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Adding specialize_surface in Fortran.
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dhermes committed Nov 6, 2017
1 parent c67a783 commit eb8693e
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Showing 2 changed files with 543 additions and 7 deletions.
225 changes: 222 additions & 3 deletions src/bezier/surface.f90
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module surface

use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int, c_bool
use types, only: dp
use curve, only: evaluate_curve_barycentric
implicit none
private specialize_workspace_sizes, specialize_surface_one_round
public &
de_casteljau_one_round, evaluate_barycentric, &
evaluate_barycentric_multi, evaluate_cartesian_multi, jacobian_both, &
jacobian_det, subdivide_nodes
jacobian_det, specialize_surface, subdivide_nodes


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,6 +276,225 @@ subroutine jacobian_det( &

end subroutine jacobian_det

subroutine specialize_workspace_sizes(degree, size_odd, size_even)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: degree
integer(c_int), intent(out) :: size_odd, size_even

! NOTE: This is a helper for ``specialize_surface``.
if (mod(degree, 2) == 1) then
size_odd = ((degree + 1) * (degree + 3)**2 * (degree + 5)) / 64
size_even = size_odd
else if (mod(degree, 4) == 0) then
size_odd = (degree * (degree + 2) * (degree + 4) * (degree + 6)) / 64
size_even = (((degree + 2) * (degree + 4)) / 8)**2
size_odd = (((degree + 2) * (degree + 4)) / 8)**2
size_even = (degree * (degree + 2) * (degree + 4) * (degree + 6)) / 64
end if

end subroutine specialize_workspace_sizes

subroutine specialize_surface_one_round( &
dimension_, num_read, read_nodes, num_write, write_nodes, &
size_read, size_write, step, local_degree, &
weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)

! INVARIANT: `step + local_degree == (total) degree`

integer(c_int), intent(in) :: dimension_
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: num_read
real(c_double), intent(in) :: read_nodes(num_read, dimension_)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: num_write
real(c_double), intent(inout) :: write_nodes(num_write, dimension_)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: size_read, size_write
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: step, local_degree
real(c_double), intent(in) :: weights_a(3), weights_b(3), weights_c(3)
! Variables outside of signature.
integer(c_int) :: write_index, new_write, read_index, new_read, i

! First: (step, 0, 0)
! INVARIANT: `size_write` == `size_read - local_degree - 1`
call de_casteljau_one_round( &
size_read, dimension_, read_nodes(1:size_read, :), &
local_degree, weights_a(1), weights_a(2), weights_a(3), &
write_nodes(1:size_write, :))

! Second: (i, j, 0) for j > 0, i + j = step
write_index = size_write + 1
read_index = 1
do i = 1, step
new_write = write_index + size_write - 1
new_read = read_index + size_read - 1
call de_casteljau_one_round( &
size_read, dimension_, read_nodes(read_index:new_read, :), &
local_degree, weights_b(1), weights_b(2), weights_b(3), &
write_nodes(write_index:new_write, :))
! Update the indices.
write_index = new_write + 1
read_index = new_read + 1
end do

! Third: (i, j, k) for k > 0, i + j + k = step
read_index = 1
do i = 1, ((step + 1) * step) / 2
new_write = write_index + size_write - 1
new_read = read_index + size_read - 1
call de_casteljau_one_round( &
size_read, dimension_, read_nodes(read_index:new_read, :), &
local_degree, weights_c(1), weights_c(2), weights_c(3), &
write_nodes(write_index:new_write, :))
! Update the indices.
write_index = new_write + 1
read_index = new_read + 1
end do

end subroutine specialize_surface_one_round

subroutine specialize_surface( &
num_nodes, dimension_, nodes, degree, &
weights_a, weights_b, weights_c, specialized) &
bind(c, name='specialize_surface')

! This re-parameterizes by "specializing" to a subregion of the unit
! triangle. This happens in waves by applying one round of de Casteljau
! with the given sets of barycentric weights. For example, in the degree
! 1 case, we transform
! [n0] [dC(n0(1:3), a)]
! [ ] --> n1 = [dC(n0(1:3), b)]
! [ ] [dC(n0(1:3), c)]
! where `n` on the LHS is 3xDIM and each of the transformed sets of
! nodes are 1xDIM (since de Casteljau drops the degree by 1). (NOTE:
! here I'm using `dC` as a shorthand for "de Casteljau" and `a` as a
! shorthand `weights_a`.) In the degree 2 case:
! [n0] [dC(n0(1:6), a)] [dC(n1(1:3), a)]
! [ ] [ ] [dC(n1(1:3), b)]
! [ ] [ ] --> n2 = [dC(n1(4:6), b)]
! [ ] --> n1 = [dC(n0(1:6), b)] [dC(n1(1:3), c)]
! [ ] [ ] [dC(n1(4:6), c)]
! [ ] [ ] [dC(n1(7:9), c)]
! [dC(n0(1:6), c)]
! [ ]
! [ ]
! In the degree 3 case:
! [n0] [dC(n0(1:10), a)] [dC(n1( 1:6 ), a)]
! [ ] [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ] [dC(n1( 1:6 ), b)]
! [ ] [ ] [ ]
! [ ] --> n1 = [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [dC(n0(1:10), b)] [dC(n1( 7:12), b)]
! [ ] [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ] --> n2 = [dC(n1( 1:6 ), c)]
! [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ]
! [dC(n0(1:10), c)] [dC(n1( 7:12), c)]
! [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [dC(n1(13:18), c)]
! [ ] [ ]
! [ ] [ ]
! [dC(n2( 1:3 ), a)]
! [dC(n2( 1:3 ), b)]
! [dC(n2( 4:6 ), b)]
! [dC(n2( 7:9 ), b)]
! [dC(n2( 1:3 ), c)]
! n2 --> n3 = [dC(n2( 4:6 ), c)]
! [dC(n2( 7:9 ), c)]
! [dC(n2(10:12), c)]
! [dC(n2(13:15), c)]
! [dC(n2(16:18), c)]
! For **all** cases, we are tracking applications of weights at
! each step:
! STEP 1: {a}, {b}, {c}
! STEP 2: {aa}, {ab}, {bb}, {ac}, {bc}, {cc}
! STEP 3: {aaa}, {aab}, {abb}, {bbb}, {aac}, ...
! and each of these quantities can be computed using the ones computed
! at the previous step. So in STEP 2, we compute {aa} by applying
! the `a` weights to {a}, we compute {ab} and {bb} by applying the
! `b` weights to {a} and {b} and we compute {ac}, {bc}, {cc} by
! applying the `c` weights to the whole set.
! For a "general" step, we can treat the triple (#a, #b, #c) just like
! we treat an index triple (i, j, k), which we know has linear index
! (1-based) `1 + j + (k/2) (2(i + j) + k + 3)`. This is very useful because
! we can find the **previous** quantity by using this index. For example,
! to compute {aabccc} by applying `c` to {aabcc}, we know the index
! of the {aabcc} is 13 and the index of {aabccc} is 20. In fact, one can
! show that when dropping from (i, j, k) to (i, j, k - 1) the index will
! always drop by `(i + j + k) + 1 = step + 1`. Unfortunately, some values
! have no `c` weights at all, i.e. `k = 0`. For these special cases we
! also use the formula to show `(step, 0, 0) --> (step - 1, 0, 0)` has
! no change in index (both are the first index). From `(i, j, 0)` to
! `(i, j - 1, 0)` drops the index by `1`.
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: num_nodes, dimension_
real(c_double), intent(in) :: nodes(num_nodes, dimension_)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: degree
real(c_double), intent(in) :: weights_a(3), weights_b(3), weights_c(3)
real(c_double), intent(out) :: specialized(num_nodes, dimension_)
! Variables outside of signature.
integer(c_int) :: num_curves, size, size_odd, size_even
real(c_double), allocatable :: workspace_odd(:, :), workspace_even(:, :)
integer(c_int) :: delta_nc, delta_size, curr_degree, size_new, step
logical(c_bool) :: is_even

num_curves = 1
size = ((degree + 1) * (degree + 2)) / 2
call specialize_workspace_sizes(degree, size_odd, size_even)
allocate(workspace_odd(size_odd, dimension_))
allocate(workspace_even(size_even, dimension_))

! `num_curves` and `delta_size` are triangular numbers going in
! the opposite direction. `num_curves` will go from 1, 3, 6, 10, ...
! and `delta_size` will go (d + 2 C 2), (d + 1 C 2), ...
! Since the delta between consecutive terms grows linearly, we track
! them as well to avoid multiplications.
delta_nc = 2
delta_size = -degree - 1
is_even = .FALSE. ! At `step == 1`.

do step = 1, degree
num_curves = num_curves + delta_nc
size_new = size + delta_size
if (step == 1) then
! Read from `nodes`, write to `workspace_odd`.
call specialize_surface_one_round( &
dimension_, num_nodes, nodes, size_odd, workspace_odd, &
size, size_new, step, degree + 1 - step, &
weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)
else if (is_even) then
! Read from `workspace_odd`, write to `workspace_even`.
call specialize_surface_one_round( &
dimension_, size_odd, workspace_odd, &
size_even, workspace_even, &
size, size_new, step, degree + 1 - step, &
weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)
! Read from `workspace_even`, write to `workspace_odd`.
call specialize_surface_one_round( &
dimension_, size_even, workspace_even, &
size_odd, workspace_odd, &
size, size_new, step, degree + 1 - step, &
weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)
end if

! Update our index values.
size = size_new
delta_nc = delta_nc + 1
delta_size = delta_size + 1
is_even = .NOT. is_even ! Switch parity.
end do

! Read from the last workspace that was written to.
if (is_even) then
specialized = workspace_odd(1:num_nodes, :)
specialized = workspace_even(1:num_nodes, :)
end if

end subroutine specialize_surface

subroutine subdivide_nodes( &
num_nodes, dimension_, nodes, degree, &
nodes_a, nodes_b, nodes_c, nodes_d) &
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