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Dockerized GeoGebra


The development flow is roughly as follows

  1. Make your changes
  2. To test your changes, rebuild and tag the docker image by running docker build -t "$(npm pkg get version | tr -d \")" .
  3. Restart the digabi2 docker compose to make sure that the new image is used.

Development release

To release a new development version of GeoGebra, run ./ <major|minor|patch|<semver>>. This will create a new git tag, and build and push a Docker image with that tag into our private ECR. Building and pushing to ECR happens in Github Actions. You can view the workflow progress here. Once built and pushed, you can update the GeoGebra version apps-dev.json in the digabi2 repository to point to the new tag.


To promote a development version of the image to production (i.e. release it to our public ECR) run ./ Choose the tag you want to promote to production, which will trigger a Github Actions workflow. The workflow will push the corresponding private image to our public ECR. You can view the workflow progress here. After this has completed, update the GeoGebra version in apps-prod.json in the digabi2 repository to point to the newly released image tag.