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Swift CocoaPods Build Status Codecov

A minimal method stub for Swift.

At a Glance

import Stubber

final class StubUserService: UserServiceProtocol {
  func follow(userID: Int) -> String {
    return Stubber.invoke(follow, args: userID)

  func edit(userID: Int, name: String) -> Bool {
    return Stubber.invoke(edit, args: (userID, name))

func testMethodCall() {
  // given 
  let userService = StubUserService()
  Stubber.register(userService.follow) { userID in "stub-\(userID)" } // stub
  // when
  userService.follow(userID: 123) // call
  // then
  XCTAssertEqual(Stubber.executions(userService.follow).count, 1)
  XCTAssertEqual(Stubber.executions(userService.follow)[0].arguments, 123)
  XCTAssertEqual(Stubber.executions(userService.follow)[0].result, "stub-123")

Escaping Parameters

When a function contains an escaped parameter, use escaping() on arguments.

 func request(path: String, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void) {
-  Stubber.invoke(request, args: (path, completion))
+  Stubber.invoke(request, args: escaping(path, completion))


pod 'Stubber'


Stubber is under MIT license. See the LICENSE for more info.