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SeeCodeRun 101: Running SeeCodeRun from scratch

David Gonzalez edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 7 revisions

We already have a readme file. This one includes more details and troubleshooting for Cloud9 development.

Setup your workspace

We had tried Cloud9 and WebStorm so far, choose what suits you best:

Cloud9 Setup

  1. Log in with your Github(or other valid) credentials.

  2. Create a workspace:

    a. From our repository.

    b. using the Node.js template.

If you created from a branch and not the master, you will get an RSA passphrase prompt when running git pull/push.

Fix it with:

 git remote set-url origin

This will set the master properly.

WebStorm Setup

Create your local repository

Via UI

Go to VCS --> Git --> Clone --> Provide the URL: and choose a location to download the repo


Once you install Git. Move to the decided location in your file system where you want to download our repo.

git clone

Configure the workspace's machine

Cloud9 will create a new virtual machine to host your workspace. This means that you will need to install and configure apps and libraries so your project runs properly.

Give jspm access

jspm requires GitHub credentials to perform transactions beyond its default data limit. As a good security practice, we encourage using access tokens instead of your password to configure jspm. The configuration is as follows:

  1. Go to your GitHub account.
  2. Go to Personal Settings >> Personal Access Tokens >> Generate new Token.
  3. Check "public_repo" and give a description.
  4. Copy the token, we will need it when executing "jspm registry config github".

If you do not copy the token, you will have to do this part all over again.

Setting the Aurelia Framework

It will take some minutes, be warned. If you have not installed Node. do not forget to reboot your device after Node was installed or errors like ".NET not found" will appear. Also, make sure Python 2.X is installed if required.

npm install
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g jspm
jspm registry config github
jspm install -y

When configuring the jspm registry, GitHub username must be the same that you used to create the token in the previous step. When you paste the token, the shell will not show any input entered, that is fine. Make sure you test the configuration.

Changing WebStorm's run configurations

In WebStorm's UI, in the top-right, near to the play icon, there is an option "edit run configurations". There change the gulp file location tot the provided by your system.

Run SeeCodeRun

gulp watch

After running "gulp watch", wait till you see in the log information the "Local" link:

 Access URLs:
 Local: http://localhost:3030
    UI: http://localhost:3001

Click/tap on the link to get a pop-up menu. Then select open and voila!

Note: run "jspm install -y" when "package.json"/"config.js" change or someone mentioned that they added new libraries.

Important: If you get stuck while loading SeeCodeRun (the load icon perpetuates or the page is blnk), inspect(browser debugger) the page to see what is the problem. Normally, the issue is having missing libraries, which is fixed with the previous note.


On the top right corner, there is a share button-ish, right between the CPU monitor and the Settings gear icon. Add GitHub usernames and the will be abe to see your workspace live. Set your sharing configurations wisely.

What are others looking at?

When other users are working in your workspace, they will be added to the side of your user icon. That will be to the left side of the CPU monitor. If you click on a user's icon, the option "go to active file" will be available. This will switch your active tab to the file that the other user is watching. Once there, you can look for her/his cursor too. Remember that code edition and cursors are color coded.

Have Fun =]

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