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Prototype variant of the CookieBlock crawler for gathering consent labels from CMPs. Does not use OpenWPM.


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Cookie Consent Label Webcrawler - Prototype


This repository is a predecessor of the OpenWPM-based crawler implementation found at:

It retrieves cookie information from a set of Consent Management Providers, most importantly the purpose information of the cookie. This is used both for training a classifier, and to detect potential violations of the GDPR requirements.

The crawler is released here separately under the BSD 3-clause license, such that the relevant crawler logic can be used without the GPL.

About CookieBlock

CookieBlock is a browser extension developed by researchers at ETH Zürich, which automatically enforces GDPR cookie consent preferences of the user without needing to rely on the website to respect the user's choices.

More information can be found on the official website:

Background Information

Due to the GDPR, websites that offer their services to countries in the EU are required to request consent from visitors when the website attempts to store cookies on the visitor's browser. This is commonly accomplished by websites using plugins offered by Consent Management Providers (CMPs).

These plugins usually offer consent toggles for the visitor, and sometimes display detailed information of the purpose of each cookie present on the website. This crawler specifically targets CMP implementations that display such information, for the purpose of gathering a dataset of cookie purposes and other details.

Using a list of input domains, the label crawler scrapes domains in expectation that they use specific Consent Management Platform plugin to display cookie banners to users. Currently supported CMPs are Cookiebot, OneTrust and Termly. If the CMP is found, specific string identifiers are extracted from the website to then retrieve the externally hosted cookie label information.

Each cookie is assigned to one of the following purpose classes:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: Cookies that are required for the website to function properly. These require no consent from the visitor and usually cannot be rejected, but are still declared inside privacy policies and consent notices.
  • Functional Cookies: Cookies that provide additional services or improve the user experience, but are not strictly necessarily for the website to function. For instance, this includes cookies that control non-essential website style settings.
  • Performance/Analytical Cookies: These are cookies that gather anonymized data from the user in order to report statistics of the website usage or website performance to the host. This is used to improve the site and the browsing experience, but are not to be used for advertising or data sale purposes.
  • Advertising/Tracking: Includes advertising, tracking and collection of sensitive personal data, which may be sold to other interested parties. Usually the type of cookie we want to block, as it has little benefit to the user.
  • Uncategorized: Some CMPs leave cookies uncategorized, which leaves ambiguous how websites trat them when consent is given. This category catches all such declarations.
  • Unknown: Category names are variable, and some do not map to the aforementioned types. This includes category labels such as "Information Storage and Access" or "Content Delivery". In addition, some CMP use language-specific declarations. This crawler currently only supports English language categories, but this can easily be expanded.

If a cookie has multiple purposes assigned, the tool will assign the less privacy-preserving category. The categories are hereby graded from "Necessary" being the most, and "Advertising" the least privacy-friendly.

In addition to the code, this repository also includes an informal analysis of how the CookieBot and OneTrust CMPs store the relevant cookie consent data, and what information can be retrieved.

The code in this repository is licensed under BSD 3-clause.


No special setup is needed, simply install the required Python libraries (either as virtual environment or globally) and execute the script with the required arguments.


  • Tested with Python 3.8 and 3.9
  • Required third-party libraries:
    • requests (tested w/ version: 2.25.1)
    • beautifulsoup4 (4.9.3)
    • docopt (0.6.2)
    • selenium (3.141)
    • Js2Py (0.70)

Usage (cookiebot|onetrust|termly) (--url <u> | --pkl <fpkl> | --file <fpath>)... [--assume_http] [--loglevel <LEVEL>] [--dbname <DB>] --help

The first required argument determines which CMP to look for. This must be one of the following:

  • cookiebot : Test for the Cookiebot CMP on the provided domains.
  • onetrust : Test for OneTrust, OptAnon and CookiePro CMP on the given domains. These all implement the same backend.
  • termly : Test for the Termly CMP on the given domains.

The second required argument determines the urls to crawl. These must be given in HTTP protocol format.


-u --url <u>          A single URL string to target. Can specify multiple.
-p --pkl <fpkl>       File path to pickled list of URLs.
-f --file <fpath>     Path to file containing one URL per line.
-a --assume_http      Assume domains are provided without 'HTTP://' prefix, append prefix where necessary.
--dbname <DB>         Name of the output database. Default is: "cookiedat.sqlite"

--loglevel <LEVEL>    Set level for logger [default: INFO]
-h --help             Display this help screen.


For each crawl, the script produces a folder called scrape_out_<timestamp> which contains the collected CMP data and statistics on each type of error with detailed descriptions of each error.

The consent data is stored in a SQLite database (called cookiedat.sqlite by default) which contains the following table:

TABLE consent_data
    id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,         -- unique identifier
    site_url TEXT NOT NULL,         -- site that was targetted in the crawl
    name TEXT NOT NULL,             -- name as specified in the CMP
    domain TEXT NOT NULL,           -- domain as specified in the CMP
    path TEXT DEFAULT "/",          -- path in the CMP (rarely listed)

    cat_id INTEGER NOT NULL,        -- Identifies the category
    cat_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, -- Name of the category. May vary for the same ID.
    purpose TEXT,                   -- Declared purpose of the cookie.
    type VARCHAR(256)               -- Cookiebot technology type

Repository Contents

./documentation    -- Documentation on Cookiebot, OneTrust and the crawler failure cases.
./domain_sources   -- A list of example domains to crawl, sourced from the website "BuiltWith".
./schema           -- Contains the database schema.
./src              -- Source files for the crawler.
./   -- Command line script to run the crawler, with usage described above.


This repository was created as part of the master thesis "Analyzing Cookies Compliance with the GDPR", which can be found at:

as well as the paper "Automating Cookie Consent and GDPR Violation Detection", which can be found at:

Thesis supervision and co-authors:

  • Karel Kubicek
  • Dr. Carlos Cotrini
  • Prof. Dr. David Basin
  • Information Security Group at ETH Zürich

See also the following repositories for other related components:


Copyright (c) 2021 Dino Bollinger, Department of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, Information Security Group

With help from Karel Kubicek, Dr. Carlos Cotrini and Prof. Dr. David Basin.

This project is released under the BSD 3-clause license, see the included LICENSE file.


Prototype variant of the CookieBlock crawler for gathering consent labels from CMPs. Does not use OpenWPM.







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