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A bit more than an "Hello World" for the Hacktivity 2019 badge with modified SAMD21 firmware to use it in the Arduino environment


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In this repository, you will find much more than a simple "Hello World" program for the Hacktivity 2019 badge based on the Espressif ESP32 powerful microcontroller.

You will find:

  • a library to manage the display;

  • a library to talk to the SAMD21 co-processor to light on board RGB LEDs, to play sounds on the buzzer, and to read the touch buttons;

  • a sample program (hacktivity-2019-esp32-hello-world.ino) with examples of:

    • writing text to the display using big and small fonts;

    • drawing lines, rectangles, and circles on the display;

    • lighting LEDs on the board;

    • playing sounds on the buzzer;

    • reading the status of the touch buttons on the board

Very Important

But first, you have to replace the firmware on the ARM based Atmel SAMD21 co-processor downloading it and following instructions on the Hacktivity 2019 SAMD unofficial firmware GitHub repository.

And, in the Arduino IDE, you have to select Tools -> Board -> ESP32 Arduino -> ESP32 Dev Module; the Arduino automatic Board detection can wrongly detect the board and can brick your device after uploading the sketch.

Table of Content

The Hacktivity 2019 badge

This badge was distributed at the Hacktivity 2019 Security Conference attendees, it is based on the popular ESP32 processor by Espressif, has a small, but nice display, and includes an ARM-based chip, the Atmel ATSAMD21G16B co-processor, that manages the USB serial connection, the touch buttons, and the LEDs on the board. The co-processor communicates with the main ESP32 processor trough the I2C bus.

On the above repository, you will find detailed information on this board, including the connectors pinout and block diagram.

The ST7565-i2c LCD Arduino library

The Hacktivity 2019 badge has an ERC12864-10 display that uses the ST7565 chip to drive it. Arduino has some libraries able to drive this LCD display, but, unfortunately, none of them includes support for the I2C bus; they support the more popular SPI bus connection, but, in our board, the display is connected through the I2C serial bus.

To solve this issue I downloaded a very old Adafruit ST7565 library, supporting the SPI bus and modified it to support the I2C serial bus and did some other modifications:

  • support for the I2C serial bus

  • added support for big fonts (10x15) in addition to the existing small fonts (5x7). With small fonts you can have 8 lines of 21 characters, with big fonts you can have 4 lines of 11 characters;

  • fixed some minor issues.

This library is implemented in two files on this repository that reside in the same directory as the main Arduino sketch:

How To Use

First, you have to include the header file on your Arduino sketch and the Wire library header file, needed to use the I2C bus:

#include <Wire.h>
#include "ST7565-i2c.h"

Then you have to declare an object of type ST7565 with the following syntax:



DISP_CMD_ADDR is the I2C command address of the display (0x38 on this board)

DISP_DAT_ADDR is the I2C data address of the display (0x39 on this board)

finally, on the setup function you have to initialize the I2C bus:

Wire.begin(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL);

where PIN_SDA and PIN_SCL are the pin number of the two I2C signals SDA and SCL, in our board these values are 23 and 22 respectively.

Then, still in the setup function, you have to call the object initialization function:


where contrast is the contrast value. 0x18 is a good starting point, more information on the related datasheet.

Every drawing operations on this library will modify an internal buffer whose initial value is a nice "Hello Arduino" image; the content of this internal buffer will be transferred to the display only calling the display method as in the following example:


Writing text to the display

The library functions to write text consider the display having one horizontal coordinate (x) with a 1-pixel resolution, ranging from 0 to 127 and one vertical coordinate (line) with an 8-pixel resolution ranging from 0 to 7 that gives 8 text lines using the small font.

Please note that the big font will use two adjacent vertical lines.

The function to write text to the display is:

void drawstring(uint8_t x, uint8_t line, char *c, uint8_t fontsize);

x is the horizontal position, ranging from 0 to 127;

line is the vertical position, ranging from 0 to 7;

*c is a null-terminated string;

fontsize can be FONT_SMALL or FONT_BIG. With FONT_SMALL you can have 8 lines of 21 characters per line; with FONT_BIG you can have 4 lines of 11 characters per line, so FONT_BIG will need two adjacent lines.

Only ASCII characters will be correctly printed; if the the string is longer than a single line, it will wrap.

fontsize can be omitted and it defaults to FONT_SMALL.

An example:

glcd.drawstring(43, 5, "Hello",  FONT_SMALL);

Invert a line of text

To bitwise invert a line of text, to highlight it, there is the function:

void negativeline(uint8_t line);

an example:


Drawing Lines

To draw lines there is the drawline function:

void drawline(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t color);


x0 starting x coordinate (from 0 to 127);

y0 starting y coordinate (from 0 to 63);

x1 and y1 ending coordinates;

color in a monochrome display is usually BLACK;

example usage:

glcd.drawline(3, 7, 40, 60, BLACK);

Drawing rectangles

To draw rectangles there is the drawrect function:

void drawrect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t color);


x and y are the top left corner of the rectangle;

w and h are the width and height of the rectangle in pixels;

color in a monochrome display is usually BLACK;

example usage:


Drawing circles

To draw circles there is the function drawcircle:

void drawcircle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t color);


x0, y0 are the center of the circle;

r is the radius;

color in a monochrome display is usually BLACK;

example usage:

glcd.drawcircle(63, 31, 12, BLACK);

Filling rectangles

To fill a rectangle region there is the function fillrect, similar to the drawrect function:

void fillrect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t color);

Filling circles

To fill a circular region there is the function fillcircle, similar to the drawcircle function:

void fillcircle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t color);

Setting a single pixel

To set a single pixel there is the setpixel function:

void setpixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t color);

Drawing a bitmap

To draw a bitmap there is the drawbitmap function:

void drawbitmap(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, 
		  const uint8_t *bitmap, uint8_t w, uint8_t h,
		  uint8_t color);

Clearing the display buffer

To clear the display buffer there is the function clear:

void clear();

This clears the buffer only, to clear also the display you have to use the display function, as in the following example:


Displaying the buffer

Every operation, on this library, is done on the buffer, to have the buffer displayed on the display you have to use the display function:

void display();

example usage:


The SAMD-i2c LCD Arduino library to talk to the co-processor

In this board, the main processor, the ESP32, talks to the SAMD21 co-processor using the I2C serial bus.

LEDs, touch buttons, and the buzzer are connected to the SAMD21 co-processor, this means that the ESP32 processor has to talk to the SAMD21 co-processor to interact with these peripherals. To do so there is a simple I2C protocol (details on the SAMD21 firmware repository) that is encapsulated in the SAMD-i2c library.

This library is implemented in two files on this repository that reside in the same directory as the main Arduino sketch:

How To Use

First, you have to include the header file on you Arduino sketch and the Wire library header file, needed to use the I2C bus:

#include <Wire.h>
#include "SAMD-i2c.h"

Then you have to declare an object of type SAMD with the following syntax:



SAMD_ADDR is the I2C address of the SAMD21 co-processor (0x30 on this board)

finally, on the setup function you have to initialize the I2C bus, if not already done:

Wire.begin(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL);

where PIN_SDA and PIN_SCL are the pin number of the two I2C signals SDA and SCL, in our board these values are 23 and 22 respectively.

Get the touch buttons state

In the header files there are pre-processor definitions for each touch button:

#define BTN_ENTER  0
#define BTN_LEFT   1
#define BTN_RIGHT  2
#define BTN_EXIT   3
#define BTN_DOWN   4
#define BTN_UP     5

To update the touch buttons state you have to call the updateStatus function as in the following example:


Once the status has been updated you can inquire the status of a single touch button with one of the following functions:

bool isDown(uint8_t btn);

isDown returns true if the button btn is down (currently pressed);

bool isUp(uint8_t btn);

isUp returns true if the button btn is up (currently not pressed);

bool isPressed(uint8_t btn);

isPressed returns true if the button btn is currently pressed, but was not pressed on the previous state: it has just changed state;

bool isReleased(uint8_t btn);

isReleased return true if the button btn is currently not pressed, but was pressed on the previous state: it has just changed state.

Example usage:

if (samd.isDown(BTN_UP)) {
  // do something

Switch on a LED and set his color

To set a color LED you have to use the following function:

bool setLed(uint8_t id, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);


id is the LED id, from 0 to 5

r is the value for the RED color: 0 means switched off, 1 higher intensity, 255 lower intensity;

g is the value for the GREEN color: 0 means switched off, 1 higher intensity, 255 lower intensity;

b is the value for the BLUE color: 0 means switched off, 1 higher intensity, 255 lower intensity;

returned value is False in case of I2C communication errors, otherwise it is True

Example usage to set the LED number 4 to GREEN color, maximum intensity:


Switch off all the LEDs

To switch off all the LEDs with a single function call:


Switch on or off the display backlight

To switch on or off the display backlight there is the function setBl:

bool setBl(uint8_t blstatus);


blstatus is the backlight intensity: 0 switched off, 255 maximum intensity;

returned value is False in case of I2C communication errors, otherwise is True;

example usage to set display backlight near the maximum intensity:


Play a tone on the buzzer

To play a tone on the buzzer there is the buzz function:

bool buzz(uint16_t freq, uint16_t time);


freq is the frequency in Hertz;

time is the duration in milliseconds;

returned value is False in case of I2C communication errors, otherwise is True;

example usage to play a 1khz tone for 100 milliseconds:,100);

The Makefile

The included Makefile, based on the arduino-cli, is not needed when using the Arduino IDE, but can be useful if you, like me, prefer to edit files with your preferred editor (Emacs in my case) and then compile and upload the sketch using a traditional Makefile.

Typical usage is:

make compile  // compile the sketch without uploading
make upload   // upload the sketch using the USB serial interface
make          // compile and upload the sketch
make V=1      // verbose execution

It can be useful to read the content of this file that has a lot of comments.


A bit more than an "Hello World" for the Hacktivity 2019 badge with modified SAMD21 firmware to use it in the Arduino environment







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