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Matlab code for Content Based Image Retrieval

Program Design

The program can be run using Matlab. I tried to use as less toolbox as possible so the program is portable to all versions of Matlab. Therefore, I avoid using GUI as I am not quite sure that the library of the GUI for each version of matlab is similar.

You can use this program in two modes i.e. (1) Fast mode and (2) Slow mode.

In (1) Fast mode, you extract the features from all the images, only then you find the similarity from the features. For (1), you should run extractFeature.m first, only then you run cbir_rank.m. If you want to change the image path, you must change the path in both extractFeature.m and cbir_rank.m.

In (2) Slow mode, you just run cbir_threshold.m. If you want to change the image path, you may change the imgpath variable.

The query image is set by filename variable in cbir_rank.m and cbir_threshold.m. So, if you want to change the query image, just change this into any image you want. I made this program to be smart. So, when it walks to all images in image set, when it find the file similar with query image, it will skip and will not find the feature vector. I already put comment in each different part of the program. So, you should be able to track the program logic from the comments available. For cbir_threshold.m, threshold Values and Parameter Values The threshold I set on this program can be found in “th” variable. For me, I set the threshold to be 3.6e3. That threshold is found after doing some tests on img_test. The threshold for each query image may be varied.

How to Compile and Run

  1. Open Matlab
  2. Open this project folder
  3. For (1) Slow mode, run extractFeature.m then run cbir_rank.m, while for (2) Slow mode, open and run cbir_threshold.m
  4. To run the matlab code, ou can do one of this: press play button above the code, or go to command window and type cbir then enter

Limitations, if any

Because it uses histogram for LBP, then it is quite robust to image size. However, the accuracy of this method is less than 80%

Details of What the Modules Do

  1. colorMoment.m : find the color moment based on Stricker Orengo algorithm
  2. Euclid.m : find Euclidian distance between two feature vectors
  3. Lbp.m : find histogram value of local binary pattern of the input image
  4. featureVector.m : combine color moment and lbp into single feature vector
  5. extractFeature.m : extract LBP and CM feature of all images

Explanation of Input and Output Parameters

  1. colorMoment a. Input: RGB image b. Output: color moment of the RGB image
  2. Euclid a. Input: feature vector of query image, feature vector of compared image b. Output: eucledian distance between two feature vectors
  3. Lbp a. Input: image where the histogram value of LBP feature will be find, the radius of the sampling points b. Output: histogram value of LBP feature
  4. featureVector a. Input: image where the feature vector will be find b. Output: feature vector consisting color moment and the LBP
  5. extractFeature a. Input: - b. Output : fvect.mat --> a file containing fvect variable


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