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This is an ember-cli-deploy plugin for managing deployments to a git branch in a CI environment like Travis.

It takes care of configuring a git user and a deploy key to use when pushing your branch, but expects the actual publish to be managed by a plugin like ember-cli-deploy-git.

NEVER COMMIT YOUR DEPLOY KEY IN PLAINTEXT TO SOURCE CONTROL. If you do, you should immediately revoke the key and generate a new one.


ember install ember-cli-deploy ember-cli-deploy-build ember-cli-deploy-git ember-cli-deploy-git-ci

Use Case

Many authors use their addon's dummy app as a way to showcase what they've built and provide documentation. Github Pages provides an easy way to host this documentation by building the app and writing the output to a gh-pages branch, which is exactly what ember-cli-deploy-git enables. However, this requires the author to manually deploy the app any time changes are made.

Because most CI providers use a read-only method to access code for testing, automating the process isn't as simple as adding ember deploy to the end of a build, since the build machine doesn't have permission to push new code to the gh-pages branch. Given the necessary configuration (minimally, a deploy key), this plugin takes care of setting up credentials so that a CI build is able to deploy the built app when it completes.


In config/deploy.js, (which ember-cli-deploy will helpfully generate for you), you can pass the following options within a git-ci key:

  • enabled: whether this plugin should activate at all (defaults to true if the CI environment variable is set, false otherwise in order not to interfere with local deploys)
  • userName: a user name to be reflected in the deploy commit (defaults to the active config for the local repo if present, or Tomster otherwise)
  • userEmail: a user email to be reflected in the deploy commit (defaults to the active config for the local repo if present, or otherwise)
  • deployKey: the text of the SSH private key to use for deploying (defaults to the DEPLOY_KEY environment variable; overrides deployKeyPath if both are set)
  • deployKeyPath: the path on disk to your deploy key

An example:

ENV['git-ci'] = {
  userName: 'DeployBot',
  userEmail: '',
  deployKey: process.env.SECRET_KEY

Note: deploy keys only work with an SSH origin for your repo, and many CI providers clone using HTTP(S) instead. You may need to explicitly set the target repo in your configuration for ember-cli-deploy-git. For instance, to deploy to this repository I could use:

ENV['git'] = {
  repo: ''

Setting Up a Deploy Key

  • Use ssh-keygen to generate a new public/private key pair:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f deploy_key
  • This will produce two files in your current directory: deploy_key (the private key) and (the public key). Do not commit these files to your repository.
  • Configure the public key with your git hosting provider. For Github, you can find this under the settings for your repository, at<user>/<repo>/settings/keys
  • Configure the private key with your CI provider. For Travis, the simplest way to accomplish this is by using the Travis CLI to set the DEPLOY_KEY environment variable for your repo:
    travis env set -- DEPLOY_KEY "$(cat deploy_key)"


An ember-cli-deploy plugin for managing git deploys in CI.







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