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digitalbazaar edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 2 revisions

Apache+PHP and Monarch Benchmarks

This benchmark suite is used to benchmark Apache and Monarch to see how the
performance profiles look under heavy concurrent load.

The benchmarks require an installation of Apache and a fresh build of
Monarch to complete. The benchmarks are designed to run in a Unix environment -
Ubuntu, Mac OS X or most other variants. It helps if you run the servers on
one machine and the benchmarks from another machine. A fast network connection
is also required – 100Mbps is recommended, 1Gbps is ideal.

Monarch Benchmark Source Code

You can get the Monarch Benchmark source code by doing the following commands:

mkdir tmp
git clone git://

Installing and Running Apache

Install Apache2 with the prefork MPM Worker.
Install mod-php5 for Apache2.

cd tmp/monarch-benchmark/apache

Building Monarch

You can build Monarch from the source code available via Github:

mkdir tmp
git clone git://
./monarch-run pong

Running the Benchmarks

You can run a set of benchmarks by using the bench-url tool in the apache

cd tmp/monarch-benchmark/apache
./bench-url http://URL_TO_BENCHMARK/

By default, the data will be placed into a directory called testdata. You can
generate gnuplot graphs by running the following command:

./graph-data testdata

You can view the plots by doing the following:

gnuplot testdata/gnuplot-throughput.plot
gnuplot testdata/gnuplot-latency.plot

To benchmark Apache, do this:

./bench-url http://apache-webserver:8001/pong.php
mv testdata apache-data
./graph-data apache-data
gnuplot apache-data/gnuplot-throughput.plot
gnuplot apache-data/gnuplot-latency.plot

To test Monarch, do this:

./bench-url http://monarch-webserver:19500/data/128
mv testdata monarch-data
./graph-data monarch-data
gnuplot monarch-data/gnuplot-throughput.plot
gnuplot monarch-data/gnuplot-latency.plot