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Spring Boot 2 and reactive MongoDB example

Spring Boot 2 is based on Spring 5 and has full reactive support. Here is a small example app that exposes a Rest endpoint to retrieve data from MongoDB, reactive from one end to the other.

The example app is using an embedded Mongo database running at localhost:27017.

Road to Reactive

To use the reactive non-blocking programming model in Spring 5, you have to

  • use Mono<T> (for single objects) or Flux<T> for streams instead of the object or collection directly
  • replace the imperative programming model by stream-modification methods, like map, flatMap etc.

Reactive Spring Data

For reactive MongoDB support, use dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive instead of org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb.

Now you can make use of MongoDB's reactive driver. The ReactiveCrudRepository is similar to the well-known CrudRepository base interface, but uses return types Mono and Flux instead.

For example

interface PersonRepository: ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String>

Reactive Spring Web

Reactive Spring Web is using the same Controller and PathMapping annotations, just the return type of controller methods is again Mono or Flux.

In combination with the ReactiveCrudRepository, writing such a controller method is quite easy. In the following example, the model object from database is transformed to an API DTO object, just to show how stream processing methods are applied.

class PersonController(private val personRepository: PersonRepository) {
    fun findAll(): Flux<PersonResponse> =
            personRepository.findAll().map { PersonResponse("${it.firstName} ${it.lastName}") }

class PersonResponse(val name: String)

The API is called with curl http://localhost:8080/persons/.

Tips & Tricks

Refactor-safe serialization

When Spring Data serializes objects for MongoDB, a _class property is added to the document containing the fully qualified class name. When the document is read from DB again, Spring Data knows what object to create. Unfortunately this mechanism breaks when the class is renamed or moved to another package. Previously stored documents have to be migrated.

To avoid that, Kotlin's @TypeAlias annotation can be used. If present, the value of the type-alias is used instead of the class name.

data class Person(
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String
) {
    @Id val _id: String? = null


During startup of the application, some data is written to database.

open fun init(repository: PersonRepository) = CommandLineRunner {
            .then("Arthur", "Dent")))
            .then("Ford", "Prefect")))

It is very important to call subscribe at the end of the stream definition. Streams without subscribers are not executed.

More info on Spring reactive programming can be found here.