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Add transformation isomorphisms.
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And replace the old  function in favour of lenses  and the transform Isos.
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cchalmers committed Mar 9, 2015
1 parent 477c88f commit 72bf032
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Showing 5 changed files with 136 additions and 39 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/Diagrams/Path.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ module Diagrams.Path
) where

import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Lens (Rewrapped, Wrapped (..), iso, mapped, op, over, view, (%~),
_Unwrapped', _Wrapped, Each (..), traversed)
import Control.Lens hiding ((#), transform, at)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Semigroup
Expand All @@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ import Diagrams.Trail
import Diagrams.TrailLike
import Diagrams.Transform

import Linear.Affine
import Linear.Metric
import Linear.Vector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +259,7 @@ partitionPath p = (view _Unwrapped' *** view _Unwrapped') . partition p . op Pat
-- | Scale a path using its centroid (see 'pathCentroid') as the base
-- point for the scale.
scalePath :: (HasLinearMap v, Metric v, OrderedField n) => n -> Path v n -> Path v n
scalePath d p = (scale d `under` translation (origin .-. pathCentroid p)) p
scalePath d p = under (movedFrom (pathCentroid p)) (scale d) p

-- | Reverse all the component trails of a path.
reversePath :: (Metric v, OrderedField n) => Path v n -> Path v n
Expand Down
28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions src/Diagrams/ThreeD/Transform.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ module Diagrams.ThreeD.Transform
( T3

-- * Rotation
,aboutX, aboutY, aboutZ
, rotationAbout, pointAt, pointAt'
, aboutX, aboutY, aboutZ
, rotationAbout, rotateAbout
, pointAt, pointAt'

-- * Scaling
, scalingX, scalingY, scalingZ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ aboutY (view rad -> a) = fromOrthogonal r where
-- passing through @p@.
:: Floating n
=> Point V3 n -- ^ origin of rotation
=> Point V3 n -- ^ origin of rotation
-> Direction V3 n -- ^ direction of rotation axis
-> Angle n -- ^ angle of rotation
-> Transformation V3 n
Expand All @@ -120,6 +121,16 @@ rotationAbout (P t) d (view rad -> a)
^+^ cross w v ^* sin θ
^+^ w ^* ((w `dot` v) * (1 - cos θ))

-- | @rotationAbout p d a@ is a rotation about a line parallel to @d@
-- passing through @p@.
:: (InSpace V3 n t, Floating n, Transformable t)
=> Point V3 n -- ^ origin of rotation
-> Direction V3 n -- ^ direction of rotation axis
-> Angle n -- ^ angle of rotation
-> t -> t
rotateAbout p d theta = transform (rotationAbout p d theta)

-- | @pointAt about initial final@ produces a rotation which brings
-- the direction @initial@ to point in the direction @final@ by first
-- panning around @about@, then tilting about the axis perpendicular
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,8 +198,10 @@ reflectZ :: (InSpace v n t, R3 v, Transformable t) => t -> t
reflectZ = transform reflectionZ

-- | @reflectionAcross p v@ is a reflection across the plane through
-- the point @p@ and normal to vector @v@.
reflectionAcross :: (Metric v, R3 v, Fractional n)
-- the point @p@ and normal to vector @v@. This also works as a 2D
-- transform where @v@ is the normal to the line passing through point
-- @p@.
reflectionAcross :: (Metric v, Fractional n)
=> Point v n -> v n -> Transformation v n
reflectionAcross p v =
conjugate (translation (origin .-. p)) reflect
Expand All @@ -198,8 +211,9 @@ reflectionAcross p v =
f u w = w ^-^ 2 *^ project u w

-- | @reflectAcross p v@ reflects a diagram across the plane though
-- the point @p@ and the vector @v@.
reflectAcross :: (InSpace v n t, Metric v, R3 v, Fractional n, Transformable t)
-- the point @p@ and the vector @v@. This also works as a 2D transform
-- where @v@ is the normal to the line passing through point @p@.
reflectAcross :: (InSpace v n t, Metric v, Fractional n, Transformable t)
=> Point v n -> v n -> t -> t
reflectAcross p v = transform (reflectionAcross p v)

76 changes: 67 additions & 9 deletions src/Diagrams/Transform.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Diagrams.Transform
-- Copyright : (c) 2011-13 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- Copyright : (c) 2011-15 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
Expand All @@ -11,7 +14,6 @@

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Diagrams.Transform
( -- * Transformations
Expand All @@ -24,14 +26,15 @@ module Diagrams.Transform
, translation, translate, moveTo, place, scaling, scale

-- * Miscellaneous transformation-related utilities
, conjugate, under
, conjugate, underT, transformed, translated, movedTo, movedFrom

-- * The HasOrigin class

, HasOrigin(..), moveOriginBy

) where

import Control.Lens hiding (transform)
import Data.Semigroup
import Diagrams.Core

Expand All @@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ import Linear.Vector
-- inverse of @t1@.
conjugate :: (Additive v, Num n, Functor v)
=> Transformation v n -> Transformation v n -> Transformation v n
conjugate t1 t2 = inv t1 <> t2 <> t1
conjugate t1 t2 = inv t1 <> t2 <> t1

-- | Carry out some transformation \"under\" another one: @f ``under``

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byorgey Mar 11, 2015


This comment should be updated to talk about underT instead of under. Maybe also add a note referring the reader to the functions transformed etc.

-- t@ first applies @t@, then @f@, then the inverse of @t@. For
Expand All @@ -52,11 +55,66 @@ conjugate t1 t2 = inv t1 <> t2 <> t1
-- Note that
-- @
-- (transform t2) `under` t1 == transform (conjugate t1 t2)
-- @
-- @
-- (transform t2) `under` t1 == transform (conjugate t1 t2)
-- @
-- for all transformations @t1@ and @t2@.
under :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, Num n, Functor v, Transformable a, Transformable b)
underT :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, Transformable a, Transformable b)
=> (a -> b) -> Transformation v n -> a -> b
f `under` t = transform (inv t) . f . transform t
f `underT` t = transform (inv t) . f . transform t

-- | Use a 'Transformation' to make an 'Iso' between an object
-- transformed and untransformed. This is useful for carrying out
-- functions 'under' another transform:
-- @
-- under (transformed t) f == transform (inv t) . f . transform t
-- under (transformed t1) (transform t2) == transform (conjugate t1 t2)
-- transformed t ## a == transform t a
-- a ^. transformed t == transform (inv t) a
-- @
transformed :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, Transformable a, Transformable b)
=> Transformation v n -> Iso a b a b
transformed t = iso (transform $ inv t) (transform t)

-- | Use a 'Point' to make an 'Iso' between an object
-- moved to and from that point:
-- @
-- under (movedTo p) f == moveTo (-p) . f . moveTo p
-- over (movedTo p) f == moveTo p . f . moveTo (-p)
-- movedTo p == from (movedFrom p)
-- movedTo p ## a == moveTo p a
-- a ^. movedTo p == moveOriginTo p a
-- @
movedTo :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, HasOrigin a, HasOrigin b)
=> Point v n -> Iso a b a b
movedTo p = iso (moveTo (negated p)) (moveTo p)

-- | Use a 'Transformation' to make an 'Iso' between an object
-- transformed and untransformed. We have
-- @
-- under (movedFrom p) f == moveTo p . f . moveTo (-p)
-- movedFrom p == from (movedTo p)
-- movedFrom p ## a == moveOriginTo p a
-- a ^. movedFrom p == moveTo p a
-- over (movedFrom p) f == moveTo (-p) . f . moveTo p
-- @
movedFrom :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, HasOrigin a, HasOrigin b)
=> Point v n -> Iso a b a b
movedFrom p = iso (moveOriginTo (negated p)) (moveOriginTo p)

-- | Use a vector to make an 'Iso' between an object translated and
-- untranslated.
-- @
-- under (translated v) f == translate (-v) . f . translate v
-- translated v ## a == translate v a
-- a ^. translated v == translate (-v) a
-- over (translated v) f == translate v . f . translate (-v)
-- @
translated :: (InSpace v n a, SameSpace a b, Transformable a, Transformable b)
=> v n -> Iso a b a b
translated = transformed . translation
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/Diagrams/Transform/Matrix.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,20 @@ mkMat t = distribute . tabulate $ apply t . unit . el
mkMatHomo :: Num n => Transformation V3 n -> M44 n
mkMatHomo t = mkTransformationMat (mkMat t) (transl t)

-- | Make a 2D transformation from a 2x2 transform matrix and a
-- translation vector. If the matrix is not invertable, 'Nothing' is

This comment has been minimized.

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byorgey Mar 11, 2015


s/invertable/invertible/ (here and elsewhere)

-- returned.
fromMat22 :: (Epsilon n, Floating n) => M22 n -> V2 n -> Maybe (T2 n)
fromMat22 m v = flip (fromMatWithInv m) v <$> inv22 m

-- | Make a 3D transformation from a 3x3 transform matrix and a
-- translation vector. If the matrix is not invertable, 'Nothing' is
-- returned.
fromMat33 :: (Epsilon n, Floating n) => M33 n -> V3 n -> Maybe (T3 n)
fromMat33 m v = flip (fromMatWithInv m) v <$> inv33 m

-- | Build a transform with a maxtrix along with its inverse.
-- | Build a transform with a maxtrix along with its inverse (this is
-- not checked).
fromMatWithInv :: (Additive v, Distributive v, Foldable v, Num n)
=> v (v n) -- ^ matrix
-> v (v n) -- ^ inverse
Expand All @@ -51,10 +58,13 @@ fromMatWithInv m m_ v =
((*! distribute m) <-> (*! distribute m_))

-- are these useful?
-- | Prism onto a 2D transformation from a 2x2 transform matrix and
-- translation vector.
mat22 :: (Epsilon n, Floating n) => Prism' (M22 n, V2 n) (T2 n)
mat22 = prism' (mkMat &&& transl) (uncurry fromMat22)

-- | Prism onto a 2D transformation from a 2x2 transform matrix and
-- translation vector.
mat33 :: (Epsilon n, Floating n) => Prism' (M33 n, V3 n) (T3 n)
mat33 = prism' (mkMat &&& transl) (uncurry fromMat33)

51 changes: 34 additions & 17 deletions src/Diagrams/TwoD/Transform.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
-- Copyright : (c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- Copyright : (c) 2011-2015 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ module Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
-- * Rotation
, rotation, rotate, rotateBy
, rotation, rotate, rotateBy, rotated

, rotationAround, rotateAround
, rotationTo, rotateTo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ import Diagrams.Transform
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector

import Control.Lens (review, view, (&), (*~), (.~), (//~))
import Control.Lens hiding (at, transform)
import Data.Semigroup

import Linear.Affine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,20 +98,35 @@ rotate = transform . rotation
rotateBy :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n) => n -> t -> t
rotateBy = transform . rotation . review turn

-- | Use an 'Angle' to make an 'Iso' between an object
-- rotated and unrotated. This us useful for performing actions
-- 'under' a rotation:
-- @
-- under (rotated t) f = rotate (negated t) . f . rotate t
-- rotated t ## a = rotate t a
-- a ^. rotated t = rotate (-t) a
-- over (rotated t) f = rotate t . f . rotate (negated t)
-- @
rotated :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, SameSpace a b, Transformable a, Transformable b)
=> Angle n -> Iso a b a b
rotated = transformed . rotation

-- | @rotationAbout p@ is a rotation about the point @p@ (instead of
-- around the local origin).
rotationAround :: Floating n => P2 n -> Angle n -> T2 n
rotationAround p angle = conjugate (translation (origin .-. p)) (rotation angle)
rotationAround p theta =
conjugate (translation (origin .-. p)) (rotation theta)

-- | @rotateAbout p@ is like 'rotate', except it rotates around the
-- point @p@ instead of around the local origin.
rotateAround :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n) => P2 n -> Angle n -> t -> t
rotateAround p angle = rotate angle `under` translation (origin .-. p)
rotateAround :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n)
=> P2 n -> Angle n -> t -> t
rotateAround p theta = transform (rotationAround p theta)

-- | The rotation that aligns the x-axis with the given non-zero vector.
-- | The rotation that aligns the x-axis with the given direction.
rotationTo :: OrderedField n => Direction V2 n -> T2 n
rotationTo (view _Dir -> V2 x y) = rotation (atan2A' y x)
-- could be done with Direction

-- | Rotate around the local origin such that the x axis aligns with the
-- given direction.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,16 +227,17 @@ reflectionY = fromSymmetric $ (_y *~ (-1)) <-> (_y *~ (-1))
reflectY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Transformable t) => t -> t
reflectY = transform reflectionY

-- | @reflectionAbout p v@ is a reflection in the line determined by
-- the point @p@ and vector @v@.
reflectionAbout :: OrderedField n => P2 n -> V2 n -> T2 n
reflectionAbout p v =
conjugate (rotationTo (direction $ negated v) <> translation (origin .-. p))
-- | @reflectionAbout p d@ is a reflection in the line determined by
-- the point @p@ and direction @d@.
reflectionAbout :: OrderedField n => P2 n -> Direction V2 n -> T2 n
reflectionAbout p d =
conjugate (rotationTo d <> translation (origin .-. p))

-- | @reflectAbout p v@ reflects a diagram in the line determined by
-- the point @p@ and the vector @v@.
reflectAbout :: (InSpace V2 n t, OrderedField n, Transformable t) => P2 n -> V2 n -> t -> t
-- | @reflectAbout p d@ reflects a diagram in the line determined by
-- the point @p@ and direction @d@.
reflectAbout :: (InSpace V2 n t, OrderedField n, Transformable t)
=> P2 n -> Direction V2 n -> t -> t
reflectAbout p v = transform (reflectionAbout p v)

-- Shears --------------------------------------------------
Expand Down

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