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Fixed fill not able to deal with certain JSON bodies
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The previous implementation of `fill` only worked with JSON bodies of the following form:

{"key": "value"}

It failed for requests where the value was not encoded as a string, such as these:

{"boolField": true}
{"intField": 1337}

This was caused by the implementation of fill using `paramOrNothing` to check for the existence of a parameter in the request. This has worked fine for url encoded request bodies as there the input has no type and can always be parsed as a string (e.g. `1337` can always be parsed as a string, while in json requests we have type information and only accept `"string"` as a string and raising an error for `1337` because it's a number)
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mpscholten committed Sep 23, 2021
1 parent d23fc7e commit 1cd563f
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Showing 2 changed files with 72 additions and 6 deletions.
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions IHP/Controller/Param.hs
Expand Up @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ paramOrError !name =
Just value -> case readParameterJSON @paramType value of
Left parserError -> Left ParamCouldNotBeParsedException { name, parserError }
Right value -> Right value
Nothing -> Left ParamNotFoundException { name }
_ -> Left ParamNotFoundException { name }
{-# INLINABLE paramOrError #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,12 +560,10 @@ instance (FillParams rest record
) => FillParams (fieldName:rest) record where
fill !record = do
let name :: ByteString = cs $! (symbolVal (Proxy @fieldName))
case paramOrNothing name of
Just !paramValue ->
case readParameter paramValue of
Left !error -> fill @rest (attachFailure (Proxy @fieldName) (cs error) record)
Right !(value :: fieldType) -> fill @rest (setField @fieldName value record)
Nothing -> fill @rest record
case paramOrError name of
Right !(value :: fieldType) -> fill @rest (setField @fieldName value record)
Left ParamCouldNotBeParsedException { parserError } -> fill @rest (attachFailure (Proxy @fieldName) (cs parserError) record)
Left ParamNotFoundException {} -> fill @rest record
{-# INLINABLE fill #-}

ifValid :: (HasField "meta" model ModelSupport.MetaBag) => (Either model model -> IO r) -> model -> IO r
Expand Down
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions Test/Controller/ParamSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ tests = do
it "should handle empty input as Nothing" do
(readParameter @(Maybe Int) "") `shouldBe` (Right Nothing)
(readParameter @(Maybe UUID) "") `shouldBe` (Right Nothing)
(readParameterJSON @(Maybe Bool) "") `shouldBe` (Right Nothing)

it "should handle empty Text as Just" do
(readParameter @(Maybe Text) "") `shouldBe` (Right (Just ""))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,13 +354,66 @@ tests = do
(readParameterJSON @Color (json "\"\"")) `shouldBe` (Left "Invalid value")
(readParameterJSON @Color (json "1337")) `shouldBe` (Left "enumParamReaderJSON: Invalid value, expected a string but got something else")

describe "fill" do
it "should fill provided values if valid" do
let ?context = createControllerContextWithParams [("boolField", "on"), ("colorField", "Red")]

let emptyRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }
let expectedRecord = FillRecord { boolField = True, colorField = Red, meta = def { touchedFields = ["colorField", "boolField"] } }

let filledRecord = emptyRecord |> fill @["boolField", "colorField"]
filledRecord `shouldBe` expectedRecord

it "should not touch fields if a field is missing" do
let ?context = createControllerContextWithParams [("colorField", "Red")]

let emptyRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }
let expectedRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Red, meta = def { touchedFields = ["colorField"] } }

let filledRecord = emptyRecord |> fill @["boolField", "colorField"]
filledRecord `shouldBe` expectedRecord

it "should add validation errors if the parsing fails" do
let ?context = createControllerContextWithParams [("colorField", "invalid color")]

let emptyRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }
let expectedRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def { annotations = [("colorField", "Invalid value")] } }

let filledRecord = emptyRecord |> fill @["boolField", "colorField"]
filledRecord `shouldBe` expectedRecord

it "should deal with json values" do
let ?context = createControllerContextWithJson "{\"colorField\":\"Red\",\"boolField\":true}"

let emptyRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }
let expectedRecord = FillRecord { boolField = True, colorField = Red, meta = def { touchedFields = ["colorField", "boolField"] } }

let filledRecord = emptyRecord |> fill @["boolField", "colorField"]
filledRecord `shouldBe` expectedRecord

it "should deal with empty json values" do
let ?context = createControllerContextWithJson "{}"

let emptyRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }
let expectedRecord = FillRecord { boolField = False, colorField = Yellow, meta = def }

let filledRecord = emptyRecord |> fill @["boolField", "colorField"]
filledRecord `shouldBe` expectedRecord

createControllerContextWithParams params =
requestBody = FormBody { params, files = [] }
request = Wai.defaultRequest
requestContext = RequestContext { request, respond = error "respond", requestBody, vault = error "vault", frameworkConfig = error "frameworkConfig" }
in FrozenControllerContext { requestContext, customFields = TypeMap.empty }

createControllerContextWithJson params =
requestBody = JSONBody { jsonPayload = Just (json params), rawPayload = cs params }
request = Wai.defaultRequest
requestContext = RequestContext { request, respond = error "respond", requestBody, vault = error "vault", frameworkConfig = error "frameworkConfig" }
in FrozenControllerContext { requestContext, customFields = TypeMap.empty }

json :: Text -> Aeson.Value
json string =
let (Just value) :: Maybe Aeson.Value = Aeson.decode (cs string)
Expand All @@ -370,3 +424,16 @@ instance ParamReader Color where
readParameter = enumParamReader
readParameterJSON = enumParamReaderJSON
instance InputValue Color where inputValue = tshow

data FillRecord = FillRecord { boolField :: Bool, colorField :: Color, meta :: MetaBag }
deriving (Show, Eq)

instance SetField "boolField" FillRecord Bool where
setField value record = record { boolField = value } |> modify #meta (modify #touchedFields ("boolField":))

instance SetField "colorField" FillRecord Color where
setField value record = record { colorField = value } |> modify #meta (modify #touchedFields ("colorField":))

instance SetField "meta" FillRecord MetaBag where
setField value record = record { meta = value }

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