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A C# .Net 4.5 assembly for use with ASP.Net MVC websites

Membership and Role providers that accept an injected repository which must confirm to a specified contract. This ensures the providers have no awareness of where the data they use comes from.

This is very much A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!

Prerequisite Assemblies

  • Ninject.dll
  • System
  • System.configuration
  • System.core
  • System.Web.ApplicationServices
  • WebMatrix.Webdata


  • IRepositoryMembershipProvider
  • IRepositoryMembershipProviderPasswordService
  • IRepositoryMembershipProviderRepository
  • IRepositoryRoleProvider
  • IRepositoryRoleProviderRepository


  • RepositoryMembershipProvider
  • RepositoryRoleProvider
  • WebIdentity
  • WebPrincipal

Git Commits

  • Name your commits in the following format YYYYMMDD-HHMM-IINN COMMENT
  • Where YYYY = Year
  • Where MM = Month
  • Where DD = Day
  • Where HH = Hour (24)
  • Where MM = Minute
  • Where II = Initials of developer (2-4 chars)
  • Where NN = Machine name identifier checked in from (2-4 chars)
    • DT = Desktop
    • LT = Laptop
    • BS = Build Server
  • Where COMMENT = The work that has been carried out for this commit
  • Example 20140321-0525-DWDT WebPrinciple and WebIdentity added


Follow Microsoft c# standards Suggested to use Resharper and follow suggestions where appropriate

Code Blocks

  • All code blocks must be wrapped in braces, even if just one line


  • Comment all code, implementation and method signatures
  • Suggest that GhostDoc is used for methods, and contenet edited as appropriate
  • Keep comments up to date with changes

Referenced DLLs

  • Do not use packages from Nuget in the project or solution- I feel these make the solution messy
  • Add referenced .dlls to the Library directory in each project and reference from there
  • Remove unused references where known
  • Remove unused "usings" from classes and modules


  • Use region directives to split up logical blocks of code Constructors, Properties, Methods, interface implentations, etc.

Text Strings

  • All text strings must be held in a resource file in the Resources directory

Unit Tests

  • Each project in the solution must have an accompanying TEST project
  • Each TEST project must have the same name as the project it is to test but with ".Tests" suffix to the name
  • All code must have an accompanying test where possible
  • File locations of tests must emulate the location of the class being tested
  • Test method names must be in the format of "Test_ActionBeingTested_Conditions_ExpectedResult" where possible


A c#.Net assembly for use with ASP.Net MVC websites







No releases published


