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jobboard application with Laravel In a context of hypothetical job board project, please implement following user stories: User Story 1

As a HR manager I would like to go to job submission page, fill out a form and publish a job offer.


● new job form should contain title, description and email field. ● when i hit submit button, if this is my first job posting i should receive email saying that my submission is in moderation, otherwise it should be public/published.

User Story 2

As a job board moderator i would like to receive email every time someone posts a job for a first time.


● every time someone posts a job for a first time (based on email address) i should receive email about it ● email notification should contain title and description of submission, as well as links to approve (publish) or mark it as a spam.


Laravel 5.4, PHP 7, MySql 5.6

PSR 2 standard

By php-cs-fixer all cotrollers, models and routes files are PSR 2 standard.

phpUnit tested

Have tested with Laravel\BrowserKitTesting\TestCase as BaseTestCase

So kindly change the $baseUrl as per your virtual / real host name.

How to install

  • Clone the repository to your virtual host folder
  • Run: composer update
  • Change the .env file as per your settings including mail settings and database
  • Also check the config/database.php for more details database related configuration
  • Run: database migration command from root folder [eg. php artisan migrate:refresh --seed]
  • there will be two users:
  • [password: password]
  • [password: password]
  • This application is using Swift Mailer library. So you have to configure the config/mail.php file too.
  • All documents including ER diagram, DFD inside public/document folder
  • Primacy custom coding files are:

How to run

Run your virtual host or real host from the browser eg. http://jobboard/ so it will show you the login screen. You can enter hrmanager login details to job post.

After login successful it will show you the Job Posting form to post. Validation are there. Fill all the boxes and submit.

it will process to save the data after checking that this is your first job post or not. If it is first time from you [hrmanager for eg.] then it will send a mail with details links to moderator to activate / spam the mail. Otherwise it will save the mail and make the post automatically published. For the first time post moderator can activate the post through his mail's activation link. She can make it spam too by another link on the same mail.

Future purposes

Though I have created login system for user but there is no registration process now.

Also now link the user table with jobposting table for future purposes so that application take the email and details by default and no need to write email at job post form.

Also need to add more test especially Mock tests.


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