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Vavr Study

This is a study project for the Vavr (formerly called: Javaslang) Presentation done by Daniel Hinojosa. This repository contains code examples that are compilable and testable.

Most if not all exercises are done as a JUnit Test. This provides a fast, clean, and focused way to determine if the code actually works and so you can easily see the results.

Vavr Introduction

Vavr is a library created by Daniel Dietrich. This library builds a tighter bond between Java 8 and extra functional programming ideas like Functional Data Structures, extra Functional Declarations, Tuples, and other functional constructs like Try, a better functional Option, Lazy evaluation, Either evaluation, better Future handling, and Validation.

Referential Transparency

A term often used in pure functional languages, where according to the Haskell language wiki (1) it is defined as n expression always evaluates to the same result in any context. That is when we invoke code that performs any work, that we get the same information back any time that we invoke it. Consider the following example in a fake generic language, that I have concocted:

def add(x, y) {
   return x + y

By calling add above, every time I call this method or function, I get the same response no matter how many times I call it, and there are no side effects. Side effects being where other operations that are embedded in a function that you can verify and where an effect is changed.

Let's take the above generic example and lose our referential transparency.

def add(x, y) {
   println("Adding two things!")
   return x + y

Now we have a side effect. This will now print something to the console and we have neither a verification of a side effect occurring, and every time we run it there is something extra happening. Some stringent developers will say that this is essentially "Lying to your users"


All Immutable, All The Time, Baby!

One of the things that makes programming so fun is immutability. There is less cognitive load to deal with when dealing with immutability. If you no longer have to query what state a certain object or instance is in, neither do your processors have to query as well since they all maintain the same copy.

Vavr meets this immutable functional data structures, also known as purely functional data structures.

Purely Functional Data Structures

Now that you know what these purely functional data structures are, lets start with the single linked list

Single Linked List

A single linked list is an immutable collection just the way it sounds one single item, linked to another via a reference.

The Power of prepend

In functional programming, the power of an operation lies in prepend, and that is to add one element to the beginning of a List. Consider the following diagram.

First let's take a look at the code:

List<Integer> original = List.of(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> result = singleLinkedList.prepend(0);

Here is what prepend actually does in the source code inside of Vavr:

default List<T> prepend(T element) {
    //this refers to the List that this method is in
    return new List.Cons(element, this); 

That means that the diagram for this operation looks as follows:

original -> [1] -> [2] -> [3]
result   -> [0]

There really isn't that much copying going on here so therefore the operation. Where things get interesting is when we append rather than prepend. There of course will be cost, but let's take a look at how this is done using the Vavr API then take a look at the internals and see how it all works.

First, how it is simply done.

List<Integer> original = List.of(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> result = original.append(4);

What is really going on inside.

default List<T> append(T element) {
   return (List)this.foldRight(of(element), (x, xs) -> {
       return xs.prepend(x);

foldRight means that we start off with the item that we want to add, in our case 4, and we build atop of that one item linearly until we have our new list, but we are going right so in our example we will start with 3 and go right.

Iteration 1:  x = 3 ; xs = [4]       ; result = [3, 4]
Iteration 2:  x = 2 ; xs = [3, 4]    ; result = [2, 3, 4]
Iteration 3:  x = 1 ; xs = [2, 3, 4] ; result = [1, 2, 3, 4]

If you really want to look at it as a test, you can rewrite append for very own, only in this example, I am explicitly using BiFunction to show our lambda conversion.

List<Integer> original = List.of(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> foldRight = original.foldRight(List.of(4), new BiFunction<Integer, List<Integer>, List<Integer>>() {
    public List<Integer> apply(Integer integer, List<Integer> integers) {
        List<Integer> result = integers.prepend(integer);
        System.out.format("next: %2d; list: %-13s; result: %s\n", integer, integers, result);
        return result;

Now here is how it looks when we convert the BiFunction into a lambda.

List<Integer> original = List.of(1, 2, 3);
List<Integer> foldRight = original.foldRight(List.of(4), (integer, integers) -> {
     List<Integer> result = integers.prepend(integer);
     System.out.format("next: %2d; list: %-13s; result: %s\n", integer, integers, result);

Where the results of the operation are, which matches what we thought

next:  3; list: List(4)      ; result: List(3, 4)
next:  2; list: List(3, 4)   ; result: List(2, 3, 4)
next:  1; list: List(2, 3, 4); result: List(1, 2, 3, 4)


Queues, or what we Americans call "gettin' in line", is just that, a first in, first out semantics. Only this time there are immutable and persistent considerations to be aware of. Consider the following code:

Queue<Integer> queue = Queue.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
Queue<Integer> newQueue = queue.enqueue(5,6,7,8);

Here queue contains 1,2,3,4 as expected, then we take queue and enqueue some further numbers 5,6,7,8. Because of the immutablity of the queue it holds onto the same numbers. The functional trick in the backend is separation of the elements, because we add items doesn't necessarily create a bunch of useless objects

The way queue works internally is that a front and rear reference is held internal to the data structure. When we enqueue 5,6,7,8 in the above example. front will contain 1,2,3,4 and rear will refer to 8,7,6,5. If we enqueue more then it will prepend (there it is again) to the rear. The magic happens when we construct a Queue again, by a process like dequeue where the front is depleted until empty. When a new Queue is created when dequeueis called and the front is empty while the rear is not. The new Queue will move the rear to the front and reverse the content and leave the front empty.

Performance Concerns

While performance concerns are always valid when immutable collections are concerned, the Vavr website contains a table of all O-notation expectations for different behaviors on different collections


Option has been in the JDK for a while now in the form of java.util.Optional<T> and while somewhat useful there is one important aspect about Optional and that is that it isn't serializable. That in turn also means that it is not meant to be used as member variables. Vavr's Option is serializable, and there was a time where there was some contemplation of removing it.

Here is a simple example of what is available with Vavr's variety of Option.

Option<String> option1 = Option.none();
Option<String> option2 = Option.of("Foo");

option1.getOrElse("Nope, Sorry");  //Nope, Sorry
option2.getOrElse("Nope, Sorry");  //Foo


If you, our dearly beloved reader has never ventured past the lush lawns of Java, you may have not seen tuples. Tuple are immutable container for disparate objects. If you ever wondered how you can return two items from a method, that would be a Tuple. In Vavr, there is Tuple1, Tuple2, Tuple3, Tuple4, Tuple5, all the way to Tuple8.

Tuple2<String, Integer> tuple2 = new Tuple2<>("Foo", 4);
tuple2._1()  // Foo
tuple2._2()  // 4

From the last example, if you might be wondering where did that _1 and _2 come from? Being that Vavr is inspired from Scala and Scala ultimately being inspired from Haskell, this where the notion of first and second come into play. Where are tuples used? Let's take a look at an immutable map.

Map<Integer, String> nums = HashMap.of(
                Tuple.of(1, "One"), 
                Tuple.of(2, "Two"), 
                Tuple.of(3, "Three"));
nums.get(1).getOrElse("Unknown");  //One
nums.get(10).getOrElse("Unknown"); //Unknown


Functions are verbs. They invoke a behavior and in Java 8 in order to create a function, you need an interface with one abstract method. Let's pick on java.util.BiFunction in JDK 8.

public interface BiFunction<T, U, R> {
    R apply(T t, U u);

Just because BiFunction has @FunctionalInterface doesn't make it a function. That is purely a call to the compiler to help us ensure that this indeed is an interface with one abstract method.

Let's take a look though at what the Vavr alternative for BiFunction looks like.

public interface Function2<T1, T2, R> extends λ<R>, BiFunction<T1, T2, R>  {
  R apply(T1 t1, T2 t2);

Interesting find. Function2 derives from java.util.BiFunction. Great! So anywhere something accepts a BiFunction you can fit a nice Function2. It also extends from λ and you know what that means, so let's move on. I am just kidding you don't know what λ does, what the hell is that thing? λ is a super interface! The super interface merely dictates that is you want to roll with λ gang, you need to be able to turn into a curried function, back to an uncurried function called tupled, and you should be able to memoize a function which is to cache a set of inputs. All part of the plan.

Before we begin to see all the goodness of a Fuction just note that just like Tuple, function come in these wide array of flavors, Function1, Function2, Function3, Function4, all the way to Function8. Now spring into action with Vavr's functions.

Function0<LocalDate> function0 = new Function0<LocalDate>() {
    public LocalDate apply() {
List<LocalDate> listOfLocalDates = List.fill(10, function0);
listOfLocalDates.forEach(new Consumer<LocalDate>() {
    public void accept(LocalDate x) {

So in the last example, I went mighty explicit with declaring what Function0 is and java.util.Consumer. Taking that all away, we are left with the following sweet treat.

Function0<LocalDate> function0 = LocalDate::now;
List<LocalDate> listOfLocalDates = List.fill(10, function0);

Running the above lists 10 dates using List.fill a method on Vavr's List. Pretty nifty.

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching is just one of the features that I sorely miss with Java.
The idea of Pattern Matching is more than just a switch statement which has it's problems.

String str = "January";
int month;
switch (str) {
    case "January":
        month = 1;
    case "February":
        month = 2;
    case "March":
        month = 3;
        month = 4;

The above example, has a bunch of breaks and that's pretty noisy. The other code smell is int month outside the block. That mean there is mutability right above the switch and that is not cool. We are favoring immutability, and it would be great to set month to the switch directly. The other problem is we are limited to what we can feed a switch; String, primitives, primitive wrappers, and enum. Weak sauce. It would be great if we can bust the doors wide open and allow more members and not only that if we can break down the contents to match what is inside these objects. That's what pattern matching brings and is a very powerful concept.

Using the last example, let us rewrite it, cleaner, with pattern matching.

Integer month = Match("January").of(
   Case(is("January"), 1),
   Case(is("February"), 2),
   Case(is("March"), 3),
   Case(is("April"), 4),
   Case($(), 5));

Oh, damn, that looks great. Here we want to match January and return the ordinal number matching the month. That's Java!
No, I am serious that's Java! But wait, careful analysis by you, our dear reader notices $() and you can probably piece together that this is some sort of default. That is true. These are called Atomic Patterns and yes it is a way to describe something that is either a "catch all", a default, or a predicate.

Here is an example where we are using it to dig into objects to find out what inside and match on those items

Option<String> middleName = Option.of("Lisa");
String message = Match(middleName).of(
     Case(Some($()), x -> "Middle name is " + x),
     Case(None(), "No middle name here"));

With this pattern match. I know there is an Option and it either in type Some meaning it has something or None. We can burrow down and use $() to signify that we wish to match with whatever is in the Some, you see after that, that we have a function so we can actually match on the middle name.


There is way much more goodness with Vavr. Check out the project, or attend one of my sessions where we can discover some more of the exciting aspects of Vavr. Once you delight in some of these new features you'll either want to skip over to another functional language like Scala or Clojure or you'll just want to demand more out of Java.


Vavr Presentation and Study Material






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