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Excel to R how do I...

JTecwyn edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 9 revisions

A barrier to transitioning from using Excel to using R is that an experienced Excel user may wonder "how do I do that simple Excel task (e.g. summing a column) in R?"

The purpose of this page is to explain how to do Excel tasks in R. We focus on methods that can be applied to the R data frame, using the dplyr package for data manipulations.

dplyr logic focuses around the "pipe" %>% with shortcut ctrl+shift+m. Essentially everything on the left-hand side of %>% gets "piped" into the next argument. This avoids having long lines of code defining new outputs based on previous outputs.

R comes in with a built-in dataset called "iris". We include examples applied to this dataset in the table below so that you can recreate them in your local area.

REMEMBER: R is case sensitive, so all references to column names/entries need to be as-is in the dataset you are looking at. Functions exist that can translate all your columns to lower or snake case for ease!

How to do common Excel tasks in R:

Common Excel Task How to do in R dataframe (with dplyr) Example with iris dataset
List unique entries in field (column) unique(dfname$fieldname)

or if factors, can do: levels(dfname$fieldname)
Find the unique entries for the "Species" column in iris

iris %>% select(Species) %>% distinct()
Filter/select based on criteria filter(dfname, fieldname == value)

filter(dfname, grepl("search_term",field_name)) #filters based on containing string

filter(dfname, (URN == "141006" | URN == "138262" | URN == "141164")) # example of filtering with OR
Filter for sepal length >4 and sepal width <2.5, but NOT "versicolor" species

iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length > 4 & Sepal.Width <2.5 & Species != "versicolor")
Select specific columns select(colname1, colname2,….) Select only species and petal length

iris %>% select(Species, Petal.Length)
If else with OR e.g. mutate(var_name = ifelse(ks2_type_1718 == "AC" | ks2_type_1718 == "ACC",1,0)) Create new column called "size_group" based on size of petal. "Large" petals are >4 in length or >1.5 in width, everything else is "Small"

iris %>% mutate(size_group = if_else( Petal.Length > 4 | Petal.Width >1.5, "Large", "Small"))
Multiple if else Create new column called "flower_price". "Setosa" species with petal length > 3 are "top band", "Versicolor species with petal length < 4 are "low band", everything else is "mid band"

iris %>% mutate(flower_price = case_when(Species == "setosa" & Petal.Length > 1.5 ~"top band", Species == "versicolor" & Petal.Length < 4 ~"low_band", TRUE ~ "mid_band"))
CountIFs (count of occurences of each entry in column) dfname %>% count(fieldname) Count the number of species if they have a petal length >1.5

iris %>% filter(Petal.Length > 1.5 ) %>% group_by(Species) %>% count()
Sum a column sum(dfname$fieldname)
SUMIF Sum petal width of species if sepal width <3

iris %>% filter(Sepal.Width <3) %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarise(Petal.Width = sum(Petal.Width))
VLOOKUP Lookup to a table called "lookup" which has a list of species

iris %>% left_join(lookup, by =c("Species"="plant_species")
Arrange / sort in order arrange(fieldname)

arrange(match(band,c("IL","OL","F","R")) # specific order for fieldname band
Order dataset by descending petal width

iris %>% arrange(desc(Petal.Width))
Maximum of data values in a given row pmax(fieldname1,fieldname2,fieldname3)
Pivot pivot_longer() "lengthens" data, increasing the number of rows and decreasing the number of columns.

The inverse transformation is pivot_wider().

e.g earnings_wide_alt = earnings_model_outputs %>% pivot_wider(x_master_ano_id, names_from = "YEARS_SINCE_SRDD", values_from = "UK_EARNINGS") #
Rename columns rename(new_field_name = "current_field_name") # current field name must be in quote marks
Convert data to numeric format e.g. transform(fieldname = as.numeric(fieldname))
Bind rows from different dataframes bind_rows, rbind
e.g. df1 <- df1 %>% bind_rows(df2)
note that fields must have same names in order to "bind"
Concatenate / Split e.g.
unite(LAcom_URN, LA_com, URN, sep = "_", remove = FALSE)

separate(LAcom_URN, into = c('LA_com','URN'), sep="_", remove = FALSE)
group_by with summarise group_by(domicile, gender) %>% summarise(count = sum(count))

Other useful tasks / functions in R:

Task How to do in R dataframe (with dplyr)
Find dimensions (size) of dataset dim(dataset)
list types for each attribute sapply(dataset, class)

Replace NA with zero replace(.,, 0)
Drop all rows with NA in particular column drop_na(fieldname)
Merge/join (note: you can use left_join / right_join etc instead of merge) Inner join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId") #Return only the rows in which the left table have matching keys in the right table.

Outer join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE) #Returns all rows from both tables, join records from the left which have matching keys in the right table.

Left outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.x = TRUE) #Return all rows from the left table, and any rows with matching keys from the right table.

Right outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.y = TRUE) #Return all rows from the right table, and any rows with matching keys from the left table.

Cross join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = NULL)
Read from/Write to CSV e.g.read_csv("school_estate/data/CMM.csv"), write_csv(df_name, "school_estate/data/CMM.csv")
Read from/Write to RDs e.g.borrower_status_table=readRDS("W:/HEA-SLR-TEAM/Earnings model development/Datasets for models/2021-08-05_borrower_status_table.RDs"), saveRDS(borrower_status_table,paste0(historic_earnings_outputs_filepath,"/",date,"_borrower_status_table.Rds"))

Useful other links / resources to consider:

Presentation by Jon Tecwyn on some of the most common dplyr "verbs": dplyr_basic_verbs.pptx

data.table and dplyr tour:

A short list of basic, commonly-used Excel formulas and their (base) R counterparts.

David Sands' Coffee & Coding on SQL/Excel to R: