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PowerShell modules which download Reddit link and comment data, storing them them in SQL Server for later viewing and analysis.

No account login required.


SQL Server

This is mostly intended to run against a locally running SQL Server instance. I've tested with LocalDB (which comes with Visual Studio 2017) and SQL Server Express. Edit the file db-settings.ps1 and set the $db_server variable accordingly.

By default, that file is setup to access a localdb instance:

$db_server = '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB'    # Visual Studio 2017 - .NET desktop development - SQL Server Express 2016 LocalDB

# $db_server = 'localhost\SQLEXPRESS'    # SQL Server 2017 Express

SqlServer PowerShell module

Install the SqlServer module:

Install-Module SqlServer

Setup the database

Change to the reddit-dhtk-ps directory:

cd C:\Users\dharm\Documents\GitHub\reddit-dhtk-ps

(or wherever yours is located)

Create the database:

Import-Module .\create-database.ps1

If you'd like to verify that the database was created:

Import-Module .\db-settings.ps1
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $db_server -Query 'SELECT name FROM sys.databases'

You might see output like the following:


OK, let's download the new links on the programming subreddit:

Import-Module .\get-subreddits.ps1
Get-Subreddit-New programming

Get-Subreddit-New will retrieve the subreddit links and store them in the database.

And now lets show the items in the programming subreddit:

Import-Module .\show-subreddit.ps1
Show-Subreddit -subreddit programming

Example output:

By default, links from the past two days will be shown. There's a -days parameter to control how many days are shown.

Show-Subreddit is pulling data from the SQL Server database; it is not making any REST API calls.

Let's say you'd like to list the comments of a particular link:

Import-Module .\show-comments-console.ps1
Show-Comments-Console -name 't3_8oznig'

If Show-Comments-Console detects that the comments requested are not in the database, they will be downloaded and stored first. Future requests for those comments will come directly from the database.

Open a link URL:

Import-Module .\open-link-url.ps1
open-link-url 't3_8oznig'

A simple and experimental WPF link viewer:

Import-Module .\show-links-wpf.ps1

Click on the comments count to display a simple threaded comment viewer:

Run a SQL query to search for links with "github" in the title:

Import-Module .\reddit-database.ps1
reddit-sql "SELECT * FROM links WHERE title LIKE '%github%'" | Select-Object created_utc, subreddit, title

Show the count of links in the programming subreddit by day:

reddit-sql "SELECT * FROM links WHERE subreddit = 'programming'" | Group-Object { $_.created_utc.ToString('yyy-MM-dd') } | Select-Object Count, Name | Sort-Object Name


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