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The OneDataShare SDK for C++ 17. To begin working with the SDK, see the installation instructions, the documentation, and the getting started tutorial.

Table of Contents


The following are required to build and test this project.


To install the OneDataShare C++ SDK, follow the instructions below. Note that this will require a C++ 17 compiler, CMake 3.10.0 or greater, and Libcurl 7.47.0 or greater.

  1. Clone the github repository at and switch to the created directory with the following commands:

    git clone;
    cd CClient
  2. Create and switch to a build directory with

    mkdir build;
    cd build
  3. Next you must initialize the build tree and specify where you want to install the OneDataShare SDK. There are two ways to do this. To use the default GNU install directory (/usr/local), use

    cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    To specify a different directory denoted by <path>, use

    cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>
  4. Finally, to install the OneDataShare SDK, use

    sudo make install

CMake Support

The OneDataShare SDK fully supports CMake. Once installed, OneDataShare can be included in any CMake project by calling find_package(OneDataShare) which will define the following:

  • OneDataShare_FOUND - defined if and only if CMake successfully found the OneDataShare package.
  • OneDataShare_VERSION - the version of the OneDataShare installation found by CMake.
  • OneDataShare::OneDataShare - the imported OneDataShare target
  • ONEDATASHARE_LIBRARIES - an alias for OneDataShare::OneDataShare

Once found, OneDataShare::OneDataShare can be linked with the project as shown below.


Here's a minimal working CMakeLists.txt file that finds the OneDataShare package and links the package with the project.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

project(myproject LANGUAGES CXX)

find_package(OneDataShare 0.1.0 REQUIRED)



install(TARGETS myproject


This project is built and tested using make. See Makefile for more information on targets.


To run the examples, a token.txt and url.txt file must be created in the project root containing the OneDataShare authentication token and OneDataShare url respectively as shown below.





Do not check these files into version control.

Project Structure:

bin/ - Local-only directory containing generated binaries. This directory is not to be checked into version control.

build/ - Local-only directory containing project build tree. This directory is not to be checked into version control.

cmake/ - Contains templates for generated CMake scripts.

docs - Contains generated documentation for hosting on GitHub pages.

doxygen/ - Contains files for generating documentation.

examples/ - Contains sample files demonstrating how to use the OneDataShare SDK. These files are not part of the main project.

include/ - Contains public header files to be exported with the library.

src/ - Contains the library's source files.

tests/ - Contains unit tests for the library.

Coding Style:

This project follows the C++ Core Guidelines, including the recommended naming and layout rules. Note that this project does not use the Guidelines Support Library.


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