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Builder Design Pattern

Devrath edited this page Dec 2, 2023 · 2 revisions


Gangs of Four(GOF) - Definition

Separating the construction of the object from its representation.

General reference scenario

  • Consider a scenario where you have gone for brunch in a hotel 🏨
  • In the hotel there are many items on the table so you can take them one by one.
  • Now as you travel 🗺️ one by one on each item some you want and add it to your plate to eat and others you don't add and ignore but you could have added it if you wanted it.
  • Meaning to say that adding something is optional and not compulsory.
  • In the end once the items on the plate are ready, we start to eat the food.

In the context of programming:

Thus, the Builder pattern simplifies the process of creating objects and we choose the properties that we apply for an object and finally build the object. A different set of choices will result in a different object.

Examples in Android

Example 1:-> Used in building the alert dialog

  .setTitle("Add food type - 1")
  .setMessage("Add food type - 2")
  .setNegativeButton("No thanks") { dialogInterface, i ->
    // "No thanks" action
  .setPositiveButton("OK") { dialogInterface, i ->
    // "OK" action

Example 1:-> Used in building the Retrofit object


Programming example

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MaterialAlert alert = new MaterialAlert.Builder("Yes","No").build();

public class MaterialAlert {
    // <!--------------- Optional parameters --------------->
    private  Boolean title = false;
    private  Boolean message = false;
    // <!--------------- Optional parameters --------------->

    // <!--------------- Compulsory parameters --------------->
    private  String positiveButtonText;
    private  String negativeButtonText;

    private MaterialAlert(Builder builder) {
        this.positiveButtonText = builder.positiveButtonText;
        this.negativeButtonText = builder.negativeButtonText;
        this.title = builder.isTitleVisible;
        this.message = builder.isMessageVisible;
    // <!--------------- Compulsory parameters --------------->

    public void setTitle(Boolean title) { this.title = title; }

    public void setMessage(Boolean message) { this.message = message; }

    public void setPositiveButtonText(String text) { this.positiveButtonText = text; }

    public void setNegativeButtonText(String text) { this.negativeButtonText = text; }

    // Builder class
    public static class Builder {

        // <!--------------- Optional parameters --------------->
        private  Boolean isTitleVisible = false;
        private  Boolean isMessageVisible = false;
        // <!--------------- Optional parameters --------------->

        // <!--------------- Compulsory parameters --------------->
        private final String positiveButtonText;
        private final String negativeButtonText;
        // <!--------------- Compulsory parameters --------------->

        // Compulsory params are set in constructor of builder
        public Builder(String positiveButtonText, String negativeButtonText){
            this.positiveButtonText = positiveButtonText;
            this.negativeButtonText = negativeButtonText;

        /** ************* Set optional params to builder ************* **/
        public Builder setTitleVisible(Boolean isTitleVisible){
            // Modify the params and return the same instance of class
            this.isTitleVisible = isTitleVisible;
            return this;

        public Builder setMessageVisible(Boolean isMessageVisible){
            // Modify the params and return the same instance of class
            this.isMessageVisible = isMessageVisible;
            return this;
        /** ************* Set optional params to builder ************* **/
        public MaterialAlert build() {
            return new MaterialAlert(this);

Programming example observation

  • We can observe that in the builder in each setter method, we modify the builder object and return the same instance, Meaning it gets modified.
  • Builder constructor has the compulsory parameters.
  • Also notice the Builder is the inner class.
  • Now since the builder is the inner class we can access the parent class that is MaterialAlert
  • we perform the new object creation of the parent class inside the builder.
  • Important to make the constructor of the parent class private so that someone doesn't create the parent class object.
  • Also we need to make the inner class, which is builder as static so we can access the inner classes without creating the object of parent materialalert.