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Daniel Gonzalez Garcia edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 9 revisions

Target Platform

Testing.Commons is a .Net library. It is developed in C# in Visual Studio 2017 targeting the 4.0 version of the framework and netstandard 1.1.

In theory, it should run in every platform that supports the .Net Framework as it is "pure" .Net (no explicit Interop, P/Invoke or OS function calls).

However, the netstandard version of the library has dropped support fro several features that have changed drastically: configuration, web and serialization.

Build sources

Building the library is as simple as getting the latest source code from the repository and from a Powershell prompt that contains (a netcore-enabled version of) .Net framework MsBuild.exe in the path, invoke:


and the built binaries and XML documentation can be copied from path_to_source_code\release into the folder that contains dependencies for your solution.

Get the binaries

Binaries are distributed as NuGet packages from the official live feed: Testing.Commons.

Testing.Commons Nuget Testing.Commons.NUnit Nuget Testing.Commons.ServiceStack Nuget

Strong naming

I took the decision of not strong-naming any of the assemblies, as I think strong-naming causes more trouble than anything with NuGet.
In quite a few years of .NET development I have been able to dodge the need to strong name my assemblies; I suggest you do the same.

Documentation from Microsoft suggests to revert to strong-naming only when strictly necessary and those scenarios are rare enough to not provide general support.
However, even for those edge cases, there is a workaround: use the StrongNamer Nuget package in those strong-named projects of yours that reference any of the Testing.Commons packages.