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React Block Text

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A block text editor for React.

This is an open-source clone of the famous editor. Although not entirely feature complete, it comes with some basic blocks and offers a similar UI.

Project status: In-development beta. The API will be stable starting with v1.


This project is uncompleted. Do not use in production as it holds some bugs.


See it live in your browser!


npm install --save react-block-text
yarn add react-block-text

Note for ViteJs users

You might need to add globalThis to your app.


import { useState } from 'react'
import ReactBlockText, { headerPlugin, imagePlugin, listPlugin, quotePlugin, todoPlugin } from 'react-block-text'

const plugins = [
    onSubmitFile: /* See image plugin section */,
    onSubmitUrl: /* ... */,
    getUrl: /* ... */,
    maxFileSize: '5 MB', /* Optional, displayed in the file upload dialog */

function Editor() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('')

  return (

Note for multiple instances in SPA

When implementing multiple instances of the editor on separate pages in a SPA, you might need to set the key prop in order to make in work when transitioning pages:

  // ...


type ReactBlockTextProps = {
  // The data for the editor
  value?: string
  // An array of plugin
  plugins?: ReactBlockTextPlugins
  // Enable read only mode
  readOnly?: boolean
  // Padding top of the editor
  paddingTop?: number
  // Padding bottom of the editor
  paddingBottom?: number
  // Padding left of the editor
  paddingLeft?: number
  // Padding right of the editor
  paddingRight?: number
  // The primary color for selection, drag and drop, and buttons
  primaryColor?: string | null | undefined
  // The default text color, to align with your design-system
  textColor?: string | null | undefined
  // Called when the value changes
  onChange?: (value: string) => void
  // Called when the user saves the editor with cmd/ctrl+s
  onSave?: () => void



Adds support for 3 types of headers.


Adds support for todo lists with checkboxes.


Adds support for ordered and unordered lists.


Adds support for block quotes.


Adds support for images.

Three functions are required for the plugin to work:

type ReactBlockTextImagePluginSubmitter = () => {
  progress: number  // Between 0 and 1
  imageKey?: string // The reference to the image once it's uploaded
  isError?: boolean // If true, the upload failed and an error will be displayed in the editor

function onSubmitFile(file: File): Promise<ReactBlockTextImagePluginSubmitter>
function onSubmitUrl(file: File): Promise<ReactBlockTextImagePluginSubmitter>
function getUrl(imageKey: string): Promise<string>

The returned promises should resolve to a function that returns the progress of the upload as a number between 0 and 1 and eventually a imageKey corresponding to the image on your server. Using S3 or Firebase storage this is typically the storage path of the image. This ReactBlockTextImagePluginSubmitter function will be called periodically to update the progress of the upload and save the imageKey into the value prop.

getUrl should return the url of the image on your server based on the imageKey. Of course you can set imageKey directly to the URL and make getUrl an identity function.

For a Firebase example, see the demo files.

Community plugins

Create your own plugin based on the template provided by this repository and I'll add it here!



This project is not affiliated with Notion Labs, Inc.


No releases published
