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A C#.Net assembly to assist in unit testing



  • IntegerAssert.cs
  • StringAssert.cs



  • void IsLessThan(Int16, Int16)
  • void IsLessThan(Int32, Int32)
  • void IsLessThan(Int64, Int64)
IsLessThan(Int16 value1, Int16 value2)

Asserts that short integer value1 is less than value2.

IsLessThan(Int32 value1, Int32 value2)

Asserts that the integer value1 is less than value2.

IsLessThan(Int64 value1, Int64 value2)

Asserts that the long integer value1 is less than value2.



  • void IsEmpty(String)
  • void IsEmpty(String, String)
  • void IsEmpty(String, String, params object[])
void IsEmpty(String value)

Asserts that the specified value is empty. value: The value to test

void IsEmpty(String value, String message)

Asserts that the specified value is empty with a message to display if it is not. value: The value to test message: A message to display. This message can be seen in the unit test results.

void IsEmpty(String value, String message, params object[] parameters)

Asserts that the specified value is empty with a message to display if it is not. value: The value to test message: A message to display. This message can be seen in the unit test results. parameters: An array of parameters to use when formatting

Git Commits

  • Name your commits in the following format YYYYMMDD-HHMM-IINN COMMENT
  • Where YYYY = Year
  • Where MM = Month
  • Where DD = Day
  • Where HH = Hour (24)
  • Where MM = Minute
  • Where II = Initials of developer (2-4 chars)
  • Where NN = Machine name identifier checked in from (2-4 chars)
    • DT = Desktop
    • LT = Laptop
    • BS = Build Server
  • Where COMMENT = The work that has been carried out for this commit
  • Example 20140321-0525-DWDT WebPrinciple and WebIdentity added


Follow Microsoft c# standards Suggested to use Resharper and follow suggestions where appropriate

Code Blocks

  • All code blocks must be wrapped in braces, even if just one line


  • Comment all code, implementation and method signatures
  • Suggest that GhostDoc is used for methods, and contenet edited as appropriate
  • Keep comments up to date with changes

Referenced DLLs

  • Do not use packages from Nuget in the project or solution- I feel these make the solution messy
  • Add referenced .dlls to the Library directory in each project and reference from there
  • Remove unused references where known
  • Remove unused "usings" from classes and modules


  • Use region directives to split up logical blocks of code Constructors, Properties, Methods, interface implentations, etc.

Text Strings

  • All text strings must be held in a resource file in the Resources directory

Unit Tests

  • Each project in the solution must have an accompanying TEST project
  • Each TEST project must have the same name as the project it is to test but with ".Tests" suffix to the name
  • All code must have an accompanying test where possible
  • File locations of tests must emulate the location of the class being tested
  • Test method names must be in the format of "Test_ActionBeingTested_Conditions_ExpectedResult" where possible


A C#.Net assembly to assist in unit testing







No releases published


