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CSRLend Protocol

Protocol for borrowing and lending against Contract Secured Revenue NFTs on the Canto blockchain.


git clone <clone this repo>
cd CSRLend
forge install

Run Tests

forge test


  1. Prerequisites: This protocol is designed to work with a pre-existing CSR NFT contract - Turnstile.sol.
  2. Deploy BorrowerNFT.sol, no constructor args needed. This is the NFT given to borrowers within the CSRLend protocol.
  3. Deploy LenderNFT.sol, no constructor args needed. This is the NFT given to lenders and lenders within the CSRLend protocol.
  4. Deploy the core contract, CSRLend.sol with the constructor args: addresses of the deployed Turnstile, BorrowerNFT, and LenderNFT contracts.
    constructor(address turnstile_, address borrowerNFT_, address lenderNFT_) {
        turnstile = turnstile_;
        borrowerNFT = borrowerNFT_;
        lenderNFT = lenderNFT_;



Use startAuction() to initiate an auction on a CSR NFT that you own and select the desired principalAmount and maxRate. The NFT will be transferred to the protocol. The duration of the auction is 24 hours but may be extended as described below.

Bidders bid() with a lower rate than the current bid. The principal amount is transferred to the protocol with the bid. Any bids that come in during the last 15 minutes of the auction will automatically extend the auction 15 minutes.

New Loan

If there is a bid when the auction time expires, then a new loan will be created.

  • A BorrowerNFT is minted to the borrower. This NFT entitles the holder to receive the csrNFT after the loan is paid off. Once the loan is paid off and the csrNFT is withdrawn, this NFT is burned.
  • A LenderNFT is minted to the lender. This entitles the holder to repayments made on the loan. Repayments are held by the protocol as payable until the holder of this NFT chooses to withdraw them. Once the loan is paid off and all payables are withdrawn, this NFT is burned.


Repayment can be made by anyone in two ways:

  1. repayWithClaimable calls withdraw on the CSR contract and transfers those funds to the protocol to pay down the loan.
  2. repayWithExternal can be used along with a transfer into the protocol to directly pay down the loan.


  • withdrawPayable is the function that a holder of a LenderNFT can call to receive funds owed from loan repayment.

  • withdrawNFT is the function called by the holder of a BorrowerNFT to receive back the csrNFT once the loan is paid off.

Architectural Decisions

Due to the complexity and uniqueness of the protocol, the initial design has been optimized for security, readability and simplicity. It has not been optimized for runtime gas. There is significant work that can be done that could reduce the gas usage by as much as 70-80% for some functions. More details about this in the section below.

ABDK 64x64 math library was used to achieve full precision on the interest rate calculations. The 64bit numbers were limited to 18 digits of precision to prevent overflow on larger values. The interest formula was modeled in Desmos and the results were compared to the results of the Solidity functions using Foundry tests.

Divergence from Spec

For the most part, the spec was followed exactly, including logic and function names. The spec assumes there will be an "object" for each loan, borrowerNFT, and lenderNFT, but in actuality these are managed by a single smart contract as is the norm. Therefore, in addition to the parameters noted in the spec, often a tokenId will need to be provided as well -- borrowerNFT id, lenderNFT id, or csrNFT id depending on the function.

Another divergence from the spec was with regards to the withdrawable boolean suggested. Rather than using this boolean, the following enum was used for a status field. This allows for greater expressiveness and more security.

    /// @param ACTIVE The loan is active and still has an outstanding balance.
    /// @param WITHDRAWABLE The loan is paid off, but the csrNFT has not been withdrawn.
    /// @param CLOSED The the csrNFT has been withdrawn. There may be a payable amount owed to lender.
    enum Status {

The spec describes burning both the BorrowerNFT and the LenderNFT upon full loan repayment. However, this does not handle the case where there are still outstanding payable amounts owed to the LenderNFT holder. Therefore, logic was written that does not burn the LenderNFT token until such time as the loan has been paid off and the payable amounts have been completely withdrawn.

One last comment, the term payable is a reserved word in Solidity, so it might be a good idea to use a different term in the next iteration.

Future Direction

The BorrowerNFT and LenderNFT contracts are very light. There is a lot of work that can be done to these including adding metadata about the loan. One simple way this could be implemented is by having the contracts call the core contract to get updates on the outstanding balance, status, as well as other static data. It would be fun to design a graphical representation of this data similar to UniswapV3 LP NFTs.

The tests should be finished, to a minimum of 100% test coverage. Currently untested areas include events, all reverting paths, and other edge cases.

Custom Errors can be implemented optionally. There is debate within the Solidity community as to their merit and require with reason strings were used in this codebase.

Here are some specific ideas to optimize gas:

  • Structs can be much more tightly packed. In the current version every item in a struct is a full 256 bit whereas in many cases even a 32bit type would suffice.
  • Certain mappings can be combined or removed all together. If we wanted to store a lot of data off-chain then even more can be removed.
  • We could probably do away with the status field on the loan altogether as the status can be computed based on comparisons with other fields.

Implementing these solutions suggested above would offer a significant savings but it does come with some added complexity and risk.


A protocol for borrowing and lending against a CSR







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