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Security: dhrubasaha08/DHT11

Security Policy

Supported Versions

This section lists the versions of the DHT11 library that are currently receiving updates.

Version Supported
< 2.0

Reporting a Vulnerability

The DHT11 Arduino library primarily facilitates interaction with the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. While the risk associated with this is minimal, maintaining a secure and reliable codebase remains a priority.

If you believe you've found a security vulnerability in the DHT11 library, please follow the steps below:

  1. Do Not Open a Public Issue: To ensure the vulnerability doesn't become public knowledge and put users at risk, refrain from opening an issue on the public GitHub repository.

  2. Contact the Maintainer: Send a detailed description of the vulnerability directly to Please provide as much information as possible to help understand the scope and severity of the potential issue.

  3. Response Time: I aim to acknowledge and respond to your report within 7 days. In the response, you can expect an evaluation of the issue and an estimated timeline for a fix if deemed necessary.

  4. Disclosure: Once the vulnerability has been addressed, I'll work with you to publicly disclose the issue in a responsible manner, ensuring the community is informed and can take appropriate actions.

Your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings are sincerely appreciated and will be acknowledged.

There aren’t any published security advisories