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Cookies for Platforms

Sam Tingleff edited this page May 16, 2019 · 15 revisions


A single cookie named DigiTrust.v1.identity is used to encode the anonymous DigiTrust identifier and associated data. The attributes of this object are described below.

This cookie is written to the domain. While it is not expected, it is possible to see another cookie of the same name written to a subdomain such as

Note that the object described here represents the "private" cookie exposed only to platform members via CNAME DNS delegation. It differs in important ways from the "public" cookie and Identity Object which is described in the Integration Guide.

The lifetime of new cookies is expected to be five years including leap years, or at most 1,830 days.


The object encoded within this cookie is wrapped in multiple layers for maximum compatibility with web browsers and cookie encoding. It is:

  1. JSON encoded
  2. Base-64 encoded
  3. URL encoded

In javascript, the following code is used to encode the cookie.


And the following is used to decode.


Identity Object


Name Description Type Always Provided Example(s)
id Unique device identifier 64 bits of crypto-quality random data, base-64 encoded (string) no VJ+TjrjhnvU=
version ID version integer yes 2
producer Member ID responsible for creating this cookie string no 1CrsdUNAo6
privacy Privacy settings Privacy object yes Currently only privacy.optout
privacy.optout Opt out state boolean yes false


 "version": 2,
 "producer": "1CrsdUNAo6",
   "optout": false

This will take the following value when encoded as the DigiTrust.v1.identity cookie.


ID Values

When produced in the browser the id field is generated with approximately the following code using a WebCrypto API for random data.

var buffer = new Uint8Array(8);
return arrayBufferToBase64String(buffer);

Note that

  • this is intended to provide 64 bits of entropy
  • values may exceed Long.MAX_VALUE in java or similar constructs in other languages
  • this value should be encrypted at all times outside of the cookie space

The canonical representation of this ID is the base-64 encoded string version.


Other possible representations include

Type Value
byte array [-113, 33, 1, -39, 65, -46, -116, -70]
64 bit signed integer -5004393905660026481
64 bit hex encoded integer ba8cd241d901218f

All of these may used as internal representations for data storage. However for all purposes of data exchange or other communication such as RTB bid requests, the canonical (string) representation should be used: jyEB2UHSjLo=.

ID Versions

The version field is intended to allow for changes in ID size and encodings. The following versions have seen production usage in some form or another.

  • 2: 64 bits of random data, base-64 encoded.


A minimal (opt out) identity object consists of the following.

 "privacy": {
  "optout": true

Which encodes to the following browser cookie.


A more typical identity object includes a non-null id value and false for privacy.optout.

 "id": "qCj9pfSbEug=",
 "version": 2,
 "producer": "1CrsdUNAo6",
 "privacy": {
  "optout": false

Which is encoded as the following.



The following basic guidelines are provided for platforms using CNAME DNS delegation.

  1. Please do not set any additional cookies on the top-level domain or on a subdomain.
  2. Expect to support https on the subdomain in addition to http.
  3. Ensure that deserialization will not break if new attributes are introduced to the Identity Object.
  4. Identity cookies should only be created and written to the browser when no existing cookie is present.
  5. A high quality source of random data should be used to produce ID values.
  6. Platforms will take responsibility to ensure compatibility via a test suite tbd.

Required Use Cases

In order to use a subdomain, platforms will be expected to comply with an automated test suite. This suite covers approximately the following use cases

  1. no existing cookie present: a new cookie should be created
  2. existing (valid) cookie present: no cookie should be set in the response
  3. opt out cookie present: no cookie should be set
  4. badly formatted cookie present: a new cookie should be created

This test suite is currently best documented in this set of unit tests.