automator are typically written in Java, and the framework provides APIs for creating and executing test scripts.

  6. Integration with Testing Tools: UI Automator can be integrated with testing tools like JUnit to structure and execute test cases systematically.

  7. Clicking the device back button.

  8. Initiating the device rotation.

  9. Pressing the volume up and down.

  10. Clicking the device menu button.

  11. Clicking the device home button.

  12. Open the notification shade.

  13. Take a screenshot of the current window.