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The missing glue between Alfresco and Spring MVC

Personally, I do not like Alfresco Webscripts because of the boilerplate code that comes with them (XML, FTL, Java/Javascript). Also, I am not a big fan of Javascript on the server side either, as in a medium sized application this becomes unmaintainable. That is why I wrote Alfresco @MVC.

Alfresco @MVC consists of several libraries for REST, AOP

  • Alfresco MVC REST enables the usage of the full Spring MVC stack within the context of an Alfresco Webscript, benefiting of Alfresco standard authentication and security
  • Alfresco MVC AOP enables simple handling of Alfresco transactions and Alfresco runAs mechanism with simple annotations

Distributed on Maven Central



Works on Enterprise as well as on Community and it reuses a widely accepted REST framework. For the correct version supported by your Alfresco version please check the wiki or The release page.

The docs are on the wiki page

The Samples are provided on

You should use it when

  • You need custom APIs
  • You want to be more productive
  • You write custom Alfresco Webscripts

You would benefit from

  • Faster and cleaner development
  • Java developers know how to use Spring MVC while newcomers tend to avoid Alfresco Webscripts

For supported Alfresco versions, check the release notes

Maven local installation

mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip


We are using profiles to test against different Alfresco versions. If no configured Maven profiles are provided the default will be used and is specified by true in the pom.xml

example: mvn package -Pcommunity-23.1.0


From v8.0.0 we have decided to only run our unit tests against the Alfresco Community versions. Despite not being tested on Alfresco Enterprise it has to be compatible with the respectively tested Alfresco Community distribution