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Daniel Leong edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 11 revisions


Before filing an issue, here are a few common problems and potential solutions:

The PS App is stuck "connecting" to PS4-Waker

This is normal, because we don't have the private key to encrypt responses back to the app. If the ps4-waker cli commands work, you've done everything right!

"SyntaxError: Unexpected token" error

You're using an older version of Nodejs. Try getting a more recent version. ps4-waker supports the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node, which was version 6 at the time of writing.

"The Second Screen App can't see ps4-waker"

If you're on Windows, you may need to set your network to be a Private Network instead of Public Network.

Check out these help tickets for more ideas:

"ps4-waker can't see the PS4"

This can have a several possible causes:

The machine you're running on has multiple network adapters

The system will just "pick" one in this case, and it might not be the one you need. Use the --bind command line option to specify the address of the appropriate adapter. This must be the same adapter that your phone can see (at least for the first run, when getting credentials from the mobile app) as well as the one that can see your PS4.

Your network is dropping UDP packets

The app needs to be able to send and receive on port 987 and 997 to discover and wake the PS4, and for your phone to discover it in the initial credentials step. Make sure your router is letting these ports through.

Also as part of discovery, ps4-waker listens by default on a random UDP port. If it is having trouble locating the PS4, and you're sure you've bound to the correct adapter using --bind, you may need to pick a port to listen on with --bind-port, and open that up on your router, as well.

You have multiple PS4s on your network

By default, ps4-waker commands act on the first one they see. To search for every device on your network, add a -t <milliseconds> timeout flag to your command and it will keep waiting. You may also use -d to specify the IP address of a specific machine. Check out the "Device Selection" section of the command help, either here or by running ps4-waker -?.

Docker can't broadcast to the network

To run this lib in docker, you'll need --network host set. This command however is only valid in a Linux host and won't work for Mac or Windows as of writing.

ps4-waker can put the PS4 to sleep, but not wake it up

Make sure you have the "Enable Turning On PS4 from Network" setting enabled in the PS4's Power Management settings

[Error: Device didn't wake in time]

If you get this error and your device doesn't wake up, you may need to redo the credentials step. The credentials are stored in ~/.ps4-wake.credentials.json, which could be /root if you ran it with sudo (check both places!). Delete this file and try again, and if it's still not cooperating, try moving the credentials from /root to your real home directory and running ps4-waker without root. See this comment

If you get this error even though your device wakes up, ps4-waker might just be a bit too impatient for your device/network. If your PS4 wakes up and just shows the "Press PS button on your controller" screen, try using the --timeout / -t flag to have ps4-waker wait a bit longer. For example, --timeout 60000 will make it wait for 60 seconds, which seems to work for most people experiencing this issue.

Unexpected error:21 / LOGIN_FAILED

If it looks like you successfully get credentials and correctly enter the pin code when requested, but you still get an error complaining about LOGIN_FAILED, you may be logging into a different account on the mobile app than you're using on the PS4. (See #51)


This is most commonly caused by having a keyboard and/or mouse plugged into your PS4. This seems to happen with the official PS app as well, so unfortunately it's probably a firmware issue. Unplugging the devices in question should make things work again, however! (See #98)

Error when connected to a VPN

Your VPN is probably providing another network adapter that ps4-waker is trying to use, unsuccessfully. See Multiple Networks above.