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File metadata and controls

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This document describes the underlying architecture of osm-p2p-db, some background context, and rationale for the architecture decisions.


IndexedDB is a database that browsers expose to javascript running in web pages. To support IndexedDB for chrome, engineers from google released an embedded database written in C++ called LevelDB.

LevelDB has very good bindings in node.js and a vast ecosystem of libraries that build on top of the simple LevelDB API.

Unfortunately, the IndexedDB is not very simple, so most people building webapps for IndexedDB use wrapper libraries. Luckily, there are very good wrappers that present the node.js LevelDB API over top of the IndexedDB API. This means that libraries written for the leveldb API can work on the server using node.js and also in the browser using leveldb IndexedDB wrappers.

osm-p2p-db accepts an opts.db parameter that can be supplied by the C++ LevelDB implementation in node.js or by the IndexedDB wrappers when in the browser.


Some pieces of osm-p2p-db make use of another storage abstraction for accessing fixed-size contiguous blocks. osm-p2p-db expects an that conforms to the abstract-chunk-store API.

Chunk stores are instantiated with a fixed size for every chunk and they provide two methods: put and get. put stores a fixed-size buffer at some chunk index and get retrieves the fixed-size buffer at a chunk index.

On the server, chunk stores can efficiently provide access to files on disk with no additional overhead using a module such as fd-chunk-store, but in the browser, we have to use an IndexedDB wrapper such as idb-chunk-store.


osm-p2p-db provides indexes and actions on top of a hyperlog. hyperlog is an append-only persistent data structure that implements a merkle DAG. In a merkle DAG, nodes are addressed by the hash of their contents. To point at another document, a node must refer to the external document by its hash.

A node's address is the hash of its content, so if a node is modified or becomes corrupted, its hash will change and documents that linked at the old version of the node will not link to the new, modified version. This has important implications: it means that every change is preserved permanently in the history (like a wiki) and it means that if you know that a hash is trustworthy, you know that the node addressed by that hash is trustworthy, and every document pointed to by that hash is also trustworthy, recursively down to the first document.

This makes merkle DAGs robust against unreliable hardware, spotty network connections, and malicious tampering. It also means that gossip protocols can be safely used for peer to peer data replication, even if some peers are not entirely reliable or trustworthy.

Merkle DAGs also express an inherent causality of the data, because to link to another hash, you must know the hash of its contents. This means that if document B links to document A, document A must have come before document B.

Merkle DAGs should be familar to many programmers because they are the underlying data structure for git and many other distributed version control systems.

The hyperlog constructor expects a leveldb instance as its first argument and the library works in both node and the browser. The hyperlog instance is provided in an argument as opts.log to avoid stale versioning and to make it easier to use the log for other purposes or to present a log with the hyperlog API derived from some other underlying implementation for a similar reason as opts.db.

hyperlog data model

Each edit to osm-p2p-db creates a new log entry that points back at:

  • a single previous entry when there is an update to existing content
  • no previous entries when a new node is created
  • multiple previous entries to merge multiple forks into a single record

There are 3 types of elements in OSM: nodes, ways, and relations. Each element contains a type and changeset field.

Nodes have lat and lon properties:

{ type: 'node', lat: 65.5, lon: -147.3,
  changeset: '11684423598651588865' }

Ways have an array of refs:

{ type: 'way',
  changeset: '11684423598651588865',
  refs: [ '11892499690884077339', '1982521011513780909', '14062704270722785878' ] }

Relations have an array of members:

{ type: 'relation',
  changeset: '11684423598651588865',
  members: [
    { type: 'way', ref: '11159214216856885183' },
    { type: 'node', ref: '15822678485571473814' }
  ] }

Each member has the type of the document pointed at by ref and an optional role property.

When the documents are written to osm-p2p-db, they are given id and version properties.

The id is a random decimal string that uniquely identifies new documents. Updates to existing nodes use the same id as the document they replace. Ways and relations use arrays of these id strings to reference other nodes so that if a document changes, any ways and relations that reference the document will point at the latest versions.

In OSM, the id property is a monotonically increasing integer that uniquely identifies documents. The centralized OSM service ensures that two documents will not have the same id. However, there is no central service to enforce monotonically increasing integer id values in a p2p architecture so we rely on entropy to provide uniqueness. It is exceptionally unlikely that two large datasets will contain the same cryptographically random 20-digit decimal id for the scale of data likely to be encountered in osm-p2p-db.

For similar reasons, the version property is different in osm-p2p-db than in OSM. In OSM, versions are part of an optimistic locking strategy where version numbers monotonically increase by 1 for every change. This cannot work for osm-p2p-db because two users could both edit the same document while offline, resulting in multiple alternate contents under the same version values. Instead, osm-p2p-db uses the hash of the contents from the underlying hyperlog to provide a value for the version property. This way, two versions of the same document will never have the same version unless they also have the exact same contents.


Like OSM, documents in osm-p2p-db can be deleted. However, since hyperlog is an append-only data structure, true deletion of data cannot occur. Instead, a deleted document leaves behind a "tombstone", marking a particular OSM document as deleted.

This happens via hyperkv, which surfaces entries as either

  • { <key>: { value: <document> } } or
  • { <key>: { deleted: true } }

Causality is maintained, meaning a deletion tombstone links backward to the document(s) that it is indicating a deletion of.


In a DAG with causal linking, such as hyperlog, history is non-linear. You might have a document that was edited or deleted on different machines before replicating to each other:

        /---- B <--- C <--- (del) <---\
A <-----                               --- F
        \---- E <---------------------/

Here, the original document (A) was edited twice and then deleted on one machine, and edited once on another machine. After both sets of modifications were replicated to a single machine, another edit (F) took place.

This expression of data can be confusing when reasoning in the context of a linear-history system like OSM. There may not always be an obvious or unambiguous way of presenting the data that conforms with e.g. the OSM API, which assumes a linear history.

osm-p2p-db embraces the forking, ambiguous nature of data inherent in a distributed system, and exposes it unfettered through its API. The responsibility of managing forks is left in the hands of downstream modules, which could employ a variety of different possible forms: automatic merging, presenting a conflict resolution user interface, or others.


Each element must refer to a pre-existing changeset. Changesets are a way to batch changes up into logical groups. Think of changesets like commits in git.

Changesets should contain tags. Some common tags are comment and created_by.

Here is an example changeset:

{ type: 'changeset',
  tags: { comment: 'adding trailheads' } }

Like the other elements, changesets are given id and version properties automatically when they are written to osm-p2p-db.

hyperlog replication

Data replication with merkle DAGs is conceptually very simple: two peers that wish to replicate each advertise the hashes they have and then each peer downloads the documents that they don't have from the other.

There are some additional optimizations to this replication scheme that hyperlog provides for added efficiency during the initial hash discovery phase, such as a unique identifier to save the state of previous replication exchanges. Hyperlog has another trick for replication that uses the merkle structure to exchange a minimal amount of metadata using a binary search.

The interface for hyperlog replication is a general-purpose duplex stream. This interface makes it easy to support a wide variety of transports in both node and the browser without tightly coupling to a particular implementation.

Replication is performed by piping together the replication streams of two hyperlogs that back different osm-p2p-db instances. For example to replicate two instances in the same process:

var level = require('level')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var log0 = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log0'))
var log1 = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log1'))

var r0 = log0.replicate()
var r1 = log1.replicate()

If the nodes live on different processes or machines, we can use a transport, such as tcp:

tcp server:

var level = require('level')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var log = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log-' + Math.random())

var net = require('net')
var server = net.createServer(function (stream) {

tcp client:

var level = require('level')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var log = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log-' + Math.random())

var net = require('net')
var stream = net.connect('localhost', 5000)

Or websockets:

websocket server:

var level = require('level')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var log = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log-' + Math.random())

var wsock = require('websocket-stream')
var http = require('http')
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.end('beep boop\n')

wsock.createServer({ server: server }, function (stream) {

websocket client:

var level = require('level')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var log = hyperlog(level('/tmp/log-' + Math.random())

var wsock = require('websocket-stream')
var stream = wsock('ws://localhost:5000')

Or even without any server at all using webrtc or bluetooth! Or some other transport altogether! With streams we have the flexibility to easily support any combination of compression, encryption, stdin/stdout, ssh, or alternative transports that haven't even been invented yet.

The osm-p2p-db instances themselves do not need to get involved in the replication process at all, since the osm-p2p-db indexes are already hooked up to a live feed of hyperlog updates.

p2p replication

An important detail about hyperlogs and hyperlog replication is that the replication works according to a fully peer to peer model: each peer has unique information that is shared with partners in replication. There is no privledged node that centrally coordinates the state of the database. There is also no single point of failure that may become corrupted, inoperable, stolen, or confiscated. Instead there are many redundant backups.

For mapping projects that are far from grid power and cellular signals, redundant backups are a particularly important feature.

If we are operating in these environments with a fully peer to peer model, we should also rethink how conflicts are typically handled for data replication. In most databases that support replication, when two peers with different updates to the same keys try to replicate, the replication will fail or in the worst case the entire system goes into "merge conflict" panic mode where nothing can be done until the conflict is resolved. These are the failure modes of couchdb and git, among many others.

This not only provides a terrible experience for users of the software, it also forces an unpleasant and difficult activity that could just as well be deferred or handled by more experienced users or at a more appropriate time. Imagine the anxiety a merge conflict would create for a user desperately attempting to replicate over a slow radio uplink with a small time window and limited battery power. This would be the absolute worst time to be poking around in unfamiliar and obscure interfaces to carefully merge changes with the other node.

Instead, we can think of our database as a growing list of observations. Replication then becomes a simple matter of sharing our observations with a peer. If two observations "conflict", then the only honest thing the database can really say is that there are two most recent versions of a document. Diversity of opinion does not mean we need to enter into an extreme mode that demands our full attention for immediate resolution. If we think of the database as a repository of truth, it would also be unwise for our database to report falsehoods, such as erroneously picking a "winner" for a "conflict" according to some necessarily flawed heuristic approximation. There is no general solution to the problem of merging conflicts for human-generated data. These issues will always require thoughtful human judgement.

hyperlog indexes

osm-p2p-db is a kappa architecture. The basic idea in the kappa architecture is that there is an append-only log that stores immutable observations. The log feeds into a set of materialized views that pre-compute indexes for aggregate information contained in the log data.

For example, a log in a shop might append a new record for every purchase, and a materialized view might show the monthly sales total. Contrast this log-driven approach with a database that destructively updates a sales total in place. If there are errors in the collection procedure, malicious changes, or a different kind of sales total such as yearly needs to be computed, the log can easily support these issues whereas the mutable data cannot. The log is the source of truth, and many derived truths can be built on top of the log observations.

The hyperlog-index module provides an interface to create materialized views on top of a hyperlog. osm-p2p-db is internally composed of 3 hyperlog-index instances: a key/value store, a kdb tree spatial index, and a reference index.

Every hyperlog-index contains an indexing function that receives a record from the hyperlog as input and writes to some external data store with its view on the data. A tricky feature of hyperlogs is that they are merkle DAGs, which may point at many prior documents by their hashes, and indexes that deal with key/value data must take into account the inherent potential for forking versions.


We can borrow a useful idea from CRDTs called a multi-value register to handle forking presentations for key/value data. The multi-value register idea is very simple: for every key, always return an array of values. These values represent the heads of the merkle DAG for the given key, the documents which are not pointed at by any other document.

The hyperkv module is a hyperlog index used internally by osm-p2p-db that provides a multi-value register conflict strategy for the OSM documents. The keys given to hyperkv are handled by the id property from the data model and the values are the document bodies.

Lookups by id for hyperkv returns an object mapping document hashes to document contents and puts and deletes must refer to the hashes of previously known documents as opts.links.

spatial trees

The next piece in our architecture is a spatial tree to respond to bounding box queries. As documents are written to the hyperlog by hyperkv, hyperlog-kdb-index looks for nodes with lat and lon properties and inserts these coordinate pairs into a kdb tree.

Queries on the kdb tree return all the nodes contained within a bounding box, but not the ways or relations that don't directly have lat and lon properties.

reference index

The reference index is a hyperlog index that associates each node with any relations and ways that refer to the node by its id in their refs or members arrays.

Bounding box queries on the kdb tree contain only nodes, so the reference index augments the queries with ways and relations associated with each node in the results.