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dfzunigah committed May 3, 2017
1 parent a270dc6 commit 943b221
Showing 1 changed file with 201 additions and 0 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
import math

#Computes cosine similarity of vector1 to vector2: (v1 . v2)/{||v1||*||v2||)
def cosine_similarity(vector1,vector2):
sumxbyx, sumxbyy, sumybyy = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(len(vector1)):
x = vector1[i]; y = vector2[i]
sumxbyx += x*x
sumybyy += y*y
sumxbyy += x*y
return sumxbyy/math.sqrt(sumxbyx*sumybyy)

#Computes euclidean distance of vector1 and vector2: sqrt(+=(V1-V2)^2)
def euclideanDistance(vector1,vector2):
return sum([(x-y)**2 for (x,y) in zip(vector1,vector2)])**(0.5)

#Computes dot product of vector1 and vector2: +=v1*v2
def dotProduct(vector1, vector2):
return sum(p*q for p,q in zip(vector1, vector2))

#Comparison Matrix: Allows to see the three compare methods for a series of comparisons
comparisonMatrix = []

#Poems Matrix: It allows to stack poems' vector representation so it'd be easy to compare them
poemsMatrix = []

#User inputs: # of poems user wish to analyze and the # of characters to be used for get the rhythm pattern. Loops used so no exception handling implemented.
numberOfPoemsToAnalyse = ' '
rhythmParameter = ' '

while not numberOfPoemsToAnalyse.strip().isdigit():
numberOfPoemsToAnalyse = input("How many poems do you wish to analyze: ")
numberOfPoemsToAnalyse = int(numberOfPoemsToAnalyse)

while not rhythmParameter.strip().isdigit():
rhythmParameter = input("# of characters to be analyzed on the rhythm: ")
rhythmParameter = int(rhythmParameter)

#Loop that allows to do the analysis on multiple poems
for i in range(numberOfPoemsToAnalyse):
#Input loop to handle non-existing files or user wrong input
while True:
filename = input("\nName of the poem: ")
open(filename, 'r').readlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Whhoops! No such file! Please enter the name of the file you'd like to use.")

poem = ""
lastwords = []
rhythmValue = 0

wordCount = {}
paragraphCount = 1
lineCount = 0
verses = 0
numberOfHapax = 0
numberOfBis = 0
numberOfTris = 0
numberOfRareWords = 0
rareWordsRatio = 0
numberOfTypes = 0
numberOfTokens = 0
typeTokenRatio = 0

with open(filename,'r') as ftext:
for line in ftext.readlines():
#If there's a double line break it takes it as a paragraph
if line in ('\n', '\r\n'):
if lineCount == 0:
paragraphCount += 1
lineCount += 1
#It separates the every word and counts them individually
lineCount = 0
for word in line.split():
wordCount[word] = wordCount.get(word,0) + 1

for i in wordCount:
#Get the total number of words in the poem by summing all appearances of every word
numberOfTokens +=wordCount[i]
#Gets the number of appearances of unique words (Hapax), two (Bis) and three (Tris) appearances words by looping through the words array
if wordCount[i] == 1:
numberOfHapax += 1
elif wordCount[i] == 2:
numberOfBis += 1
elif wordCount[i] == 3:
numberOfTris += 1

#Loops through the file enumerating each line, at the end it'll have the total number of lines in the file.
#As it starts at 0, we need to add a +1 so lineCount is right; then we rest the number of paragraphs+1 (The "+1" thing is because paragraphCount also starts at 0)
with open(filename) as file:
for n, line in enumerate(file):
verses = n+1
verses += (1-paragraphCount)

#Rare words: The sum of 1 (Hapax),2 (Bis) or 3 (Tris) appearances words
numberOfRareWords = numberOfHapax + numberOfBis + numberOfTris
#Types: # of words only taken once
numberOfTypes = len(wordCount)
#Calculates typeTokenRatio as shown and formats the number to only have 2 decimals
typeTokenRatio = (numberOfTypes / numberOfTokens) * 100
typeTokenRatio = float("{0:.2f}".format(typeTokenRatio))
#Calculates rareWordsRatio as shown and formats the number to only have 2 decimals
rareWordsRatio = numberOfRareWords/numberOfTypes
rareWordsRatio = float("{0:.2f}".format(rareWordsRatio))

#Opens a file (e.j: "firstPoem.txt") and turns it into a string
with open(filename) as ftext:
for line in ftext.readlines():
poem += line

#Pre-processing: Delete all the punctuation
res = "".join(poem.split("."))
res = "".join(res.split(","))
res = "".join(res.split("?"))
res = "".join(res.split("!"))
res = "".join(res.split("--"))

#Split the poem in verses(single line) and takes last word of each verse
for i, val in enumerate(stri):
if val!="":
lastwords.append(val.split(" ")[-1])

#Uses a double loop to compare the last characters [-parameter:] of each verse with each other
rythm = [0] * len(lastwords)
for i, val in enumerate(lastwords):
test = val[-rhythmParameter:]
j = i+1
while j<len(lastwords):
test2 = lastwords[j][-rhythmParameter:]
if test == test2:
if rythm[j] == 0 or rythm[i] == 0:
rythm[i] = i+1
rythm[j] = i+1

#If there's a rhythm pattern it assigns a 1 (or true) value to its verse
for ele, val in enumerate (rythm):
if val!= 0:
rythm[ele] = 1

#Loop through the rhythm pattern vector and sums the true values
for ele, val in enumerate (rythm):
rhythmValue += val

#Creates vector representation of the poem as a 7 position array with the structure: [rhythmValue, rareWordsRatio, typeTokenRatio, numberOfTypes, numberOfTokens, verses, paragraphCount]
poemVectorRepresentation = [rhythmValue, rareWordsRatio, typeTokenRatio, numberOfTypes, numberOfTokens, verses, paragraphCount]

#Appends to the matrix the vector of the poem analyzed

#Prints matrix of all poems analyzed
for x in range(len(poemsMatrix)):
print("{}: {}".format(x+1,poemsMatrix[x]))

#If there's at least 2 elements, ask if the user'd like to compare two(2) poems
if len(poemsMatrix)>=2:
numberOfComparisons = ' '
while not numberOfComparisons.strip().isdigit():
numberOfComparisons = input("\nHow many comparisons would you like to do?")
numberOfComparisons = int(numberOfComparisons)
for i in range(numberOfComparisons):
compareA = 0
compareB = 0

#Uses loops to prevent user from entering wrong values
while 1 > compareA or len(poemsMatrix) < compareA:
compareA = int(input("# of the first poem (1 - {}): ".format(len(poemsMatrix))))
except ValueError:
print ("**Please enter an integer**")

while 1 > compareB or len(poemsMatrix) < compareB:
compareB = int(input("# of the second poem (1 - {}): ".format(len(poemsMatrix))))
except ValueError:
print ("**Please enter an integer**")

cosine = cosine_similarity(poemsMatrix[compareA-1], poemsMatrix[compareB-1])
euclidean = euclideanDistance(poemsMatrix[compareA-1], poemsMatrix[compareB-1])
dot = dotProduct(poemsMatrix[compareA-1], poemsMatrix[compareB-1])

comparison = "P{} - P{}".format(compareA,compareB)
comparison = "{:<10}|| ".format(comparison)
comparison += "{:<20}|| {:<20}|| {:<20}".format(cosine, euclidean, dot)
print("\n{:<14}{:<23}{:<26}{}".format("Comparison","Cosine similarity","Euclidean distance","Dot product"))
for x in range(len(comparisonMatrix)):

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