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speeding up dot products and improving dot interface
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dfm committed Sep 22, 2017
1 parent 84313de commit 2b06530
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Showing 2 changed files with 128 additions and 47 deletions.
26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions celerite/
Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,8 @@ def apply_inverse(self, y):
return self.solver.solve(self._process_input(y))

def dot(self, y, kernel=None):
def dot(self, y, t=None, A=None, U=None, V=None, kernel=None,
Dot the covariance matrix into a vector or matrix
Expand All @@ -309,15 +310,34 @@ def dot(self, y, kernel=None):
if kernel is None:
kernel = self.kernel

if t is not None:
t = np.atleast_1d(t)
if check_sorted and np.any(np.diff(t) < 0.0):
raise ValueError("the input coordinates must be sorted")
if check_sorted and len(t.shape) > 1:
raise ValueError("dimension mismatch")

A = np.empty(0) if A is None else A
U = np.empty((0, 0)) if U is None else U
V = np.empty((0, 0)) if V is None else V
if not self.computed:
raise RuntimeError("you must call 'compute' first")
t = self._t
A = self._A
U = self._U
V = self._V

(alpha_real, beta_real, alpha_complex_real, alpha_complex_imag,
beta_complex_real, beta_complex_imag) = kernel.coefficients

alpha_real, beta_real,
alpha_complex_real, alpha_complex_imag,
beta_complex_real, beta_complex_imag,
self._A, self._U, self._V,
self._t, self._process_input(y)
A, U, V, t, np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=float)

def predict(self, y, t=None, return_cov=True, return_var=False):
Expand Down
149 changes: 105 additions & 44 deletions cpp/include/celerite/solver/cholesky.h
Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void compute (
T phij = phi_(j, n-1), \
xj = Dn*W_(j, n-1); \
for (int k = 0; k <= j; ++k) { \
S(k, j) = phij*(phi_(k, n-1)*(S(k, j) + xj*W_(k, n-1))); \
S(k, j) = phij*(phi_(k, n-1)*(S(k, j) + xj*W_(k, n-1))); \
} \
} \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,62 +469,123 @@ matrix_t dot (
if (U.rows() != V.rows()) throw dimension_mismatch();

int J_general = U.rows();
int J_real = a_real.rows(), J_comp = a_comp.rows(), J = J_real + 2*J_comp + J_general;
int J_real = a_real.rows(), J_comp = a_comp.rows();
int J = J_real + 2*J_comp + J_general;
if (SIZE != Eigen::Dynamic && J != SIZE) throw dimension_mismatch();
Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> a1(J_real), a2(J_comp), b2(J_comp),
c1(J_real), c2(J_comp), d2(J_comp),
cd, sd;
a1 << a_real;
a2 << a_comp;
b2 << b_comp;
c1 << c_real;
c2 << c_comp;
d2 << d_comp;

// Special case for jitter only.
if (J == 0) {
matrix_t y(N, nrhs);
y.array() = jitter * z.array();
return y;

vector_t diag(N);
diag.setConstant(jitter + a1.sum() + a2.sum());
diag.setConstant(a_real.sum() + a_comp.sum() + jitter);
if (A.rows() != 0) diag.array() += A.array();

vector_j_t f(J);
matrix_t y(N, nrhs), phi(J, N-1), u(J, N-1), v(J, N-1);
matrix_t y(N, nrhs), phi(J, N-1), u(J, N-1), v(J, N);

cd = cos(d2*x(0));
sd = sin(d2*x(0));
for (int n = 0; n < N-1; ++n) {
v.col(n).segment(J_real, J_comp) = cd;
v.col(n).segment(J_real+J_comp, J_comp) = sd;
v.col(n).segment(J_real+2*J_comp, J_general) = V.col(n);

cd = cos(d2*x(n+1));
sd = sin(d2*x(n+1));
u.col(n).head(J_real) = a1;
u.col(n).segment(J_real, J_comp) = a2 * cd + b2 * sd;
u.col(n).segment(J_real+J_comp, J_comp) = a2 * sd - b2 * cd;
u.col(n).segment(J_real+2*J_comp, J_general) = U.col(n+1);

T dx = x(n+1) - x(n);
phi.col(n).head(J_real) = exp(-c1*dx);
phi.col(n).segment(J_real, J_comp) = exp(-c2*dx);
phi.col(n).segment(J_real+J_comp, J_comp) = phi.col(n).segment(J_real, J_comp);
T dx, arg, cd, sd, a, b, z0, y0, value;

// Compute the first row of v
for (int j = 0; j < J_real; ++j) {
v(j, 0) = T(1.0);
for (int j = 0, k = J_real; j < J_comp; ++j, k += 2) {
arg = d_comp(j) * x(0);
v(k, 0) = cos(arg);
v(k+1, 0) = sin(arg);

for (int k = 0; k < nrhs; ++k) {
y(N-1, k) = diag(N-1) * z(N-1, k);
for (int n = N-2; n >= 0; --n) {
f = phi.col(n).asDiagonal() * (f + u.col(n) * z(n+1, k));
y(n, k) = diag(n) * z(n, k) + v.col(n).transpose().dot(f);
// Loop over the rest of the rows
for (int n = 0; n < N-1; ++n) {
dx = x(n+1) - x(n);
for (int j = 0; j < J_real; ++j) {
v(j, n+1) = T(1.0);
u(j, n) = a_real(j);
phi(j, n) = exp(-c_real(j) * dx);

for (int n = 1; n < N; ++n) {
f = phi.col(n-1).asDiagonal() * (f + v.col(n-1) * z(n-1, k));
y(n, k) += u.col(n-1).transpose().dot(f);
for (int j = 0, k = J_real; j < J_comp; ++j, k += 2) {
a = a_comp(j);
b = b_comp(j);
arg = d_comp(j) * x(n+1);
cd = cos(arg);
sd = sin(arg);

v(k, n+1) = cd;
v(k+1, n+1) = sd;

u(k, n) = a * cd + b * sd;
u(k+1, n) = a * sd - b * cd;

phi(k, n) = phi(k+1, n) = exp(-c_comp(j)*dx);

for (int j = 0, k = J_real+2*J_comp; j < J_general; ++j, ++k) {
v(k, n) = T(V(j, n));
u(k, n) = T(U(j, n+1));
phi(k, n) = T(1.0);

Eigen::Matrix<T, SIZE_MACRO, 1> f(J); \
for (int k = 0; k < nrhs; ++k) { \
y(N-1, k) = diag(N-1) * z(N-1, k); \
f.setZero(); \
for (int n = N-2; n >= 0; --n) { \
z0 = z(n+1, k); \
y0 = diag(n) * z(n, k); \
for (int j = 0; j < J; ++j) { \
value = phi(j, n) * (f(j) + u(j, n) * z0); \
f(j) = value; \
y0 += v(j, n) * value; \
} \
y(n, k) = y0; \
} \
f.setZero(); \
for (int n = 1; n < N; ++n) { \
z0 = z(n-1, k); \
y0 = y(n, k); \
for (int j = 0; j < J; ++j) { \
value = phi(j, n-1) * (f(j) + v(j, n-1) * z0); \
f(j) = value; \
y0 += u(j, n-1) * value; \
} \
y(n, k) = y0; \
} \

if (SIZE == Eigen::Dynamic) {
switch (J) {
case 1: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(1) break; }
case 2: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(2) break; }
case 3: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(3) break; }
case 4: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(4) break; }
case 5: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(5) break; }
case 6: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(6) break; }
case 7: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(7) break; }
case 8: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(8) break; }
case 9: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(9) break; }
case 10: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(10) break; }
case 11: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(11) break; }
case 12: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(12) break; }
case 13: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(13) break; }
case 14: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(14) break; }
case 15: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(15) break; }
case 16: { FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(16) break; }
default: FIXED_SIZE_HACKZ(Eigen::Dynamic)
} else {
// The size was already specified at compile time.


return y;

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