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Menoetius is a timeseries storage system designed to store prometheus-compatible data.

Build requirements:
 - make
 - gcc
 - libmicrohttpd
 - libcrypto
 - libcunit (for testing only)



Running tests:

    # unit tests

    # we have some heavier-tests that ensure the server can handle reloading data after crashes
    # this test can take 10 minutes to run. If it fails, check the server.log file for additional errors
    ./smoke test1

Running the server:

    MENOETIUS_STORAGE_PATH=/tmp/storage_path MENOETIUS_INDICES=instrument,user_id ./menoetius-server
Sending data to the server via the cli:

    ./menoetius-cli put 'num_instruments{instrument="flute"}=3'

    # or send historical data
    ./menoetius-cli put 'num_instruments{instrument="flute"}=2@2019-10-23T17:10:02'

Fetching data to from server via the cli:

    ./menoetius-cli get 'num_instruments{instrument="flute"}'

    # this will output something similar to:
    1572537106 3.149999
    1572548947 3.149999
    1572548974 3.149999
    1572549018 6.000000

    # use the -t flag to format the time
    ./menoetius-cli get -t 'num_instruments{instrument="flute"}'

    # which will output
    2019-10-31T15:51:46 3.149999
    2019-10-31T19:09:07 3.149999
    2019-10-31T19:09:34 3.149999
    2019-10-31T19:10:18 6.000000

Querying metrics:

    # send metrics for 3 different instruments:
    ./menoetius-cli put 'num_instruments{instrument="triangle"}=0'
    ./menoetius-cli put 'num_instruments{instrument="guitar"}=2'
    ./menoetius-cli put 'num_instruments{instrument="flute"}=1'

    # then query all available LFMs:
    ./menoetius-cli query 'num_instruments'

    # which outputs

    # one can also query by labels:
    ./menoetius-cli query '{instrument="flute"}'

    # which outputs


    # build a release version
    make clean && make release

    # clear old storage (if applicable)
    rm /tmp/storage_path/*

    # start the server
    LOG_LEVEL=ERROR MENOETIUS_STORAGE_PATH=/tmp/storage_path MENOETIUS_INDICES=instrument,user_id ./menoetius-server

    # run a benchmark
    LOG_LEVEL=ERROR ./menoetius-cli benchmark

    # example output:
    benchmark progress: 100%
    sent 14400000 total samples in 61.434876 seconds
    number of metric names = 10000
    number of points per metric = 1440
    ingestion rate = 234394.55 metrics/second

Sample Benchmark:

    Running on a i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz
    test 1: 10,000 unique metrics named "benchmark{i=0..9999}"; each metric storing 3.14 as the value repeated 1,440 times.
    ingestion rate of 234394.55 metrics/second. Disk usage of 1.52 bytes per data sample (21MB*1024*1024 / 14,400,000 data points).
    test 2: 1,000 unique metrics named "benchmark{i=0..999}"; each metric storing 3.14 as the value repeated 14,400 times. (10x more data points, 1/10th metric names)
    ingestion rate of 254599.16 metrics/second. Disk usage of 0.37 bytes per data sample (5.1MB*1024*1024 / 14,400,000 data points).
    test 3: 100 unique metrics named "benchmark{i=0..99}"; each metric storing 3.14 as the value repeated 144,000 times. (10x more data points, 1/10th metric names)
    ingestion rate of 258741.93 metrics/second. Disk usage of 0.28 bytes per data sample (3.8MB*1024*1024 / 14,400,000 data points).
    TODO: need to get actual server metric timeseries to use for this benchmark, then add some graphs here.


Building a deb package: a dockerfile is provided for building a debian package, first
install docker, then run:


Writing data to the server: currently we only have a client library available
(see src/client/client.h), additionally the src/smoketest directory contains
examples of using the client.

Bug reports and pull requests can be submitted via the github project
located at

This program is distributed under the GPLv3.  Please see the file LICENSE
for full license information.


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