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Javascript Engine is responsible to run Javascript Program
  1. JavaScript Code Runs inside Execution Context

    • Execution Context Global Execution context intialized everytime js promgram runs
      • Memory (Variable Environment)
        • Vairables
        • Functions
          • key:value
            eg: varName : 10; funcName :{console }
      • Code (Thread of Execution)
  2. JavaScript is a synchronous single-threaded language

    • Memory Phase (Creating memory for variables and function)

      • default: varName is assigned as undefined funcName is assigned to function code
        • eg : varName:undefined funcNaame:{...}
    • Code Execution Phase

      • For each function call new Execution Context is created
  3. CALL STACK (Controls order of Execution)

    • Each Execution context created will put into stack
    • By Default Global Execution Context is already inside
    • Once all the code is executed all the context is deleted from the Stack
  4. HOISTING - functions to be safely used in code before they are declared

    • Functions declared using function keyword can be accessed anywhere (before/after declaration)
    • Arrow functions acts a variable and wont copy the function code in Execution context memory
    • Arrow functions called before initializations will be undefined
  5. SCOPE

    • Accessing variable within the block.
    • Lexical Memory( In Hirarchy) - Local Memory along with Parent
  6. LET & CONST

    • Let & Const variables are stored in seperate memory space other than global memory space
    • Accessing let & const before initialization will throws an error but incase of var it prints undefined
    • Temporal Dead zone is between ,let & const are assigned with a memory space and not assigned any value to them
    • Reference Error occurs when we try to access let & const variable before initializing the value i.e variable in Temporal Dead Zone
    • var variables can be redeclared but incase of let and const variables cannot be reintialized
    Suggestions :
     * Move all the let & const declaration to top of the program so that we can minimize window of temporal dead zone
     * Try to declare variables using const -> let -> var (worst case)

    • SyntaxError
      • Error in syntax throws syntax error
        • eg: misspelled keywords,duplicate declaration
    • TypeError
      • Errors occurs while the operation cannot be performed
        • eg:reintializing const variable with another value;
    • ReferenceError
      • Trying to access variables that we cannot access it
        • eg:accessing variable that was not declared, variable with let & const type cannot be accessed before intialization
  8. Block

    • Blocks defined between a curly braces i.e {} its used to group multiple statement
    • It is called as Compound Statement
    • let & const are block scoped i.e cannot be accessed outside the block
  9. Closure

    • Function along with lexical scope forms a closure Eg: function x(){ let a = 5; function y(){ console.log(a) } y(); } x();
    • Uses of Closures
      • Module Design Pattern
      • Currying
      • Functions like once (function that can be exactly one time)
      • memoize
      • maintaining state in async
      • setTimeouts
      • Iterators
      • and many more...


Understanding JavaScript Functionality







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