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This is a Rails 4.2.6 app.


  • Staging and production deployment instructions are in


This project requires:

  • Ruby 2.1.4, preferably managed using rbenv
  • MySQL must be installed and accepting connections

Getting started


Run the bin/setup script. This script will:

  • Check you have the required Ruby version
  • Install gems using Bundler
  • Create local copies of .env
  • Create, migrate, and seed the database

Run it!

  1. Run rspec spec to make sure everything works.
  2. Run forman start to start the Rails app (and other dependent processes if present).

Rake tasks

# generate an erd.pdf from your models
bin/rake erd


Running rspec spec will run all the tests and outputs a coverage report to coverage/index.html

Metrics/code style/other handy commands

# check your code using rubocop with the rules specified in .rubocop.yml

# check for vulnerable versions in your Gemfile (this will also be done on deploy with capistrano)
bundle exec bundle-audit update
bundle exec bundle-audit

# check for rails security issues using brakeman
bundle exec brakeman