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A mirror of the Bitbucket project Modular SWAT+

This repository is a fork of the official SWAT+ one available here. A few major differences are:

  • sim_inityr.f90 has been patched to respect implicit none
  • proc_allo.f90 and ru_allo.f90 are broken and have been removed as modules, as the simplest way to successfully compile and run the code
  • CMakeLists.txt has been shamelessly stolen from @joelz575 swatplus repository
  • This release has only been tested on CentOS and Ubuntu Linux
  • This branch, main, has been unit-tested only against data/TxtInOut_CoonCreek_aqu

We will always try to keep this repostitory as up to date as possible compared to the main SWAT+ code. Pull requests are welcome!

*Please see the develop branch for a version of SWAT+ that succeeds against more input variants.

How to compile

To compile SWAT+ yourself:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone swatplus.git
cd swatplus.git
  1. Set the environment, compile, and install:
mkdir build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/local_install_directory ../
cmake --build . --target install

libjson-c may not be installed until you attempt to build and install SWAT+ using cmake. If that's the case, simply repeat the steps of the 2nd codeblock above, substituting the newly intalled location of libjson-c in LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you have trouble compiling and installing SWAT+, you may refer to this Dockerfile.

Testing information

This code has been successfully compiled and run under Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) using GNU Fortran 9.3.0 and g++ 9.3.0. A full compilation procedure may be followed at this SWAT+ Docker image repository.


A mirror of Modular SWAT+ hosted originally on Bitbucket






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