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Melanie E Magdalena edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 8 revisions

Polygon Mapper

Display and edit GeoJSON geometry in Airtable

Using your Airtable records, analyze polygon data points and draw new geometry features.

In View Mode, the app allows you to filter your GeoJSON geometry with Views and apply colors with Conditions. In Draw Mode, you can create new geometry for your records. Optionally, you can georeference background overlays to assist you while drawing new shapes.

Please note that you will need a working Mapbox Public Access Token to use this app.

This Wiki covers requirements to run the app, how to install it as a Custom App, working with GeoJSON geometry, and more. Use the Table of Contents to navigate through the documentation.

Questions, Feedback, and Issues

  • Use Discussions for questions and support.
  • For reproducible bugs, create an Issue using the "Bug Report" template, if one does not already exist. Be sure to include how to reproduce your issue!
  • For feature suggestions, create an Issue using the "Feature Request" template.
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