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React Single Calendar


react-single-calendar is a very useful and easy to use date picker, no external dependency is needed for this. You can chagne theme of it's color, by simply editing css variables.

How to install?

npm i react-single-calendar

Link with material icons

Copy and paset this material icons cdn link on head tag.

<link href=""


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import SingleCalendar from 'react-single-calendar';

const App = () => {
    let [date, filterDate] = useState('');
    return (
        <SingleCalendar selectedDate={filterDate} />
export default App;

In this date useState you will get the selectedDate, selectedDate is the props for SingleCalendar component. It will return this filterDate method, you can use your own method.

react-single-calendar returns a string value like March 21, 2019, you can use Date.parse() method to convert it as a date.

Single Calendar doesn't come with any pre-defined button, so you can open or close this component on a freedom of your own button click function

Getting Date Range

For getting date range, add a on for < SingleCalendar />, named as range={true}, by default range is false.

When using range, this filterDate method returns an array of to strings

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import SingleCalendar from 'react-single-calendar';

const App = () => {
    let [date, filterDate] = useState('');
    return (
        <SingleCalendar selectedDate={filterDate} range={true} />
export default App;

In this example it the date variable will return:

Example: ['March 21, 2019', 'August 10, 2019']

Again you can use Date.parse() method, to gate a date value, or you can use this strings in your way.

Disable Future Dates

react-single-calendar has a feature to disable upcoming dates. For that you need to add upcoming as a prop and set the value to false. By default it is set to true.

<SingleCalendar selectedDate={filterDate} upcoming={false}/> 

You can use this feature with date range also, see the below code:

<SingleCalendar selectedDate={filterDate} range={true} upcoming={false}/>


On your css/ scss add this variables. You can customize your theme color and width, height through this css variables.

:root {
  --weekend: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
  --date-light: #f8f9fa;
  --date-primary: #5644c1;
  --date-success: #37d37d;
  --date-primaryLight: #eceaf5;
  --date-primaryTitle: #dbd8f0;
  --date-hover: #262769;
  --date-highlight: #f83854;
  --date-width: 260px;
  --date-height: 280px;

These fields are added, for the range:

  1. date-rangebg: is for highlighting dates between two selected dates
  2. date-rangetext: changing color of text in range area
  3. date-rangeDateBg: two main dates which will indicate "from" and "to" dates

Implementation Video

Here is the demo video link:

Using Date Range Video

How to use date range:

Raise an Issue

If you are facing any issue regarding installation and usage, raise your issue in Git repo.


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