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Lua client for the Diffbot API

The Diffbot Lua interface is a module, named diffbot. You can create one or more client instances (if neccessary).


  • Ensure dkjson ( module is installed on your system.
  • (Optional) Install the Seawolf library, for convenient debugging.
  • Load diffbot module. E.g.: local diffbot = require 'diffbot'

If a JSON is not installed on your system, it will throw an error message.


First, create a diffbot object. The only mandatory parameter is your personal developer token. The second, optional parameter is the API version.

local diffbot = require 'diffbot'
local diffbot_client = diffbot('DEVELOPER TOKEN', 2)

Then, the diffbot table (a.k.a object) can be used to call the Diffbot API several times.

Metatable synopsis

diffbot = {
  -- variables
  logfile = 'diffbot.log',
  dateformat = 'Y-m-d H:i:sP',
  tracefile = 'diffbot.trc',
  base_url = '',

  -- methods
  public __call(string token [, int version = 2] )

  -- automatic APIs
  table analyze(string url [, table fields] ),
  table article(string url [, table fields] ),
  table frontpage(string url [, table fields] ),
  table product(string url [, table fields] ),
  table image(string url [, table fields] ),

  -- crawlbot API
  table crawlbot_start(string name, table seeds, table api_query = nil [, table options ] ),
  table crawlbot_pause(string name),    // pause a runnning job
  table crawlbot_continue(string name), // continue a paused job
  table crawlbot_restart(string name),  // restart a job, cleaning previous results
  table crawlbot_delete(string name),   // delete a job with all of its results


Each option is a public variable, you can change its default value after the object is created.

  • logfile is the filename where API names and passed URLs are logged. If set to nil, no logging performed.
  • dateformat is the format of date() function, used in log file.
  • tracefile is the file name of the trace file where raw request and response data is saved for debugging purposes. In production environment, you should set it to nil to disable tracing.
  • base_url contains the URL pattern to use when calling Diffbot API. First value will be replaced to version number, the second will be the api name. Usually, you do not need to change this.

E.g., to disable trace information:

diffbot_client.tracefile = false


For each API, a different public function can be called. The function name is the same as the API name. The first, mandatory parameter is the URL to be analyzed, the second, optional parameter contains the fields to be returned. Functions return an object hierarchy or false if an error occurs.

Example 1: Call the Analyze API


local diffbot, d, c
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
c = d:analyze ''


table {
  type = "serp"
  title = "Diffbot: Products"
  url = ""
  human_language = "en"
  childNodes = {

Example 2: Call the Article API


local diffbot, d, fields, c
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
fields = {'icon', 'text', 'title'} -- fields to be returned
c = d:article('', fields)


table {
  type = "article"
  title = "Products"
  url = ""
  text = ""name": "Automatic APIs", "type": "computer vision", "author": "Diffy", "target": "common web pages"
    "name": "Custom API Toolkit", "type": "custom extraction", "author": "Diffy", "target": "any kind of page"
    "name": "Crawlbot", "type": "spidering", "author": "Diffy", "target": "entire domains""
  icon = ""
  author = ""

For choosing fields, see the official api documentation:

Example 3: Submit and control a crawl job


table crawlbot_start(string name, table seeds, table api_query = nil [, table options ] )

The parameters are:

  • name - The name of your crawl job.
  • seeds - The URL(s) to crawl. Pass one URL as a string, more URLs as an array.
  • api_query - If you set this parameter to nil or just ignore it, your crawl will run in automatic mode. Here you can define what Diffbot API should the crawlbot use. It is an associated array where array keys are:
    • api : one of Diffbot API name, e.g. "article"
    • fields (optional) : array of field names to processed, e.g. array("meta","image")
  • Options - An associated array for optional crawl arguments and/or refining your crawl. See crawl documentation for details.

Start a job in automatic mode, crawl up to five pages:

local diffbot, d, ret
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
ret = d:crawlbot_start('testJob', '',
  {maxToProcess = 5}


Successfully added urls for spidering.

Start a job using product api with fields querystring and meta :

local diffbot, d, ret
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
ret = d:crawlbot_start('testJob', '',
    api = 'product',
    fields = {'querystring', 'meta'},
  {maxToProcess = 5}


Successfully added urls for spidering.

Pause a running crawl job:

local diffbot, d, ret
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
ret = d:crawlbot_pause 'testJob'


  status = 6
  message = "Job paused."

Delete a crawl job with its results:

local diffbot, d, ret
diffbot = require 'diffbot'
d = diffbot 'DEVELOPER_TOKEN'
ret = d:crawlbot_delete 'testJob'


Successfully deleted job.


A Diffbot APi client for Lua







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