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erickpeirson committed May 23, 2017
1 parent 057bcef commit a68b90f
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Showing 11 changed files with 434 additions and 241 deletions.
247 changes: 191 additions & 56 deletions annotations/
@@ -1,12 +1,69 @@
This module provides annotation functionality using a rough approximation of a
factory pattern.
To load an annotator for a :class:`annotations.models.Text` instance, use
:func:`.annotator_factory` in this module. This will return an instance of a
subclass of :class:`.Annotator`\, whose ``render()`` method can be used to
directly generate a response in a view.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
from annotations.annotators import annotator_factory
from annotations.models import Text
def my_view(request, text_id):
\"\"\"My annotation view!\"\"\"
text = Text.object.get(pk=text_id)
annotator = annotator_factory(request, text)
return annotator.render()
To create a new annotator (e.g. to support annotation of a new content type),
implement a subclass of :class:`.Annotator`\. Each annotator must...
1. Implement the instance method :meth:`Annotator.get_content`\. It should
accept one parameter (``resource`` in the base method), a dict containing
information about the resource retrieved from the
:class:`repository.models.Repository` associated with the current
:class:`annotations.models.Text`. The specific data provided in this dict
depends on the configuration of the repository.
2. Specify the static property ``template``. This should be a ``str`` indicating
the relative path of the HTML template for this annotator.
3. Specify the static property ``content_types``. This should be a list of
``str`` MIME types that this annotator handles.
4. Be registered in ``ANNOTATORS``, below. If more than one annotator supports
a particular content type, the order in which those annotators appear in
``ANNOTATORS`` will dictate their priority.
You may also provide the static property ``display_template``, which will be
used to generate a read-only view for annotations.
The template (and its attendant client-side application, if there is one) should
use the REST endpoints provided by :mod:`annotations.views.rest_views` to create
:class:`annotations.models.Appellation`\, and
:class:`annotations.models.DateAppellation` instances. The REST views provided
by :mod:`annotations.views.relationtemplate_views` should be used to generate
:class:`.RelationSet` instances.

import requests
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from django.http import Http404
from annotations.tasks import tokenize
from annotations.utils import basepath
from annotations.models import TextCollection, VogonUserDefaultProject
from urlparse import urlparse

class Annotator(object):
Base class for annotators.
template = ''
content_types = []

Expand All @@ -24,45 +81,75 @@ def __init__(self, request, text):
'user': request.user,
self.text = text
self.resource = None

def get_content(self):
def get_content(self, resource):
raise NotImplementedError('get_content must be defined by a subclass')
This method should be implemented in a subclass.
def render(self, context={}):
return render(self.context.get('request'), self.template, context)
resource : dict
Data from the selected text's repository.
def render_display(self, context={}):
if not hasattr(self, 'display_template'):
raise Http404('No display renderer for this format.')
return render(self.context.get('request'), self.display_template, context)

class PlainTextAnnotator(Annotator):
template = 'annotations/vue.html'
display_template = 'annotations/annotation_display.html'
content_types = ('text/plain',)
raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in a subclass')

def get_resource(self):
Retrieve the resource represented by our :class:`.Text` instance.
if self.resource is not None:
return self.resource
if not self.text.repository:
manager = self.text.repository.manager(self.context['user'])
return manager.content(id=int(self.text.repository_source_id))
self.resource = manager.content(id=int(self.text.repository_source_id))
return self.resource

def render(self, context={}):
Render this annotator's template to a response.
def get_resource(self):
manager = self.text.repository.manager(self.context['user'])
return manager.content(id=int(self.text.repository_source_id))
context : dict
Extra context to be passed to :func:`django.shortcuts.render`\.
Note that keys that conflict with the return value of
:meth:`.get_context` will be overridden.
def get_content(self, resource):
return render(self.context.get('request'), self.template, context)

response = requests.get(resource.get('location'))
if response.status_code ==
return response.content
def render_display(self, context={}):
Render this annotator's display template to a response.
If :prop:`.display_template` is not set, will raise
context : dict
Extra context to be passed to :func:`django.shortcuts.render`\.
Note that keys that conflict with the return value of
:meth:`.get_context` will be overridden.
if not hasattr(self, 'display_template'):
raise Http404('No display renderer for this format.')
return render(self.context.get('request'), self.display_template, context)

def get_context(self):
resource = self.get_resource()
Expand All @@ -75,57 +162,71 @@ def get_context(self):
'baselocation' : basepath(request),
'title': self.text.title,
'next': resource.get('next'),
'next_content': resource.get('next_content'),
'previous': resource.get('previous'),
'previous_content': resource.get('previous_content'),
# 'source_id':,
'project': self.project

class PlainTextAnnotator(Annotator):
Generates index-offset annotations for plain text content.
template = 'annotations/vue.html'
display_template = 'annotations/annotation_display.html'
content_types = ('text/plain',)

def get_content(self, resource):
target = resource.get('location')
request = self.context['request']
manager = self.text.repository.manager(request.user)
endpoint = manager.configuration['endpoint']
if urlparse(target).netloc == urlparse(endpoint).netloc:
return manager.get_raw(target)
response = requests.get(target)
if response.status_code ==
return response.content

def get_context(self):
context = super(PlainTextAnnotator, self).get_context()
'next': self.resource.get('next'),
'next_content': self.resource.get('next_content'),
'previous': self.resource.get('previous'),
'previous_content': self.resource.get('previous_content'),
return context

class DigiLibImageAnnotator(Annotator):
Provides bounding-box annotations for images.
Content is loaded dynamically through a digilib gateway (e.g. Giles).
template = 'annotations/annotate_image.html'
content_types = ('image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg'
content_types = ('image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg',
'image/bmp', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-tiff',)

def get_resource(self):
if not self.text.repository:
manager = self.text.repository.manager(self.context['user'])
return manager.content(id=int(self.text.repository_source_id))

def get_content(self, resource):
The javascript controller in the template will use the content location
to make requests for specific regions of the image.

# parent_id ='content_for')
return resource.get('location')

def get_context(self):
resource = self.get_resource()

return {
'userid': self.context.get('request'),
'text': self.text,
'location': self.get_content(resource),
'next': resource.get('next'),
'next_content': resource.get('next_content'),
'previous': resource.get('previous'),
'previous_content': resource.get('previous_content'),
context = super(DigiLibImageAnnotator, self).get_context()
'next': self.resource.get('next'),
'next_content': self.resource.get('next_content'),
'previous': self.resource.get('previous'),
'previous_content': self.resource.get('previous_content'),
'location': context['content'],
'source_id': self.text.repository_source_id,
'project': self.project

return context

# TODO: implement this!
class WebAnnotator(Annotator):
Expand All @@ -144,15 +245,49 @@ class WebAnnotator(Annotator):

def annotator_factory(request, text):
Find and instantiate an annotator for a :class:`.Text`\.
Find and instantiate an annotator for a :class:`.Text` instance.
request : :class:`django.http.request.HttpRequest`
text : :class:`annotations.models.Text`
Will be an instance of an :class:`.Annotator` subclass.
for annotator in ANNOTATORS:
if text.content_type in annotator.content_types:
return annotator(request, text)

def supported_content_types():
Generate a list of MIME types for which we have an annotator.
return list(set([ctype for annotator in ANNOTATORS
for ctype in annotator.content_types]))

def annotator_exists(content_type):
Check whether or not we have an annotator for a particular content type.
content_type : str
A MIME type (or, really anything that appears in the ``content_types``)
property of an Annotator.
for annotator in ANNOTATORS:
if content_type in annotator.content_types:
return True
Expand Down
66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions annotations/
Expand Up @@ -1007,72 +1007,6 @@ def _set_terminal_nodes(self, value):

terminal_nodes = property(_get_terminal_nodes, _set_terminal_nodes)

def fields(self):
The fields that we need the user to fill to create a
:class:`.RelationSet` from this :class:`.RelationSet`\.
fields = []
for tpart in self.template_parts.all():
for field in ['source', 'predicate', 'object']:
evidenceRequired = getattr(tpart, '%s_prompt_text' % field)
nodeType = getattr(tpart, '%s_node_type' % field)
print nodeType
# The user needs to provide specific concepts for TYPE fields.
if nodeType == RelationTemplatePart.TYPE:
part_type = getattr(tpart, '%s_type' % field)
part_label = getattr(tpart, '%s_label' % field)
part_description = getattr(tpart, '%s_description' % field)
concept_id = getattr(part_type, 'id', None)
concept_label = getattr(part_type, 'label', None)
'type': 'TP',
'part_field': field,
'concept_id': concept_id,
'label': part_label,
'concept_label': concept_label,
'evidence_required': evidenceRequired,
'description': part_description,
elif nodeType == RelationTemplatePart.DATE:
part_type = getattr(tpart, '%s_type' % field)
part_label = getattr(tpart, '%s_label' % field)
part_description = getattr(tpart, '%s_description' % field)
concept_id = getattr(part_type, 'id', None)
concept_label = getattr(part_type, 'label', None)
'type': 'DT',
'part_field': field,
'concept_id': concept_id,
'label': part_label,
'concept_label': concept_label,
'evidence_required': evidenceRequired,
'description': part_description,

# Even if there is an explicit concept, we may require textual
# evidence from the user.
elif evidenceRequired and nodeType == RelationTemplatePart.CONCEPT:
part_concept = getattr(tpart, '%s_concept' % field)
concept_id = getattr(part_concept, 'id', None)
concept_label = getattr(part_concept, 'label', None)
part_label = getattr(tpart, '%s_label' % field)
part_description = getattr(tpart, '%s_description' % field)
'type': 'CO',
'part_field': field,
'concept_id': concept_id,
'label': part_label,
'concept_label': concept_label,
'evidence_required': evidenceRequired,
'description': part_description,
return fields

class RelationTemplatePart(models.Model):
Expand Down

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