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A C# .Net assembly of helpers for general coding situations


  • Dibware.Helpers.System.EnumHelper
  • Dibware.Helpers.Validation.Guard
  • Dibware.Helpers.Validation.Ensure
  • Dibware.Helpers.Validation.EnsureOfT


A helper class for use with bitwise flag enumerations


  • IEnumerable GetAllSelectedItems(Enum value)
  • String GetName(Enum value)
IEnumerable GetAllSelectedItems(Enum value)

Gets all combined items from an enum value where the enum is expressed as bitwise flags.

String GetName(Enum value)

Retrieves the name of the constant in the specified enumeration that has the specified value. Basically just a wrapper for the built in .Net Enum.GetName(System.Type enumType, object value) method


Encapsulates guard clause logic


  • void ArgumentOutOfRange(Boolean condition, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void ArgumentOutOfRange(Boolean condition, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName, String message)
  • void InvalidOperation(Boolean condition, String message)
  • void ArgumentIsNotNull(object value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void NotEqualsDefaultOfType(T value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void ArgumentIsNotNullOrEmpty(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void ArgumentIsNullOrWhiteSpace(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void ArgumentIsAlphaNumeric(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
  • void ArgumentConformsToRegex(string value, string regularExpressionPattern, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

void ArgumentOutOfRange(Boolean condition, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified condition is true. If it is a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with the argument name

void ArgumentOutOfRange(Boolean condition, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName, String message)

Checks if the specified condition is true. If it is a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with the argument name and specified message

void ArgumentOutOfRange(Boolean condition, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName, String message)

Checks if the specified condition is true. If it is a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown with the argument name and specified message

void ArgumentIsNotNull(object value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified arguments the is not null. If it is throws a System.ArgumentNullException

void NotEqualsDefaultOfType(T value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified argument value has the default value for the type. If it has then a System.ArgumentNullException is thrown.

void ArgumentIsNotNullOrEmpty(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified string is not null or empty. If it is throws a System.ArgumentNullException

void ArgumentIsNullOrWhiteSpace(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified string is not null, empty, or white space. If it is throws a System.ArgumentNullException

void ArgumentIsAlphaNumeric(string value, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified string only has alphabetical or numeric charaters. If it does not, then throws a System.ArgumentNullException

void ArgumentConformsToRegex(string value, string regularExpressionPattern, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)

Checks if the specified string only conforms to the specified regular expression. If it does not, then throws a System.ArgumentNullException


Encapsualtes logic to ensures arguments pass specific validation.


  • string ArgumentIsNotNullOrEmpty(String value, string argumentName)
  • static string ArgumentIsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(String value, String argumentName)

string ArgumentIsNotNullOrEmpty(String value, string argumentName)

Checks if the specified string is not null or empty. If it is throws a System.ArgumentNullException.

static string ArgumentIsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(String value, String argumentName)

Checks if the specified string is not null, empty or whitespace. If it is throws a System.ArgumentNullException.


Encapsualtes logic to ensures arguments pass specific validation.


  • T IsNotNull(T value, String itemName)

T IsNotNull(T value, String itemName)

Checks if the specified item is not null. If it is throws a System.NullReferenceException


An assembly of helpers for general coding situations







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