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This repository contains the end to end solution to create google app script that connects with Basecamp Classic API and get the different set of datasets based on needs. The solution that described here solved our problem of generating timesheet from basecamp at Digicorp


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This repository contains the end to end solution to create google app script that connects with Basecamp Classic API and get the different set of datasets based on needs. The solution that described here solved our problem of generating timesheet from basecamp at Digicorp with few click and easy of use. this whole tutorial divided into following three sections.

  1. Core Library (
  2. Helper Class (
  3. Controller (

[Note : It is assumed that one will have basic knowledge of how to create google app script on google spreadsheet. So basic steps of creating script files and authorization of same is not included in this tutorial. You can refer Google App Script for more help ]

Core Library

We have created core library that contains generic functions and methods that used throughout the whole solution. These functions and methods are generic and can be used with any google script solution. It is nothing but the wrapper function and methods written on google app script functions and methods. Following details describes each of them

Function Type Description Input Output
Execute API Core Library Function to invoke API based on provided inputs url,username,password response
Get Active Sheet Core Library Function to get active spreadsheet sheetname spreadsheet
Insert Sheet Core Library Function to get create new sheet under active spreadsheet sheetname spreadsheet
Get Items Core Library Function to get child items for provided parent key from XML apiresponse','key items
Clear Sheet Core Library Method to clear sheet's content and formatting sheet -
Set Cell Value Core Library Method to set value in specific cell of sheet sheet,row,column,value -
Get Cell Value Core Library Method to get value of specific cell of sheet sheet,row,column -
Get Child Item Value Core Library Function to get value of specific child item of array array,index,key value

Execute API

Invoke function used to call basecamp api. it takes url, username and password as input arguments. Passes authentication details in header in base64Encoded format. Based on authentication, it responds with XML.

We created this function to invoke basecamp classic APIs. Throughout the whole implementation eventually this functions is invoked to connect with basecamp APIs and get the response.

 * Used to call api and return response XML
 * @param url  API URL
 * @param username Username
 * @param password Password
 * @customFunction
function Invoke(url,username,password) {
    var headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode(username + ':' + password),
        'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
        'Accept': 'application/xml',
        'validateHttpsCertificates': false,
        'muteHttpExceptions': true,
    var opt = {
        'headers': headers,
    var response;
    response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, opt).getContentText();
    return response;

Get Active Sheet

GetActiveSheet function used to get the active OR specific sheet of spreadsheet. it takes sheetname as input argument. in case if sheetname passed as blank string, it returns active sheet, otherwise it return the sheet provided as sheetname

We had need of get instance of Current Sheet and in some cases Specific Sheet. so we created a parameterized function that served purpose. To get the Current Active Sheet we can simply use this function with empty sting ('') and in case to get Specific Sheet we can simply use sheet name.

 * Get active sheet OR Get sheet by name
 * @param sheetname Name of the sheet.
function GetActiveSheet(sheetname) {
    var spreadsheet;

    if (sheetname == '') {
        spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
    } else {
        spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheetname);
    return spreadsheet;

Insert Sheet

InsertSheet function used to create new sheet with provided name in spreadsheet. it takes sheetname as input argument.

We created this function to create new sheet in active spreadsheet. We had requirement of creating new sheets with specific name in active spreadsheet runtime.

 * Create new sheet under spreadsheet
 * @param sheetname Name of the sheet.
function InsertSheet(sheetname) {
    var spreadsheet;
    spreadsheet= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().insertSheet(sheetname);
    return spreadsheet;

Get items

GetItems function used to create of array of child items for parent key from XML. It takes apiresponse in xml format and key. it parses xml response and returns child items array for specific key

Sample XML

<people type="array">
    <client-id type="integer">0</client-id>
    <created-at type="datetime">2006-05-11T00:00:00Z</created-at>
    <id type="integer">000000</id>
    <company-id type="integer">123456</company-id>

We are getting typical XML response from basecamp api as displayed above. To get the list of persons from people parent node, we created this function that helped to generate array of items for specific child key from passed XML.

* Get array of child items for provided parent key
 * @param  apiresponse XML response from called API
 * @param  key Parent key for which child items list required from response.
function GetItems(apiresponse,key)
  var items;
  var parsedresponse = XmlService.parse(apiresponse);
  items = parsedresponse.getRootElement().getChildren(key);
  return items;

Clear Sheet

ClearSheet method used to clear format and content of the sheet. It takes sheet as input argument and clears it. We had created this utility to clear sheet content and format as and when required. We had plenty of use cases where we need to regenerate the sheet and before doing it we need to clear it

 * Will clear sheet.
 * @param sheet Sheet that needs to be cleared
function ClearSheet(sheet)
        formatOnly: true,
        contentsOnly: true

Set Cell Value

SetCellValue method used to set the value in specific row and column

 * To set value of a cell
 * @param sheet Sheet contain cell on which value should set.
 * @param row Row on which value should set
 * @param column Column on which value should set
 * @param value Value which should set in cell
function SetCellValue(sheet,row,column,value)
  sheet.getRange(row, column).setValue(value);

Get Cell Value

GetCellValue function used to get the of value row and column of specified sheet

 * To get value of a cell
 * @param sheet Sheet contain cell of which value should get.
 * @param row Row on which value should get
 * @param column Column on which value should get
function GetCellValue(sheet,row,column)
  return sheet.getRange(row, column).getValue();

Get Child Item Value

GetChildItemValue function used to get the value from array from specific index for specific key

We had list of items in arrays and we need values of specific key from that array. we created this function to get the value of specific key from array on specific index

 * To get item from array
 * @param array Collection of items as an array.
 * @param index Index number for which item value to get
 * @param key Child item key
function GetChildItemValue(array,index,key)
  return array[index].getChild(key).getText();

Helper Class

We have created helper class that contains business logic specific functions and methods which will be called from controller on specific events. We conceived and created more generic business logic functions that helped us plenty of implementation around basecamp people,projects and time entries. Once can use these functions and methods few basecamp account related configuration changes.

Function Type Description Input Output
Constants Helper Class To use username, password and url throughout the helper class, it is defined as constants - `-``
Call Basecamp API Helper Class Function to call API and get response in XML xml response
Get People Helper Class Function used to get the list of People - people
Get Projects Helper Class Function used to get the list of Projects - projects
Get TODO Lists Helper Class Function used to get the list of TODO Lists subjectiid todolists
Get TODO Items Helper Class Function used to get the list of TODO Items todo_list_id todoitems
Get Time Entries Helper Class Function used to get the list of Time Entries fromdate,todate,subjectiid timeentries


To use username, password and url throughout the helper class, it is defined as constants. We kept this section for configuration purpose, so once can change configuration directly from here and start using it.

*This section defines the constants that will
*be used through out this helper Class
username = 'basecampusername';
password= 'basecampuserpassword'
url = ""

Call Basecamp API

CallBacampAPI function used to call basecamp API through core library function. It takes xml filename as input and creates API url and invokes to get response.We created this functions that take configurations from constants and Invoke core library functions to get the response.

* To call API and get response in XML format
* @param xml Name of XML that returns response.
function CallBacampAPI(xml) {
    var response;
    response = Invoke(url + xml, username, password)
    return response;

Get People

GetPeople function used to get the list of people from basecamp and returns array of people

* To call people.xml and get the list of people from basecamp
function GetPeople() {
    var people;
    var response = CallBacampAPI('people.xml')
    people = GetItems(response, "person");
    return people;

Get Projects

GetProjects function used to get the list of projects from basecamp and returns array of projects

* To call project.xml and get the list of people from basecamp
function GetProjects() {
    var projects;
    var response = CallBacampAPI('projects.xml')
    projects = GetItems(response, 'project')
    return projects;

Get TODO Lists

GetTODOList function used to get the list of TODO Lists from basecamp for specific project and returns array of TODO Lists

* To get the list of TODO Lists of specific project
function GetTODOList(subjectid) {
    var todolists;
    var todolisturl = 'projects/' + subjectid + '/todo_lists.xml'
    var response = CallBacampAPI(todolisturl);
    todolists = GetItems(response, 'todo-list')
    return todolists;

Get TODO Items

GetTODOItems function used to get the list of TODO Items from basecamp for specific todo list and returns array of TODO Items

* To get the list of TODO Items of specific TODO List
function GetTODOItems(todo_list_id) {
    var todolistsitems;
    var todolistitemsurl = 'todo_lists/' + todo_list_id + '/todo_items.xml'
    var response = CallBacampAPI(todolistitemsurl);
    todolistsitems = GetItems(response, 'todo-item')
    return todolistsitems;

Get Time Entries

GetTimeEntries function used to get the list of TODO Items from basecamp for specific todo list and returns array of TODO Items

We had need of get time entries of all projects and in some cases Specific Project. so we created a parameterized function that served purpose. To get the time entries of all projects we can simply used this function with empty sting (0) and in case to get Specific Project time entries we can simply use project id (subjectid) along with from date and to date.

* To get the list of Time Entries between date range.
* To get the list of Time Entries of Specific Project between date range
* @param fromdate From date
* @param todate To Date
* @param subjectid Project Unique ID (default value should be 0)
function GetTimeEntries(fromdate, todate, subjectid) {
    var timings;
    if (subjectid == 0) {
        var timetrackingurl = 'time_entries/report.xml?from='
        + fromdate + '&to=' + todate
    } else {
        var timetrackingurl = 'time_entries/report.xml?from='
        + fromdate + '&to=' + todate + '&subject_id=' + subjectid;

    var response = CallBacampAPI(timetrackingurl);
    timings = GetItems(response, 'time-entry')
    return timings;


A controller class contains methods and events that demonstrates the use of core library and helper class and get the desired output from basecamp classic and stored on google sheets.

Function Type Description Input Output
Create Menu Controller Event to create menu with submenu item - -
List People Controller Event to insert list of people in sheet - -
List Projects Controller Event to insert list of projects in sheet - -
List Time Entries Controller Event to insert time entries sheet - -

Create Menu

onOpen method used to create menu with submenu items in spreadsheet.

* To create menu on google sheet
function onOpen() {
    var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
    var menuItems = [
        name: 'Get People From Basecamp',
        functionName: 'ListPeople'
            name: 'Get Projects From Basecamp',
            functionName: 'ListProjects'
            name: 'Get Time Entries From Basecamp',
            functionName: 'ListTimeEntries'
    spreadsheet.addMenu('Sample', menuItems);

List People

ListPeople method used to get the list of people from basecamp using function GetPeople and insert into specific sheet

* To create sheet called "People" and get the list of people
* from basecamp and insert into sheet
function ListPeople() {
        var sheet = CreateSheet("People");
        var people = GetPeople();
        var count = 1;
        for (var i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
            var clientid = GetChildItems(people, i, 'client-id');
            var team = GetChildItems(people, i, 'phone-number-home');
            var firstname = GetChildItems(people, i, 'first-name');
            var lastname = GetChildItems(people, i, 'last-name');
            if (clientid == '0')
                SetCellValue(sheet, count, 1, firstname + ' ' + lastname);
                SetCellValue(sheet, count, 2, team);
                count = count + 1;

List Projects

ListProjects method used to get the list of projects from basecamp using function GetProjects and insert into specific sheet

* To create sheet called "Projects" and get the list of active projects
* from basecamp and insert into sheet
function ListProjects()
  var sheet = CreateSheet('Projects')
  var projects = GetProjects();
  var count = 1;
  for (var i=0; i< projects.length; i++)
    var company = projects[i].getChild('company').getChild('name').getText();
    var projectid = GetChildItems(projects, i, 'id');
    var projectname = GetChildItems(projects, i, 'name');
    var status = GetChildItems(projects, i, 'status')
   if (status=='active')
    SetCellValue(sheet, count, 1, projectid);
    SetCellValue(sheet, count, 2, projectname);   
    SetCellValue(sheet, count, 3, company);
    count = count + 1

List Time Entries

ListTimeEntries method used to get the list of time entries from basecamp using function GetTimeEntries and insert into specific sheet

* To create sheet called "Report" and get the list of time entries of
* between start date and end date
function ListTimeEntries() {
    var sheet =  CreateSheet('Report');
    var fromdate = '20160101' //1st January 2016
    var todate = '20160131' //31s January 2016
    var timeentries =  GetTimeEntries(fromdate, todate, '0');
    var count = 1;
    var values = [[]];
    for (var i = 0; i < timeentries.length; i++) {
      var date = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'date');
        var hrs = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'hours');
        var id = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'id');
        var personid = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'person-id');
        var projectid = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'project-id');
        var todoitemid = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'todo-item-id');
        var personname = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, 'person-name');
        var description = GetChildItems(timeentries, i, "description");

        if (values[0].length ==0)
        values =  [[date,hrs,id,personid,projectid,todoitemid,personname,description]];
         values.push([date,hrs,id,personid,projectid,todoitemid,personname,description ]);
    var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,values.length,values[0].length);
    range.clear({contentsOnly: true});


This repository contains the end to end solution to create google app script that connects with Basecamp Classic API and get the different set of datasets based on needs. The solution that described here solved our problem of generating timesheet from basecamp at Digicorp






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