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Console Commands and Variables

Luke Groeninger edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

A mostly accurate list of Quake II VR specific console commands and variables.

Virtual Reality


You can access the console at any time using the ~ key and use the following commands:

  • vr_enable - Enable Oculus Rift support
  • vr_disable - Disable Oculus Rift support
  • vr_reset_home - Resets the "home" position for the Rift in case it drifts.

Additionally, any of these commands can be bound to a key if you desire using the bind command.


In addition to the console commands, a variety of variables exist that can be used to adjust your experience. Where possible they are compatible with RiftQuake settings.

  • vr_aimmode - Sets the current aim mode. Default is mode 6. Supported aim modes are:
Mode Description
0 No head tracking / default controls.
1 Head aiming + mouse turning.
2 Head aiming + mouse turning/pitch.
Note: This mode is mostly broken and does not work with multiplayer. It will likely be removed in a future release.
3 Mouse aiming.
4 Mouse aiming + mouse pitch.
Note: This mode is mostly broken and does not work with multiplayer. It will likely be removed in a future release.
5 Partially decoupled view with aim confined to a deadzone on screen.
Equivalent to TF2/HL2 vr_moveaim_mode 2.
6 Decoupled view.
Aim is confined to a deadzone relative to body direction with moving to the horizontal edges turning the body.
Movement is in the view direction.
Equivalent to TF2/HL2 vr_moveaim_mode 3.
7 Decoupled view.
Aim is confined to a deadzone relative to body direction with moving to the horizontal edges turning the body. Movement is in the aim direction.
Equivalent to TF2/HL2 vr_moveaim_mode 4.
8 Fully decoupled view/aim.
View is absolute - you must physically turn all the way around to look behind you.
  • vr_aimmode_deadzone_pitch - Sets the vertical area of the mode 5/6/7 deadzone in degrees. Default is 60 degrees.
  • vr_aimmode_deadzone_yaw - Sets the horizontal area of the mode 5/6/7 deadzone in degrees. Default is 30 degrees.
  • vr_hud_bounce - Sets the HUD bouncing mode.
  • vr_hud_bounce_falloff - Sets the approximate number of frames used to calculate the exponential moving average used for HUD counter-rotation. Default is 10, minimum is 0, maximum is 60.
  • vr_hud_depth - Sets the projected depth of the HUD and all 2D UI elements. Minimum is 0.25, maximum is 250. Default is 0.5. Units are approximately meters.
  • vr_hud_fov - Sets the horizontal field of view of the HUD. Default is 65 degrees.
  • vr_hud_transparency - Enables or disables transparency on the 2D UI elements. Default is enabled, set to 0 to disable.
  • vr_hud_segments - Sets the number of segments used to generate the HUD curve.
VR Properties
  • vr_aimlaser - Enables the aiming laser.
  • vr_autofov - Sets whether to use the HMD provided FOV or the Quake 2 default FOV.
  • vr_autofov_scale - Allows manual adjustment of the FOV. Default is 1.0 (no scaling), minimum is 0.5, maximum is 2.0.
  • vr_autoipd - Enables use of HMD provided inter-pupillary distance. Default is enabled, set to 0 to use value of vr_ipd instead.
  • vr_ipd - Set the custom inter-pupillary distance in millimeters. Requires vr_autoipd to be disabled to take effect. Default is the value provided by your HMD.
  • vr_neckmodel - Enables or disables the head/neck model. Default is enabled, set to 0 to disable.
  • vr_neckmodel_forward - Sets the forward distance from the spine to the eyes in meters. Default is 0.09 meters.
  • vr_neckmodel_up - Sets the vertical length of the neck in meters. Default is 0.232 meters.
  • vr_viewmove - Sets player movement to follow the view direction instead of the aim direction. Default is disabled, set to 1 to enable.
  • vr_chromatic - Enables or disables chromatic aberration correction if available.
  • vr_prediction - Sets the preferred motion prediction value if available.
  • vr_autoenable - Automatically enable the Rift when possible.
  • vr_nosleep - Prevents yielding while waiting to improve performance. Default is enabled, set to 0 to disable.
  • vr_hmdstring - String containing the current HMD type
Oculus Rift Specific
  • vr_ovr_autolensdistance - Enables using the libOVR provided lens separation distance. Enabled by default, set to 0 to use the value of vr_ovr_lensdistance instead.
  • vr_ovr_autoscale - Enables auto-calculating the distortion scale factor. Setting it to a value of 0 uses the value of vr_ovr_scale, a value of 1 scales the view to the closest screen edge, and a value of 2 scales to the furthest screen edge. Default is a value of 2.
  • vr_ovr_filtermode - Enables or disables bspline bilinear filtering in the distortion shader. Default is enabled, set to 0 to disable.
  • vr_ovr_debug - Enables a debug mode that force enables Oculus Rift support even if the device fails. Default is disabled, set to 1 to provide emulated DK1 support and 2 to provide emulated DK HD support.
  • vr_ovr_distortion - Sets the quality of distortion to use or disables it entirely. Default is to use a distortion texture at the resolution of the HMD.
  • vr_ovr_driftcorrection - Enables or disables magnetic drift correction. If available it will use the calibration information set in your user profile, otherwise it will perform an automatic calibration. Default is enabled, set to 1 to enable.
  • vr_ovr_enable - Chooses whether to enable or disable Oculus Rift support. Enabled by default.
  • vr_ovr_latencytester - Enable or disable support for the Oculus latency tester. This is enabled if available on startup, and not saved on exit.
  • vr_ovr_lensdistance - Sets a custom lens separation distance in mm. vr_ovr_autolensdistance must be disabled for this to take effect. Default is the libOVR provided value.
  • vr_ovr_scale - Sets a custom distortion compensation scaling factor. vr_ovr_autoscale must be disabled for this to take effect. Values between 1.0 and 2.0 inclusive are valid.
  • vr_ovr_supersample - Allow additional scaling of the back buffer.
SteamVR Specific
  • vr_svr_debug - Enables or disables debug rendering. Disabled by default, shouldn't be use.
  • vr_svr_distortion - Sets the quality/resolution of the distortion, or disables it entirely.
  • vr_svr_enable - Enables or disables support for SteamVR HMD's. Enabled by default.


  • m_pitch - Sets the vertical look speed for the mouse. Set to a negative number to invert y-axis of the mouse, joystick and Xbox 360 Controller. Default is 0.022.
  • cl_pitchspeed - Sets the maximum vertical view movement speed. Default is 150.
  • cl_yawspeed - Sets the maximum horizontal view movement speed. Default is 140.
  • cl_forwardspeed - Sets the maximum forward player movement speed when walking. Default is 200.
  • cl_sidespeed - Sets the maximum sideways player movement speed when walking. Default is 200.
  • cl_upspeed - Sets the maximum up/down player movement speed when walking. Default is 200.

Gamepad Support

  • in_initgamepad
  • gamepad_stick_mode - Sets which thumb stick layout to use. Default is 0, which uses left stick move and right stick view, and set to 1 to swap.
  • gamepad_stick_toggle - Enables thumb stick presses toggling the associated action. Default is 0, set to 1 to enable.
  • gamepad_trigger_threshold - Sets the threshold used to activate a trigger press. Default is 0.12, and it can be set to anywhere between 0.04 and 0.96.
  • gamepad_pitch_sensitivity - Sets the vertical look sensitivity. Can be set from 1.0 to 4.0, with a default of 1.75.
  • gamepad_yaw_sensitivity - Sets the horizontal look sensitivity. Can be set from 1.0 to 4.0, with a default of 1.75.


  • hand - Sets the hand that the player holds the weapon in. Default is 0, which is right handed, but also supports 1 (left handed) and 2 (no view weapon).
  • gun_z - Adjusts the distance from the player that the view model is drawn at. Default is 0, negative values are closer, positive values are further.


  • vid_width - Sets the horizontal resolution of the window. Default is 1280.
  • vid_height - Sets the vertical resolution of the window. Default is 800.
  • vid_gamma - Sets the brightness. Default is 1.4.
  • vid_fullscreen - Enabled or disables fullscreen mode. Default is 1.
  • vid_refresh - Sets the video refresh rate. Default is 0 (automatic).
  • r_fencesync
  • r_antialias
  • r_blur
  • r_flashblur
  • r_waterquality



  • s_initsound
  • s_volume
  • s_khz
  • s_loadas8bit
  • s_mixahead
  • s_show
  • s_testsound
  • s_ambient
  • play
  • stopsound
  • soundlist
  • soundinfo

OpenAL Audio

  • al_driver
  • al_device
  • s_openal_maxgain

SDL Audio

  • sndbits
  • s_khz
  • sndchannels
  • s_sdldriver

Ogg Playback

  • ogg_autoplay
  • ogg_check
  • ogg_playlist
  • ogg_sequence
  • ogg_volume
  • ogg_init
  • ogg_shutdown
  • ogg_list
  • ogg_pause
  • ogg_play
  • ogg_reinit
  • ogg_resume
  • ogg_seek
  • ogg_status
  • ogg_stop