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Merge branch 'main' into consumer-idemp-ad-cic
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gireesh-devtron committed Jan 19, 2024
2 parents 2a89c85 + 83889d6 commit c9a78f4
Show file tree
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Showing 15 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/pr-issue-validator.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 0

- name: Validate Issue Reference
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,3 +154,84 @@ jobs:
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 1
- name: Check SQL file format and duplicates
shell: bash
pr_no: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
# Fetch the latest changes from the main branch
git fetch origin main
# Get the list of changed files
git diff origin/main...HEAD --name-only > diff
echo "Changed files:"
cat diff
echo "Changed SQL files-:"
# Filter SQL files from the list of changed files
awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff
# Count the number of changed SQL files in the 'scripts/sql' directory
count=$(awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff | wc -l)
# Check if no SQL files were changed
if [[ $count == "0" ]]; then
echo "No SQL files were added, Exiting from this action."
exit 0
# Iterate through each changed SQL file
for filename in $(awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff); do
echo "Checking File: $filename"
# Check if the SQL file name is in the correct format (i.e., it ends with either '.up.sql' or '.down.sql')
if [[ "$filename" =~ \.(up|down)\.sql$ ]]; then
# Print a message that the file name is in the correct format
echo "File name: $filename is in the correct format"
# Print an error message
echo "Error: The SQL file name is not in the correct format: $filename."
# Post a comment on a GitHub pull request with the error message
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "The SQL file name: $filename is not in the correct format."
# Exit the script with a non-zero status code
exit 1
# Navigate to the SQL files directory
echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"
cd "$sql_dir"
echo "SQL files directory: $(pwd)"
# Extract the migration number from the SQL file name
migration_no=$(echo "$filename" | cut -d "/" -f 3 | cut -d "_" -f 1)
echo "Migration Number: $migration_no"
# Count the number of files with the same migration number
migration_files_present_of_this_no=$(ls | cut -d "_" -f 1 | grep -w -c "$migration_no")
# Navigate back to the original directory
cd ../..
# Check the conditions based on the number of files with the same migration number
if [[ $migration_files_present_of_this_no == "2" ]]; then
echo "All looks good for this migration number."
elif [[ $migration_files_present_of_this_no == "1" ]]; then
# Only one file is present for this migration number
echo "Only single migration file was present for migration no.: $migration_no. either up or down migration is missing! EXITING"
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "Error: Only a single migration file was present for this number: $migration_no."
exit 1
# Migration number is repeated
echo "Error: Migration number is repeated."
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "Error: The SQL file number: $migration_no is duplicated"
exit 1
Binary file added assets/copa-plugin-icon.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added assets/dockerslim-plugin-icon.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions assets/eks-plugin-icon.svg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions pkg/pipeline/CiService.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ func (impl *CiServiceImpl) TriggerCiPipeline(trigger types.Trigger) (int, error)
} else {
workflowRequest.Type = bean2.CI_WORKFLOW_PIPELINE_TYPE

err = impl.executeCiPipeline(workflowRequest)
if err != nil {
impl.Logger.Errorw("workflow error", "err", err)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -659,6 +660,8 @@ func (impl *CiServiceImpl) buildWfRequestForCiPipeline(pipeline *pipelineConfig.
RegistryDestinationImageMap: registryDestinationImageMap,
RegistryCredentialMap: registryCredentialMap,
PluginArtifactStage: pluginArtifactStage,
ImageScanMaxRetries: impl.config.ImageScanMaxRetries,
ImageScanRetryDelay: impl.config.ImageScanRetryDelay,

if dockerRegistry != nil {
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pkg/pipeline/types/CiCdConfig.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ type CiCdConfig struct {
SkipCreatingEcrRepo bool `env:"SKIP_CREATING_ECR_REPO" envDefault:"false"`
MaxCiWorkflowRetries int `env:"MAX_CI_WORKFLOW_RETRIES" envDefault:"0"`
NatsServerHost string `env:"NATS_SERVER_HOST" envDefault:"nats://devtron-nats.devtroncd:4222"`
ImageScanMaxRetries int `env:"IMAGE_SCAN_MAX_RETRIES" envDefault:"3"`
ImageScanRetryDelay int `env:"IMAGE_SCAN_RETRY_DELAY" envDefault:"5"`
// from CdConfig
CdLimitCpu string `env:"CD_LIMIT_CI_CPU" envDefault:"0.5"`
CdLimitMem string `env:"CD_LIMIT_CI_MEM" envDefault:"3G"`
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pkg/pipeline/types/Workflow.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ type WorkflowRequest struct {
RegistryCredentialMap map[string]plugin.RegistryCredentials `json:"registryCredentialMap"`
PluginArtifactStage string `json:"pluginArtifactStage"`
PushImageBeforePostCI bool `json:"pushImageBeforePostCI"`
ImageScanMaxRetries int `json:"imageScanMaxRetries,omitempty"`
ImageScanRetryDelay int `json:"imageScanRetryDelay,omitempty"`
Type bean.WorkflowPipelineType
Pipeline *pipelineConfig.Pipeline
Env *repository.Environment
Expand Down
Empty file.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions scripts/sql/211_image_scan_plugin_update.up.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
INSERT INTO "plugin_step_variable" ("id", "plugin_step_id", "name", "format", "description", "is_exposed", "allow_empty_value", "default_value","variable_type", "value_type", "variable_step_index",reference_variable_name, "deleted", "created_on", "created_by", "updated_on", "updated_by") VALUES
(nextval('id_seq_plugin_step_variable'), (SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'Vulnerability Scanning' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false), 'IMAGE_SCAN_MAX_RETRIES','STRING','image scan max retry count',true,true,'3','INPUT','GLOBAL',1 ,'IMAGE_SCAN_MAX_RETRIES','f','now()', 1, 'now()', 1),
(nextval('id_seq_plugin_step_variable'), (SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'Vulnerability Scanning' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false), 'IMAGE_SCAN_RETRY_DELAY','STRING','image scan retry delay (in seconds)',true,true,'5','INPUT','GLOBAL',1 ,'IMAGE_SCAN_RETRY_DELAY','f','now()', 1, 'now()', 1);

UPDATE plugin_pipeline_script SET script = '#!/bin/sh
perform_curl_request() {
local attempt=1
while [ "$attempt" -le "$IMAGE_SCAN_MAX_RETRIES" ]; do
response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" -X POST $IMAGE_SCANNER_ENDPOINT/scanner/image -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"image\": \"$DEST\", \"imageDigest\": \"$DIGEST\", \"pipelineId\" : $PIPELINE_ID, \"userId\": $TRIGGERED_BY, \"dockerRegistryId\": \"$DOCKER_REGISTRY_ID\" }")
http_status=$(echo "$response" | tail -n1)
if [ "$http_status" = "200" ]; then
echo "Vulnerability Scanning request successful."
return 0
echo "Attempt $attempt: Vulnerability Scanning request failed with HTTP status code $http_status"
echo "Response Body: $response"
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
echo -e "\033[1m======== Maximum retries reached. Vulnerability Scanning request failed ========"
exit 1
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name = 'Vulnerability Scanning');
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions scripts/sql/212_dockerslim_plugin.down.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
DELETE FROM plugin_stage_mapping where plugin_id=(SELECT id from plugin_metadata where name='DockerSlim v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_step where plugin_id=(SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='DockerSlim v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_step_variable where plugin_step_id=(SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'DockerSlim v1.0.0' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false);
DELETE FROM pipeline_stage_step WHERE name ='DockerSlim v1.0.0';
DELETE FROM plugin_tag_relation WHERE plugin_id=(SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='DockerSlim v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_metadata where name='DockerSlim v1.0.0';
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions scripts/sql/212_dockerslim_plugin.up.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
INSERT INTO plugin_metadata (id,name,description,type,icon,deleted,created_on,created_by,updated_on,updated_by)
VALUES (nextval('id_seq_plugin_metadata'),'DockerSlim v1.0.0','This plugin is used to Slim the docker images (Currently this plugin can be used only for docker images not for docker buildx images).','PRESET','',false,'now()',1,'now()',1);

INSERT INTO "plugin_tag_relation" ("id", "tag_id", "plugin_id", "created_on", "created_by", "updated_on", "updated_by")
VALUES (nextval('id_seq_plugin_tag_relation'), (SELECT id FROM plugin_tag WHERE name='DevSecOps'), (SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='DockerSlim v1.0.0'),'now()', 1, 'now()', 1);

INSERT INTO plugin_stage_mapping (id,plugin_id,stage_type,created_on,created_by,updated_on,updated_by)
VALUES (nextval('id_seq_plugin_stage_mapping'),(SELECT id from plugin_metadata where name='DockerSlim v1.0.0'), 0,'now()',1,'now()',1);

INSERT INTO "plugin_pipeline_script" ("id", "script","type","deleted","created_on", "created_by", "updated_on", "updated_by")
httpProbe=$(echo "$HTTPProbe" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")

export tag=$(echo $CI_CD_EVENT | jq --raw-output .commonWorkflowRequest.dockerImageTag)
export repo=$(echo $CI_CD_EVENT | jq --raw-output .commonWorkflowRequest.dockerRepository)
export registry=$(echo $CI_CD_EVENT | jq --raw-output .commonWorkflowRequest.dockerRegistryURL)

cd /devtroncd

docker pull dslim/slim

if [ "$httpProbe" == "true" ]; then
if [ -n "$includeFilePath" ]; then
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:$PWD dslim/slim build --http-probe=true --target $repo:$tag --tag $repo:$tag --continue-after=2 --include-path-file $includeFilePath
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:$PWD dslim/slim build --http-probe=true --target $repo:$tag --tag $repo:$tag --continue-after=2
elif [ -n "$includeFilePath" ]; then
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:$PWD dslim/slim build --http-probe=false --target $repo:$tag --tag $repo:$tag --continue-after=2 --include-path-file $includeFilePath
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:$PWD dslim/slim build --http-probe=false --target $repo:$tag --tag $repo:$tag --continue-after=2

docker push $registry/$repo:$tag

# Check the exit code of the last command
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "-----------***** Success: Docker-slim images built successfully *****-----------"
echo "-----------***** Error: Docker-slim build failed, we are pushing original image to the container registry *****-----------"

INSERT INTO "plugin_step" ("id", "plugin_id","name","description","index","step_type","script_id","deleted", "created_on", "created_by", "updated_on", "updated_by")
VALUES (nextval('id_seq_plugin_step'), (SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='DockerSlim v1.0.0'),'Step 1','Step 1 - DockerSlim','1','INLINE',(SELECT last_value FROM id_seq_plugin_pipeline_script),'f','now()', 1, 'now()', 1);

INSERT INTO plugin_step_variable (id,plugin_step_id,name,format,description,is_exposed,allow_empty_value,default_value,value,variable_type,value_type,previous_step_index,variable_step_index,variable_step_index_in_plugin,reference_variable_name,deleted,created_on,created_by,updated_on,updated_by)
VALUES (nextval('id_seq_plugin_step_variable'),(SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'DockerSlim v1.0.0' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false),'HTTPProbe','BOOL','Is port expose or not in Dockerfile','t','t',null,null,'INPUT','NEW',null,1,null,null,'f','now()',1,'now()',1),
(nextval('id_seq_plugin_step_variable'),(SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'DockerSlim v1.0.0' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false),'IncludePathFile','STRING','File path contains including path for dockerslim build flag --include-path-file','t','t',null,null,'INPUT','NEW',null,1,null,null,'f','now()',1,'now()',1);
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions scripts/sql/213_eks_cluster_creation.down.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
DELETE FROM plugin_stage_mapping where plugin_id=(SELECT id from plugin_metadata where name='EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_step where plugin_id=(SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_step_variable where plugin_step_id=(SELECT FROM plugin_metadata p inner JOIN plugin_step ps on WHERE'EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0' and ps."index"=1 and ps.deleted=false);
DELETE FROM pipeline_stage_step WHERE name ='EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0';
DELETE FROM plugin_tag_relation WHERE plugin_id=(SELECT id FROM plugin_metadata WHERE name='EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0');
DELETE FROM plugin_metadata where name='EKS Create Cluster v1.0.0';

0 comments on commit c9a78f4

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