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Make a ux for a sports retailer that def isn't Dix sporting goods...

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Richard's Sporting Things
Oct 11 2020

Richard's Sporting Things

Example Image


We have designed a full stack web application ux for a hypothetical Sports Retailer named Richard's Sporting Things. This application is built on the following components:

  • Spring boot (Java) backend utilizing hibernate and JPA for data persistance
  • Management of MySQL database that supports a many-to-many relationship between:
    • Retail products with their image url and price
    • Hierarchical tags used to group these retail products in a meaningful way
  • Web interface implemented as an application in React JS

This project incorporates many relevant features of a robust Full-Stack application including but not limited to:

  • Relational Database management
  • Microservice-based architecture featuring


This project uses Spring Data REST to build hypermedia-powered repositories and React to leverage easy-to-use views in JavaScript for the web application.


This project is managed with the Apache Maven management tool.

The backend architecture is reasonably standard for a Spring boot application POJOs to model important objects are managed in the model folder. Using Spring annotations, these models are transformed into Spring Rest domains. HTTP request are handled by and

Data Persistance

Data persistance has been implemented using the hibernate framework and MySQL to support a RESTful interface.


The frontend for this project lives within the React framework. The CSS uses... any notable packages we use. Note that npm is the JS dependency management tool we have chosen to use for this project.


Getting files from Github

If you are unclear on cloning a repository from GH, please follow the instructions here. Note: at some time, this project may be runnable as a single script, but this is not that time.

Setting up the test MySQL Database

For general information on setting up a mysql database please see the MySQL Documentation.

In the Scripts directory, there exists an file named Hackathon_DB.sql that may be used to set up a test database. Using MySQL Workbench, navigate to to Server > Data Import, choose Import From Self-Contained File and Start Import. Of course, the same thing can be accomplished using the MySQL command line client.

Note: Before running the application you may need to change the login credentials for your personal instance of localhost. This can be done by editing the information in \RichardsSportingThings\Hackathon-TeamCsGetDegrees-backend\src\main\resources. By default the, the user is root and the password is password. You can change the password for root to password for your local instance of MySQL with the command:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Running the application using the archive file

Also in the Scripts there is an archive file of the application called Finish Here. Make sure you are using Java version 11.0.0 or higher. You can check what version you have with the command

java --version

Now, you can run the application locally by executing the .jar

java -jar /Path/to/Hackathon-TeamCsGetDegrees-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

As long as the database is also set up locally as 'root'@'localhost' with password 'password', then you should be able to successfully be able to use the application by navigating to http://localhost:8080/ in your favorite Web Browser

Launching the Backend

Of course, this project can be run directly from the source code. To use this application with the command line, navigate to your local install of the backend java project and run it using the mvmn command (mvmn.bat for Windows users):

cd /Directory/of/RichardsSportingThings/Hackathon-TeamCsGetDegrees-backend
# first clean up the output directory,
# next build the project and verify the outcome
./mvnw clean verify --enable-preview 
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Personally, we work with this project in Eclipse, and so we use the Spring Tools 4 to run the project. If the project runs successfully, you should be able to use curl or an app like Postman to make HTTP GET requests to http://localhost:8080/tags and http://localhost:8080/api/tagitems (as long as you haven't configured tomcat to run on some port other than the default.)

Launching the Frontend

To start the web application, navigate to the rst-front folder and use npm to install necessary node_modules and start the applications:

cd RichardsSportingThings/rst-front
npm i #to build install packages locally
npm start

By default, the web application should run on http://localhost:3000. Note: if you choose to run the application on some other port, you may need to update the @CrossOrigins annotation in both and to avoid potential CORS issues.

At this point with the database set up and both the front and back ends running, you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:3000 and use the web application as intended.

Still Under Construction

  • Machine Learning

We would like to use a machine learning clustering algorithm to generate tag groupings between objects in the data base at some point. So far, we have experimented with...

  • Scaling the product inventory

As the product inventory scales upward, there needs to be some attention paid to maintaining the values of this web application as a clean and minimalist. To this end, there needs to be careful consideration when adding tags as part of the hierarchical structure.


Make a ux for a sports retailer that def isn't Dix sporting goods...






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